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Created By: Ismael Gomez

Common & Scientific Name:

The common name of this viral infection is called Mumps

or the mumps.
The scientific name of this viral disease is called Mumps

Structure & Growth

Mumps multiply silently for 12-25 days
before symptoms appear.

The virus incubates between 14-18 days

and then a viremia occurs for about 3-5 days

Incubate means to have an infectious disease

developing inside one before symptoms appear

Viremia is the presence of

viruses in the blood

General Information
What are the symptoms?

How do you get the disease?

Mumps spread from person to person via
droplets of saliva or mucus from the mouth,
nose, or throat of an infected person. Most of
the time, its happens when somebody
sneezes, coughs, or talks. It can also be
spread by the infected person touching things
or surfaces without washing their hands and
then someone else touches the same surface
or item they touched.

Loss of appetite
Low-grade fever
Swelling of the salivary glands

(below the ear)

Respiratory symptoms

Treatment & Mortality Rate:

Treatment/ Cure:
There is no current medication to treat the virus. Treatment for mumps is mainly
focused relieving the symptoms until your immune system can fight it off. Also,
there is a vaccine called MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) which can prevent it but
getting the disease:
not all cases
of mumps.
The best way to prevent mumps disease is to be vaccinated for mumps. Children
should be vaccinated when they 12-15 months or before kindergarten. This vaccination
also protects you against measles and rubella.



Extra Information
Mumps can affect the brain because about 10% of cases end up developing
38% of males who have gone through puberty can have inflammation of the
testicles when infected with mumps
Women who have mumps when pregnant have a high risk of having a
miscarriage in the first trimester
Mumps is no longer the only cause of swelling glands. Other causes are
cytomegalovirus, parainfluenza virus 1 and 3,influenza A, and HIV

Question/ Thought:
If I am pregnant and was in contact with a mumps case,
what are the risk for my baby and myself ?
During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of abortion.
Malformations following mumps virus infection during pregnancy have not been found. The
risks for the mother to get mumps are the same
Pregnant women should not receive mumps vaccine (i.e. not receive MMR vaccine). Women
who are not pregnant and receive MMR vaccine should avoid pregnancy for two months
after vaccination. You should speak with your GP if you have concerns.


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