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Group 3

Ria Oktaviani Sanjaya

Actrissia Aprilla Sandhy
Susanti Dwi Haryati

Description of the article

Title : Minimizing the Chaos through Cooperative

Classroom Management
Author : Gena Rhoades
Country : China
Year : 2013
Journal : English Teaching Forum number 4
Pages : 7 pgs (28-34) / After translated : 13 pgs


The research is based on the authors

experience of the complications of large

classroom management in teaching Moroccan
high school English teachers.

Minimizing the Chaos through Cooperative
Classroom Management
teacher set the class by asking student to

work together either in group or pair in order to

reduce confusion or chaostic situation.
teacher is allowed to do anything to create

learning environment as conducive as possible.

Research Question
Group work in large classroom
How the teacher place him/her self in some
places in one time?
How could the teacher hear what all the
teams discussing?
How could the teacher control the language?
How the teacher tell if one student had been
doing all the talking or if everyone had the
opportunity to participate?
As a member of group, how could hear one
How to control the noisy?

Using collaborative learning through group

o The ideal group size
o Forming groups
o Collect students information
o Keeping track of groups
Rainbow Learning
Setting expectation
Establishing consequences
Anticipating chaos
Rotating groups

The method proposed successful
The students enjoyed the activity
Students took active participation
Students explored them self well during

speaking time
Varied activities in every meeting could catch
students interest and make them engaged.
The activities give students much opportunity
to show their ability and encourage them to
speak more.

group work in large class is truly needed
students will all have the chance to speak

during whole class discussion when the color

is called
can minimize the chaos and control the class

Nowhere is collaborative learning and group work
more important than in the language classroom.
Dimanalagi collaborative learning dan kerja kelompok
dianggap lebih penting jika tidak di kelas bahasa.
Translation by using more general word
Because of the lightheartedness of how I introduce
these roles and consequences, my clear explanation
of the importance of everyones participation, and the
fact that I have given the students the responsibility
of deciding the consequences,
Karena kerendahan hati saya dalam memperkenalkan
peran-peran dan konsekuensi, penjelasan yang
gamblang akan pentingnya partisipasi setiap siswa, dan
fakta bahwa saya telah memberikan siswa tanggung
jawab dalam menentukan konsekuensi Paraphrase
using related word

The first couple of times

Pertama-tama paraphrasing using related

lower-level students

siswa yang tingkat kecerdasannya lebih rendah

paraphrasing using related word
The more ownership I give my students, the

better their buy-in is and the more likely they are

to live up to my expectations.
semakin banyak kepemilikan yang saya berikan
pada siswasaya, semakin baik mereka
membelinya dan semakin mereka hidup sesuai
ekspektasi saya. paraphrasing using
related word

they could discuss their Cultural Workshop

mereka dapat mendiskusikan Proyek
Lokakarya Budaya (Cultural Workshop
Projects-CWP) mereka. Translation using
a loan word plus explanation
and that can be overwhelming for me

dan hal itu akan menjadi sangat bising bagi

saya paraphrasing using unrelated

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