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This module will help students to:
Understand what healthy living is.
Identify components of heath
How one can achieve healthy living

What is healthy living?

Health: It is a state of complete physical, mental and

social well-being and not merely the absence of

disease (WHO, 1948).
Healthy living refers to steps, action and tactics that
should be put in place to attain ideal health.
It is taking accountability and making wise health
decisions for present and for future.

Components of health
(Tolle, 2004).

Physical Health
What is it?
It is the overall state of the organ system in the body.
A healthy persons systems work properly when the
individual feels well and is disease free (Ahmed,

Psychological and Emotional Health

It is the ability to cope well with mental challenges in

everyday life. Psychologically health people have the

mental capacity to deal with any crisis that may be
forced to endure at a point in their life (Tolle, 2004).
This also entails understanding and acceptance of
emotions, appropriate expression of emotions and
control over emotions

Social and Environmental health

Establishment of relationships
It is a state of health that one attains by forming

emotionally supportive and intellectually

invigorating relationships with those around them.
Giving and receiving caring, commitment and
contribution to good of community
Tolerance and respect for differences and realization
of ones interdependence with others
Social health can deteriorate as social networks
breakdown (Alters, 2010).

Intellectual Health
Is the capacity of an individual to use their

thinking and decision making skills to deal

properly with lifes challenges. Effective
intellectual skills helps individuals to take
control of their life (Ahmed, 2005).
Curiosity and on going learning
Critical independent thinking, creativity,
ability to grasp concepts, reasoning and logic,
application of understanding and knowledge

Spiritual Health
It is the belief that an individual is in a larger scheme

of life or were made for a particular reason. Many

people attain a sense of inner well-being as well as
emotional bliss due to believing in their life purpose
(Tolle, 2004).
This is connectedness to self, a higher power and
Connectedness in the form of prayer, worship,
meditation, contemplation
Searching for meaning and purpose, related values,
ethics, moral codes and integrity

Environmental Health
It is achieved when an individual is exposed to clean

and sanitary water and air. The management of

wastes and worrying social problem like crime and
family violence may lead to an individual attaining a
state of wellness .
Realization of ones dependence to nature and
committed to and contributing to human and
physical enviornment



Ways to attain health

Physical Health

Exercise; Balanced meals; Safe sex; Avoid alcohol and

substance use; Regular medical check ups;


Seek counseling; Seek support from family and friends;

Let go of negative aspects of life; take a break from stressful
life situations;

Social Health

Be more outgoing; Spend time with loved ones; join social

networks; have hobbies;


Read more; get enough rest; reflect on past mistakes and learn
from them;

Spiritual Health

Meditate; do soul searching,


Clean your habitat regularly; eat clean fresh food; sanitize

utensils properly

Managing your life

Time management (academic and free tie)

Money management
Stress management

Money Management
Suze Orman said:

Your financial life is like a garden. If you tend a

garden carefully, nourishing the flowers, pruning,
and weeding, its going to be a lot more beautiful
than if you just water it half-heartedly now and

Factors that influence the way you spend money


-What value do you place on money?

Peer pressure

-Influence that other people have on your thinking

about money and spending.
Goals you hope to achieve

-How does spending money affect your goals?

Self concept
If you have low self concept, you maybe easily

influenced by peer pressure.

You purchase not because you need the item but

because of the feeling it gives.

Basic knowledge
Knowledge will help you to make informed


Steps in Financial planning

To gain control of your financial life, follow these

1. Set financial goals
2. Make a budget
3. Expand financial knowledge
4. Monitor progress

1. Set financial goals

GOAL: What do you want to achieve financially? Take
the following into account:
Goal should be related to your values as this will
ensure that you are committed.
What is your current financial position?
Life stage that you are in will determine what your
goal is ( Student vs. somebody retiring)
Divide goals into terms: 5-10 yrs (long); 1-5 yrs
(medium) and 6-12 months (Short).
Have action plan for the goals.

Goals should be:

a) Specific
c) Attainable
e) Time bound
Prioritize goals in order to achieve those that are

most relevant at a specific time.

Evaluate regularly to ensure that you are attaining
the goals.

2. Make a budget
Why a budget?
It allows you to manage your money
It helps you reach your financial goals
Reduces stress
Draw and keep to your budget to manage your

finances and avoiding short falls.

Critical factors in a budget

IncomeHow much do you receive per month

-part time work

From parents
Needs-Things that you need every month
Differentiate between needs and wants.
Priorities-Things you would like to spend money
monthly priority list(must have list ).

Budget Outline




Pocket money






Keeping to your budget

Have financial goals
Make your budget an essential par of your life
Write down your budget
Take not of bank charges
Set limits for gifts
Be honest and realistic about your spending
Compare prizes
Account for every thebe you spend

3. Expand financial knowledge

Research more on;
Savings and investments
Effect of inflation on your investments
Returns and risks you can expect on investment and

4. Monitor progress
Review your financial plan regularly and measure if
you are achieving success.
Evaluate financial goals
Have an effective budget that you are adhering to

Live within your means
Have a culture of saving
Spend money on things that you really need
Get value for your money
Know amount you spend monthly
Avoid borrowing from others
Have money for emergencies

Financial difficulties are the main stressors in life.

Taking note of the above tips can help you avoid

unnecessary stress that can affect your studies.

Look ahead----Set financial goals

Stress Management
Unfamiliar environment subjects people to new

demands and can cause stress. To deal with stress,

one has to have an understanding of the nature and
causes of stress.
So we will define stress, identify its causes and assess
your ability to cope with stress and apply strategies
to manage stress.

What is stress?
It is the physiological reaction activated when a

person perceives a physical or psychological threat.

It is an automatic response to danger, during which
some substances (hormeones) are released resulting
in a series of reactions within the body.
There is ACUTE and CHRONIC stress.
Acute stress: It is sudden and intense. It manageable
and treatable. E.g. Avoiding car accident
Chronic Stress: Can be caused by continuing string
of stressful incidences or an on going situation. E.g..
Loneliness, caring for someone with chronic illness.

Good stress (EUSTRESS)

This is positive or motivational aspect of stress response. It
is stress that result in good consequences, that leads to
actions that are beneficial to a person. This can motivate
a person to perform constructively.
Example of what positive stress management can lead to:
Good concentration
Better coping skills
Increased energy
High productivity

Bad Stress (DISTRESS)

This is negative or debilitating aspect of the stress

response. Stress response is triggered by something

that is experienced as uncomfortable or painful.

Example of triggers of negative stress

Poor grades
Financial crisis
Too much work
Troubled relationships
Other disappointent/frustration

Six dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional,

social and environmental, intellectual, occupational

and spiritual) play a significant part in stress.
To address stress, one has to examine it within the
context of level of functioning across all the
How one functions in each dimension, influences
amount of stress you experience and ability to
manage it.

Cause of Stress
Stressor is the trigger that arouses the stress

response within the body and cause disturbance that

may lead to motivation (eustress) or cause you to
collapse (distress).
A stressor can be any event, situation, person or
object that a person perceives as stressful.
For example: psychological, physical,.
Stressors are a result of interactions between internal
and external conditions, your inner thoughts and
feelings and the people, things and events around

External Stressor




Inability to communicate, inadequate support network poor

quality family relationships

Crisis situations

Retrenchment, failing a test, arguments

Physical conditions

Injury, illness, disability


Heat, cold, noise, uncomfortable chair,

Prevalent diseases, political change

Task overload

Having to much to do at the same time

Internal Stressors


State of mind

Emotions (anger, grief, )

Attitude, Fears, anxieties,

Conflicting values

Self concept


Things that cause stress or discomfort without you being

able to identify the source of the discomfort.

Coping with Stress

How you cope with stress


Balanced life style

When coping with stress, consider the following:

Physical health
Resting and relaxation
Identify areas you feel are a priority to work on
Manage your stress

Managing Stress
Know yourself and determine your stress level
Self monitoring
Keep a stress diarywill identify stressors

2.Positive thinking
Focus on the positives. View negatives as
Remove negative vocabulary from your speech and

3. Eat a balanced meal and exercise

4. Manage time
5. Make time for relaxation
6. Learn to be tolerant, flexible and adaptable
7. Have a sense of humor-have fun and pleasure in your life
8. Dont ask WHY, rather ask WHAT (what can I do
differently, what have I learnt)
9. Forgive others ( you let go of anger, shame, guilt and
10. Enjoy nature

Time Management
Why should you manage time?
To be able to achieve more
Experience less stress
Can be able to rearrange timetable should
circumstances demand
Prevent procrastination and excuses
Enables you o carry your workload calmly and
efficiently which facilitate creative thinking and
improved capacity for learning.
One will be motivated, and will be in control

Effective time management

To be able to manage time effectively , you need:
1. Set goals: What do you want to achieve?
2. Determine priorities
Sort your priorities. What activities are important to
Be aware of the activities you undertake in different
life role that make your daily routine ( student,
worker, homemaker, etc).

When sorting your priorities, consider the following:



1. Activities that are necessary

Eating, sleeping, studying

2. Activities that you want to do

(they are important and
meaningful but can be missed)

Sports, socializing

3. Create time schedule

Focus on your needs and activities. Personalize your
4. Adhere to your time schedule
Have your schedule all the time
Bear in mind your goals
Be assertive
Stay motivated and disciplined

5. Use a diary
This will help you keep track of what you have to do
and to remember important activities.
Write down all you activities (academic, social)
What to include in a diary
Test dates
Study time for each subject
Personal dates (birthdates )
Carry your diary at all times

6. Plan on a term or year planner

This helps to plan ahead.

Dealing with time wasters

Time waster

How to deal with them

Unexpected visitors

Note on a door
Tell friend in advance about your schedule

Cell phone

Switch if off, put on silence.

Internet and e-mail

Consider purpose on computer

Determine duration on internet
Have specific time for internet browsing


Watch only he programs that are of interest


Set objectives
Stick to your plan
Have smaller manageable tasks
Know WHY you do or dont do certain things
Move deadlines earlier to ensure that you are always

Tips for saving time

Be assertive: It is okay to say NO.
Find a quite place to work, to avoid interruptions.
Learn to delegate and ask for support
Do similar tasks at one time e.g. going to library for

different subjects
Be realistic about your time
Revisit your schedule at least once a week to check
your responsibilities for coming week
Read your study guides

Human Sexuality and HIV and AIDS

Reproductive health
HIV, AIDS and other STIs

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