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Shuttle Stops

Yazmine Craft, JaKayle Lide,

Arnisha Westry, Jasmine
Laspley, Johathan

and College
Many college kids stress about many things
while in school such as grades, finals, food, and
etc; but one thing that is high on the list is
transportation. Many college kids majority
freshman stress sometimes about how they are
going to get to class in a mannerly time. Many
students dread the walk from their dorm to their
next class and want a for sure way of getting to

Purpose of
this study
The campus of NCAT does have shuttle
transportation, but still there are some
problems. We are conducting this study to find
the underlying problems students face with the
shuttle and how we can fix them.

The availability of shuttle service is essential to a large
university. Many students move off campus after their first
year, which means they have to commute to and from the
university. Shuttle services make it easier for students to
commute to and from the university. However, the shuttle
service is only convenient to an extent.
The shuttles only stop at a select few locations, leaving
students to walk the remaining distance to their
The shuttles also stop running before some students get out
of their last class.

A survey was conducted by using Survey Monkey and was given
to 30 NCAT students. The questions are as follows:
If you could add a shuttle stop on campus where would it be?

() The dome () Your dorm () Another building besides ACB and GCB
ex. Webb

What time do you think the shuttle should end?


() At its regular time: 6 () Midnight () An hour after the last class

Do you think the shuttle is too small ?

Results for Question 1

Results for Question 2

Results for Question 3

Results for Question 4

Results for Question 5

From the results of the survey, students would prefer having stops at the Aggie Dome and
should end by midnight. This could be solved if North Carolina A&T had survey to determine
what students think is best fitting for the Aggie Shuttle.
Develop an online fundraiser
According to the survey, many students believe that the ratio of buses and students are not
compatible. If students create a fundraiser, newer and better buses would be added into the
File a complaint
If numerous of students file a complaint to the Aggie Shuttle about having trouble getting to
class on time, North Carolina A&T would consider having the time of the routes changed and
or have busses changed.

After doing our research we have come to the conclusion that students feel that if the
the shuttles fix their system a bit it can help this academically. So we can fix the
shuttle system by making one or two busses bigger and having them run till midnight.
Then that can give some more students campus jobs by helping with the busses. It
might be a little costly but we can do fundraisers, because some students cannot
afford for another bill.

Word cited page

SurveyMonkey. "Sign into Your Account." SurveyMonkey - Log in. N.p., n.d.
Web. 30 Nov. 2016.
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