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Four Point Hotel by Sheraton, Bandung

Dasar Hukum dan Pengertian
Standar Prosedur Operasional
Bentuk-bentuk SPO dan Manfaatnya
Penyusunan SPO
Keberlakuan SPO
Perannya dalam pembuktian Sengketa Medik

Hak Dokter dan Hak Pasien

Pasal 50 UU N0 29 tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran
Dokter atau dokter gigi dalam melaksanakan praktik kedokteran
mempunyai hak memperoleh perlindungan hukum sepanjang
melaksanakan tugas sesuai dengan standar profesi dan standar
prosedur operasional;

Pasal 32 UU No 44 tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit

Setiap pasien mempunyai hak memperoleh layanan kesehatan yang
bermutu sesuai dengan standar profesi dan standar prosedur
Setiap pasien mempunyai hak menggugat dan/atau menuntut Rumah
Sakit apabila Rumah Sakit diduga memberikan pelayanan yang tidak
sesuai dengan standar baik secara perdata ataupun pidana


Permenkes No 1438 tahun 2010 tentang
Standar Pelayanan Kedokteran
Pasal 6
PNPK disusun oleh sekelompok pakar yang .
dan disahkan oleh Menteri
Pasal 11
SPO disusun oleh staf medis pada fasyankes
yang dikoordinasi oleh Komite Medis dan
ditetapkan oleh Pimpinan fasyankes


Permenkes No 1438 tahun 2010 tentang Standar
Pelayanan Kedokteran
Pasal 13
(2) Kepatuhan kepada PNPK dan SPO menjamin
pemberian pelayanan kesehatan dengan upaya
terbaik di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, tetapi
tidak menjamin keberhasilan upaya atau
kesembuhan pasien
(3) Modifikasi terhadap PNPK dan SPO hanya
dapat dilakukan atas dasar keadaan yang
memaksa untuk kepentingan pasien, antara

Standar Prosedur Operasional

Permenkes No 1438 tahun 2010 tentang Standar
Pelayanan Kedokteran
Pasal 1
untuk menyelesaikan proses kerja rutin
tertentu, atau langkah yang benar dan terbaik
melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan dan fungsi
pelayanan yang dibuat oleh fasilitas pelayanan
kesehatan berdasarkan standar profesi

Standar Prosedur Operasional

Permenkes No 1438 tahun 2010 tentang Standar
Pelayanan Kedokteran
Pasal 10
(3) SPO harus djadikan panduan bagi seluruh
tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas pelayanan
kesehatan dalam melaksanakan pelayanan
(4) SPO disusun dalam bentuk Panduan
Praktik Klinis (clinical practice guidelines)
yang dapat dilengkapi dengan alur klinis

SOP-AC-19-019 : Daily Wages Payment Format [Accounts]

SOP-AC-20-020 : Indoor Bill [Accounts]
SOP-AC-21-021 : Subsidy Application [Accounts]
Healthcare Standard OperatingProcedure


Back to SOP Service

Healthcare SOPs - Accounts

SOP-AC-22-022 : P & L Statement [Accounts]

SOP-AC-23-023 : Bank Accounts Book [Accounts]

SOP-AC-24-024 : Cheque Records Register [Accounts]

SOP-AC-01-001 : General Billing Guidelines [Accounts]
SOP-AC-25-025 : Doctor's Professional Income Calculation Sheet [Accounts]
SOP-AC-02-002 : Computing Gratuity [Accounts]

SOP-AC-03-003 : Billing for patients [Accounts] Healthcare SOPs - Administrative Services

SOP-AC-04-004 : Cash Management [Accounts] SOP-AD-01-001 : Grooming Standards [Administrative Services]
: Procedure to release Medical Information [Administrative Services]
SOP-AC-05-005 : Concession policy for the underprivileged
SOP-AC-06-006 : Roles and Responsibilities of Cashier
[Accounts] : Hospital Indemnity Policy [Administrative Services]
: Records of Doctors with Departments [Administrative Services]
SOP-AC-07-007 : Roles and Responsibilities of Accounts
Officer [Accounts]
SOP-AD-05-005 : Records of Technicians with Departments [Administrative Services]
SOP-AC-08-008 : Cash Voucher formats [Accounts]
SOP-AC-09-009 : Receipt Book [Accounts]

SOP-AD-06-006 : Records of Facilities [Administrative Services]

SOP-AC-10-010 : Clearance Form [Accounts]

SOP-AD-07-007 : Brochure Information related to hospital [Administrative Services]

SOP-AD-08-008 : Roles and Responsibilities of officers [Administrative Services]

SOP-AC-11-011 : Full and Final Settlement [Accounts]
SOP-AC-12-012 : I Owe You [Accounts]

SOP-AD-09-009 : Roles and Responsibilities of Medical Superintendent / Medical Directo

SOP-AC-13-013 : Indent for Cash [Accounts]

SOP-AC-14-014 : Local Conveyance Bill [Accounts]
SOP-AC-15-015 : Over Time Sheet [Accounts]

Dalam Pelayanan Klinis

Plans: the arrangement in advance on how to perform
a certain activity.
Algorithma: the series of sequential steps in managing
a clinical problem. This could be didactic or may
contain alternatives chosen through decision-making
Pathways : predicted or planned series of sequential
work processes in managing a clinical problem. Work
flow or care pathways are depicted schematically as
work flow diagrams or charts.
Work Schedule : sets of care packages usually depicted
as tables/matrices containing tasks arranged, bundled

SOP in Patient Care

1. Menguraikan cara yg akseptabel tentang tatalaksana kasus
2. Menerangkan tujuan tata-laksana (expected
outcome, therapeutic end points)
3. Mengidentifikasi berbagai kebutuhan pasien dan
memberikan alternatif (Care pathway)
4. Menggambarkan garis besar tata urut kegiatan
dalam tata laksana (Work schedule, Care plan)
5. Pembagian tanggungjawab (organization of the
care team)
6. Menentukan batas kendali proses dan hasil

and Policy

Jun 11, 2014Makna




Standards provide rules or minimum requirements
for clinical practice. They are regarded as generally
accepted principles of patient management.
Standards may be modified only under unusual
circumstances, e.g., extreme emergencies or
unavailability of equipment.
Guidelines are systematically developed
recommendations that assist the practitioner and
patient in making decisions about health care. These
recommendations may be adopted, modified, or
rejected according to clinical needs and constraints
and are not intended to replace local institutional
policies. In addition, practice guidelines are not
intended as standards or absolute requirements, and



Filosofi dan Strategi

1. Application of modern management concepts and techniques
2. Ensuring that the plan is feasible and acceptable to users
3. Based on evidence-based medicine
4. Imbued with the Total Patient Care concept
( (Holistic Care)
5. Reflect a team approach (care through interdisciplinary
involvement and collaboration)
6. Incorporation of quality standards and quality control
7. Cater for an enlightened patient, advocate empowerment
and encourage self help
8. Harness information technology

Rosoff AJ. Annals of Health Law,


Penyusunan SOP dalam bentuk

SOP diperoleh dari data yang memenuhi EBM
Dicari prosedur yang paling efektif melalui comparative effectiveness
Dicari yang paling efisien melalui cost effectiveness analysis
Jadikan Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) : "systematically developed
statements to assist practitioner and patient decisions about
appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances."

The concept of CPGs is still not universally accepted and supported.
It commonly happens that numerous guidelines exist for a particular
condition or treatment.
perhaps many, where a "one size fits all" approach is not appropriate.
CPG dianggap hearsay, tapi dengan pengecualian professsional

Rosoff AJ. Annals of Health Law,


Pengembangan vs Penghematan
If a health plan will only cover treatments that are proven
effective and cost-efficient, especially if the bar for this
proof is set high, new approaches will be harder to
To achieve an optimal balance between necessary cost
containment and desirable medical progress there must be
adequate opportunities built into the system for trying new
drugs, devices, techniques, and other innovative medical
Innovation must continue, but it must be managed and
measured. Harus ada tim/panel ahli yang menjadi juri

Benefits of SOP
From an operations management
perspective, a SOP is used for the following
1. Provide information, guidance and decision
2. Clarify objectives and targets
3. Facilitate conformance to prescribed
approaches and methods
4. Be the standard/specifications for quality
measurement and control

Benefits of SOP 2
For the care provider, formalized planning of care,
guided by pre-designed plans, provides many
advantages including:
1. Facilitate a more structured plan
2. Ensure comprehensive content
3. Encourage proper choice of investigations and
treatment (remove redundancy / duplication & wastage)
4. Encourage better resource utilization
5. Provide information and decision support (prompts &
6. Give a clear picture of future actions
7. Communicate intentions to the care team (shared

Benefits of SOP 3
From a service or organization-wide managerial
perspective, the use of SOPs can engender the
1. Promote uniformity and standardization
2. Render a degree of predictability in the supply of
various resources
3. Facilitate conformance by setting the standard or
specifications for quality measurement and control
4. Encourage equitable care and remove bias
5. Improve staff knowledge, skills and behaviour



Pokok Pikiran
Dokter dan dokter gigi memperoleh perlindungan hukum
apabila telah melakukan sesuai dengan standar profesi dan
standar prosedur operasional
Salah satu bentuk SPO adalah Panduan Pelayanan Klinis
Meskipun CPG sering dianggap hearsay, tetapi oleh karena
dibuat berdasarkan EBM, disepakati untuk digunakan
bersama, maka dengan doktrin learned treatises dan
professional reliability CPG dapat dianggap sebagai alat
bukti (dalam hal ini adalah sebagai standar atau yang
diharapkan akan dilakukan oleh peer bila dihadapkan pada
situasi kondisi yang identik)
Peraturan perundang-undangan sudah mengeksplisitkan

Rosoff AJ. Annals of Health Law,


Memahami CPG
Clinical Practice Guidelines are statements that include
recommendations intended to optimize patient care.
They are informed by a systematic review of evidence
and an assessment of the benefits and harms of
alternative care options.

Rosoff AJ. Annals of Health Law,


Memahami CPG
Guidelines should:
*be based on a systematic review of the existing evidence;
*be developed by a knowledgeable, multidisciplinary panel of experts
and representatives from key affected groups;
*consider important patient subgroups and patient preferences, as
*be based on an explicit and transparent process that minimizes
distortions, biases, and conflicts of interest;
*provide a clear explanation of the logical relationships between
alternative care options and health outcomes, and provide ratings of
both the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendations;
*be reconsidered and revised as appropriate when important new
evidence warrants modifications of recommendations.

Kekuatan SOP :
how applicable it is to the case
whether the CPG was relatively free of controversy
and reflected in the common practices of the medical
community at the time the care was provided
whether there were any other guidelines or literature
addressing the same issue
the language in which the guideline is expressed
the authors and the process used to draft the
The most authoritative CPGs are typically based on
evidence from randomized, controlled trials

Ilustrasi kasus 1
Seorang kardiolog memeriksa pasien yang mengeluh nyeri
dada dan kemudian meminta pemeriksaan chest x-ray,
EKG pada istirahat dan saat treadmill. Kardiolog
menyimpulkan pasien tidak perlu dirawat. Pasien
meninggal di rumah 3 jam kemudian dengan
cardiopulmonary arrest. Janda pasien menuntut malpraktik
karena dianggapnya kardiolog melanggar standar.
Pengadilan mengacu kepada Panduan yang diterbitkan the
American College of Cardiology dan American Heart
Association yang dipedomani oleh dokter kardiolog
tersebut. Pasien naik banding, pengadilan banding
memperkuatnya. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa Panduan
tersebut sebagai Standard of Care bagi profesi. Pengadilan

Ilustrasi kasus 2
Seorang SpU melakukan ESWL terhadap pasien.
Setelah selesai ia memeriksa dengan USG untuk
memperlihatkan kepada pasien bahwa batu ginjalnya
telah hilang.
Pasien masih mengeluh sakit sehingga melakukan
pemeriksaan ke rumah sakit lain. Di sana dilakukan
CT Scan karena dokternya sudah diberitahu kalau
sebelumnya telah di USG. Hasilnya terlihat batu ginjal
masih ada.
Pasien menuntut dan dimenangkan, karena dalam
SPO tertulis bahwa penegakan diagnosis batu ginjal

Ilustrasi kasus 3
Seorang pasien, anak usia 6 bulan menderita gejala alergi sejak mulai
makanan tambahan selain ASI. Makin lama makin berat.
Dokter menduga pasien mengalami alergi terhadap susu sapi,
sehingga pasien diberi susu yang tidak mengandung susu sapi, dan
diberi obat Cetrizine. Pasien membaik.
Orang tua pasien menuntut pidana kepada dokter karena dianggap
telah mencoba membunuh anaknya, hanya karena ia melihat tulisan
tidak direkomendasikan bagi anak di bawah 2 tahun di kemasan
obat tsb.
Di Kepolisian ditunjukkan Panduan Klinis IDAI disertai berbagai
literatur yang membolehkan penggunaan obat tsb bila sangat
diperlukan. Kata tidak direkomendasikan hanya karena belum ada
evidence, tetapi secara analisis tidak berrisiko. Polisi menyetujuinya
dan menghentikan penyidiikan.

Ilustrasi kasus 4
Seorang pasien menderita blokade parsial arteri left
common carotid, sehingga dilakukan carotid
endarterectomy dan berakhir dengan stroke sehingga
terjadi kerusakan otak permanen dan disabilitas.
Pasien menuntut dokter karena dokter tidak
menjelaskan bahwa ada pengobatan lain yg tidak
berrisiko, yaitu terapi chelation sebagai terapi
Pengadilan menganggap kasus ini tidak perlu
disidangkan karena dari berbagai Panduan Klinis
menyatakan bahwa terapi chelation tidak diakui
sebagai pengobatan yang akseptabel untuk
aterosklerotik koroner maupun arteri lain.

The use of CPGs in medical malpractice has evolved
over several decades of case law, legal precedence, and
rules and regulations and is the source of continued
debate. Key in this discussion is the appropriate use of
CPGs to establish impartial and scientifically sound
support for expert testimony. (Mackey TK and Llaing BA.
AMA Journal of Ethics, January 2011)
Peraturan Perundangundangan (UU Praktik Kedokteran,
UU Rumah Sakit, dan Permenkes 1438/2010)
menyatakan bahwa kepatuhan kepada SOP merupakan
perlindungan hukum bagi tenaga kesehatan, meskipun
tidak menjamin kesuksesan hasil

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