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Site Surveying

Area & Volume measurement

Lecture contents

Regular areas
Irregular areas
Mass haul diagram

Calculation for areas and volumes for
earthworks, cuttings, embankments etc.
Data needed for calculation
Survey data and notes
Area calculated from field notes
Data converted into coordinates or plotted
Existing map or plan e.g. certified plan (CP)

Regular areas

Regular area

Total area = 777.16 m2

Regular area

Total area = 519.12m2

Regular area

Total area = ? m2

Irregular areas
Have at least one curved side
Calculated using:
Trapezoidal rule
Simpsons rule

Trapezoidal rule:
Area = strip width x [(first + last offsets)/2) + (sum of other

Simpsons rule:
Area = strip width x [(first + last offsets) + 2(odd offsets) +
4(even offsets)]

Simpsons rule slightly more accurate than trapezoidal


The figure above shows the field notes of the linear survey of a plot
of ground, lying between a straight kerb PQ and a curved fence. The
length of the kerb is 60 metres and the offsets are taken at regular
intervals of 10 meters

Using trapezoidal rule:
Area = strip width x [(first + last offsets)/2) +
(sum of other offsets)]
Area = 10 x [(4.0 + 4.0 / 2)]
+4.5+5.1+6.5+6.3+5.1 = 315 m2

Using simpsons rule:

Area = strip width x (first + last offsets) +
2(odd offsets) + 4(even offsets)
Area = 10 x [(4+4) + 2(5.1 + 6.3)
+4(4.5+6.5+5.1)] = 317.3 m2

More example
A series of perpendicular offsets in Table below were
taken from a survey line to a curved boundary.
Determine the area by using Trapezoidal Rule and
Simpsons Rule. Comment the answers between the two















Using trapezoidal rule:
Area = strip width x [(first + last offsets)/2) + (sum of other offsets)]

= 66.8 m2
Using simpsons rule:
Area = strip width x (first + last offsets) + 2(odd
offsets) + 4(even offsets)
= 68.5 m2
The Simpsons Rule gives more precise area
compare to Trapezoidal Rule. This is due to the fact
that the Trapezoidal rules assumes that the offsets
are joined by straight lines not curve

More exercise
Calculate using Trapezoidal and Simpsons rules

Answer: Trapezoidal = 188m2, Simpson = 196.67m2

Difference between Trapezoidal

and Simpsons Rule

Planimeter (Irregular area)

Planimeter is the instruments which automatically measure the area of any

irregular sided figure drawn on a map or a sheet of paper. Traditionally,
mechanical devices were used, but these have now been superseded by
digital instruments. The accuracy of the shape is high even the shape is

Calculate area by coordinates

An example of the calculations is shown below. A solution has been
provided for areas by coordinates and areas by triangles. For
convenience the coordinates of point one have been reduced to

Calculate area by coordinates

By Coordinates
2A = [(59.897*(-82.074)) + (15.017*(-51.683))] [(-45.666*(15.017)) + ((-82.074*(-31.276))]
2A = (- 4915.99 - 776.12) - (- 685.77 - 2566.95)
|A| = 3786.65 square units


The excavation, removal and dumping of earth is a frequent operation in

building or civil engineering works. In the construction of a sewer, for
example, a trench of sufficient width is excavated to given depths and
gradients, the earth being stored in some convenient place and then
returned to the trench after the laying of the pipe.

Any material left over after reinstatement must be carted away and disposed
of. In basement excavation, probably all the material dug out will have to be
carted away, but for embankments the earth required will have to be brought
from some other place.

In each case, however, payment will have to be made for labour, plant etc.,
and this is done on the basis of the calculated volume of material handled. It
is essential that the engineer or surveyor should be able to make good
estimation of volumes of earthwork.

Volumes calculation from cross-section

In this method, cross sections are taken at right angles to some convenient line
that runs longitudinally thought the earthworks. Although the method is capable
of general application, it is probably most used on long narrow works such as
roads, railways, canals, embankments and pipe excavations. The volumes of
earthwork between successive cross section are calculated from a
consideration of the cross sectional areas which in turn are measured or
calculated by the general methods already given: by planimeter, division into
triangles or counting squares, for example.
In long constructions that have constant formation width and side slope it is
possible to simplify the computation of cross sectional areas by the use of
formulae. There are useful for roads and long embankments and formulae will
be given for the following types of cross section:

sections level across

section with cross-fall
sections part in cut and part in fill
sections of variables levels

Volumes calculation from cross-section

h = depth at centerline (or height of embankment)
b = formation width
w = side width
m = ratio of side slope

Volumes calculation from cross-section

Trapezoidal Rule:
V=D/2[A1 +An +2(A2+A3+An-1)]

Volume = Common distance / 2 x [area of first section + area of
last section + 2(sum of area of other section) ]

Prismoidal Rule
V=D/3[A1 +An +4(A2+A4+An-1)+2(A3+A5+An-2)]

Volume = Common distance / 3 x [area of first section + area of
last section + 4(sum of area of even section) + 2(sum of area of
odd section)]

Volumes calculation from cross-section


Depth from C/L












Formation Width = 8m
Side Slope

= 1:2

Calculate area of the cross section from each chainage

Calculate volume from each cross section from 0 to 250
chainage using trapezoidal formula

Volumes calculation from cross-section

Area = [b + mh].h
A1 = [8 + 2(0.75)]. 0.75 = 7.125m 2
A2 = [8 + 2(1.15)]. 1.15 = 11.895m 2
A3 = [8 + 2(0.8)]. 0.8 = 7.680m 2
A4 = [8 + 2(1.3)]. 1.3 = 13.780m 2
A5 = [8 + 2(1.5)]. 1.5 = 16.500m 2
A6 = [8 + 2(0.75)]. 0.75 = 7.125m 2

Volume = 50 / 2 [ (7.125 + 7.125 + 2
(11.895+7.680+13.780+16.500) ] = 2046.50m3

Volume calculation from spot height

This method of volume determination is
especially useful in the determination of
volumes of large open excavations for
tanks, basements, borrow pits etc and for
ground levelling operation such as playing
fields and building sites. It can also be
applied to the determination of volumes of
spoil heaps.

Volume calculation from spot height

Volume calculation from spot height

Mean Level = 207.11 / 16 = 12.944m
If depth of excavation is 8m
Volume of spot height = Mean Level x
Plan area
= (12.944 8) x 10 x 10 = 4.944 x 100
= 494.4 m3

Mass Haul Diagrams (MHD)

During the construction of long linear engineering projects such as
roads, railways and canals, there may be a considerable quantity of
the earth required to be brought onto the site to form embankments
and to be removed from the site during the formation of the cuttings.
The earth brought to form embankments may come from another
section of the such as a tip formed from excavated material or may
be imported on to the site from the nearby quarry.
The movement of the earth throughout the site can be very
expensive and since the majority of the cost of such as projects is
usually given over to the earth moving, it is essential that
considerable care is taken when planning the way in which
materials is handled during the construction.

Mass Haul Diagrams (MHD)

Mass haul diagrams (MHD) is a graph of volume
against chainage which greatly helps in planning
such earth moving.
The x-axis represents the chainage along the
project from the position of zero chainage.
The y-axis represents the aggregate volume of
the material up to any chainage from the
position of the zero chainage.
When preparing the mass haul diagram,
volumes of the cut are considered positive and
volumes of fill are considered negative.

Mass Haul Diagrams (MHD)

Drawing the Mass Haul Diagrams

The cross-sectional areas are calculated at rectangular horizontal distance intervals

along the project, in this case every 50m.
The volumes between consecutive areas and the aggregate volume along the site
are calculated, cut being positive and fill being negative.
Before plotting can begin, a table should be drawn up similar to that shown in
previous table. one of the column in previous table shows bulking and shrinkage
factors. There are necessary owing to the fact that material usually occupies a
different volume when it is used in a construction from that which it occupied in
natural condition.
The longitudinal section along the proposed center line is plotted, the proposed
formation level being included.
The axes of the mass haul diagram are drawn underneath the longitudinal profile
such that chainage zero on the profile coincides with chainage zero on the diagram.
The aggregate volume up to chainage 50m is plotted at x=50m. The aggregate
volume up to chainage 100m is plotted at x=100m and so on for the rest of the
The points are joined by curves or straight lines to obtain the finished MHD.

Drawing the Mass Haul Diagrams

Uses of Mass Haul Diagrams

When the MHD is conducted, it gives the most economical results and
maintains any stipulated standards such as gradient restriction in vertical
curve design can be used.
MHS can be used to indicate the most economical method of moving the
earth around the project and a good estimation of the overall cost of the
earth-moving can be calculated after all formation level has been designed.
MSD also can help to determine the required volume of material before the
construction begins. Beside that, the suitable plant and machinery to be
chosen, sites for spoil heaps and borrow pits to be located and directions of
hail to be established.
MSD can be used to indicate the effect that other engineering works within
the overall project, especially tunnels and bridges, will have on the earth
moving. Such constructions upset the pattern of the mass haul diagram by
restring the directions of haul, but since the volumes and the quantities of
any waste and borrow will be known, suitable areas for spoil heaps and
borrow pits can be located in advance of construction, enabling work to
proceed smoothly.

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