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 It converts dc power supply to the ac power in the load ( just

opposite to rectifier )

 It incorporates active and passive components

 It delivers an output voltage of given waveform without the

application of an external input signal

Classification of Oscillators

S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillation

Let switch S1 be closed and S2 be opened initially. (ϕ f=0)

ϕ i = ϕ s and ϕ f = B(ω ) ϕ 0 = B(ω ) . A(ω ) . ϕ i

or ϕ f /ϕ I = B(ω) . A(ω) = open – loop gain
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillation

 Both A and B are functions of frequency. If for a particular

frequency, ω = ω 0 , B(ω 0 ) . A(ω 0 ) = 1 then ϕ f = ϕi = ϕs

 Now if S1 is open and S2 is closed to close the loop, then since

ϕ f = ϕ i at ω = ω 0 , the feed back signal will be in phase with the
input signal and has the same magnitude. Hence the system
will sustain oscillation at the particular frequency ω 0 ( = 2π f ),
even if ϕ s is withdrawn.

 The condition of oscillation, also called Barkhausen criterion,


B (ω 0) . A (ω 0) = 1 S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillation

 Since A and B are complex quantities, it gives two

alternative sets of conditions

1) Re [B(ω 0 ) . A(ω 0 )] = 1 ⇒ | B(ω 0 ) . A(ω 0 )| = 1

2) Im [B(ω 0 ) . A(ω 0 )] = 0 ⇒ ∠ B(ω 0 ) . A(ω 0 ) = 0

 The first condition means that the signal fed back to the
input should be of the same magnitude as the input signal,
while the second condition dictates that the feedback
should be positive with zero phase shift.

 The second condition determines the frequency of

oscillation. S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillation

 If the first condition is satisfied, but not the second condition,

oscillation will die out ( or decay ) because the input signal will
gradually decay due to phase cancellation of signals fed back
to the input after successive trips round the loop.

The practical oscillators do not require an input signal, ϕ s to

trigger oscillation.
Then how does oscillation grow ? And, from what ?
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillation

 The random movement of electrons in conductors and

resistors, random emission of carriers in a transistor and
diode, random electron-hole recombination phenomena etc.
produce random fluctuation of voltage of very small
magnitude ( nV - µ V range ) called electrical noise.
 Noise has a broad spectrum consisting of all frequencies.
The noise voltage at ω = ω 0 is the starting or triggering
signal from which oscillation grows.
 Other frequency components cannot grow because they do
not satisfy the phase reinforcement condition, viz., net phase
shift = 0.
 For the starting of oscillation, in fact,  AB should be
slightly greater than unity. But in the steady state, | AB| = 1
and ∠ AB = 0.
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Principle of Sinusoidal Oscillation

 Thus the condition of oscillations are : (i) the magnitude of

the loop gain must be equal to unity and (ii) the feed back
must be of regenerative type ( positive feed back , phase of
AB is either 0 or integer multiples of 3600 )

S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

Some Oscillator Circuits
1. RC Phase Shift Oscillator ( using BJT )

 The basic amplifier ( CE ) provides a phase shift of 1800 , and the

feed back network provides another 1800 of phase shift, so that
the total phase shift is 3600 or 00 ( Note that any integral multiple
of 2π or 3600 is equivalent to 00 phase shift).
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

 The maximum phase shift provided by each CR section of the
feedback network is limited to 900 for which RC → 0 ( θ = tan-1
1/ω CR for each RC section). R and C are adjusted such that
each section provides a phase shift of 600 at the oscillation
frequency. So, at least three CR sections will be required to
produce a phase shift of 1800.
 In this connection, feedback signal is coupled through the
feed back resistor R` in series with the amplifier stage input
resistance ( Ri ) such that (R`+Ri = R).

 The frequency of oscillation is given by

fo = 1/ [2π RC √ ( 6 + 4Rc / R)]

 The condition of oscillation is given by

hfe(min) = 4Rc / R + 23 + 29.R / Rc
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

1. RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Op Amp

 The output of the Op Amp is fed to a three stage RC network

which provides the needed 1800 of phase shift (at an attenua-
tion factor of 1/29) . If the Op Amp provides gain ( set by
resistors R1 and Rf , A = - R1/ Rf ) of greater than 29, a loop gain
greater than unity results and the circuit acts as an oscillator.
 The frequency of oscillation is given by,
f0 = 1 / [ 2π RC√ 6 ]
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur
1. Wien Bridge Oscillator

 A balanced bridge is used as a feed back network, which is

Wien bridge
 The active element is an op Amp which has a very large
positive voltage gain (non-inverting mode) Av, negligible
output resistance, very high input resistance. It is further
assumed that Av is constant over the range of frequency of
operation of this circuit.
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

1. Wien Bridge Oscillator
 Analysis of the bridge results,
R3/R4 = R1/R2 + C1/C2
 Frequency of oscillation is given by :
f0 = 1 / (2π √ R1R2C1C2 )
 In practical circuit,
R1 = R2 = R ( say) and C1 = C2 = C (say)
∴ f0 = 1 / 2π RC and R3 /R4 = 2 or R3 = 2 R4

 Thus a ratio of R3/R4 greater than 2 will provide

sufficient loop gain for circuits to oscillate at the
frequency, f0 = 1 / 2π RC. S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

4. High Frequency Tuned Oscillators

Hartley Oscillator Colpitts Oscillator

f0 = 1/ (2 π √ LC) f0 = 1/ [2 π √ (LC1C2/(C1+C2))
S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur

5. Non – Sinusoidal Oscillators (Astable Multivibrator)

Circuit diagram Waveform

S. Kal, IIT-Kharagpur


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