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Cardiac poisons

Cardiac poisons
Nicotiana Tabacum

Nerium Odorum

Cerebera thevetia

Cerebra Odallam
Nicotina Tabacum

All parts are poisons except ripe seeds

Dried leaves contains ~1-8% of Nicotine
Toxic Alkaloids
Fumigation ,

spraying , insecticide , worm powder in Agriculture.

Each cigarette contains 15-20mg Nicotine

Cigar ~15-40 mg
Absorbed from mucus membrane , skin , lungs
90% is metabolized by liver,
Remaining metabolized by kidney and lungs
Excreted by Kidneys.
Acts on Autonomic ganglia first stimulates and then
depresses and blocks.
Also acts on somatic NMJ and afferent fibers from
sensory receptors
Acute poisoning
Cardiopulmonary Arrhythmias
CNS- Mydriasis
Death- Respiratory failure

Chronic Poisoning
FD > 50-100 mg of Nicotine.
Crude Tobacco -> 15-30mg.
NRT -> 6-12 Weeks of maintenance , followed by gradual reduction

1. Stomach Wash and Colonic Washout
2. Specific Antidote -> Inversine/ Mecamylamine
3. Atropine / hexamethonium chloride\
4. VD
5. Oxygen

PM Findings
Nerium Odorum
White oleander or kaner
All parts except roots , including nectar are poisonous
Cardiac glycosides
Oleandroside - > digitalis in action
Nerioside -> digitalis in action
Signs and Symptoms
Contact dermatitis
Emanations - > Headaches, dizziness, respiratory
difficulty , Nausea
Ingestion -> difficulty in swallowing and articulation ,
profuse frothy salivation and diarrhea , abdominal pain
Pulse is 1st slow and later rapid and weak
Arrhythmias , block
Mydriasis , tetanic spasm , lock jaw,
Death usually results from Cardiac Failure
FD - > 15-20g of root ,5 to 15 leaves
FP -> 20-36 hours
Treatment -> symptomatic

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