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Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Alicia Mauldin
Apply understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to
advocate for human rights at the individual and system levels
Help clients understand their legal rights
Identify their situation and what steps are appropriate to achieve justice
for each individual client
Identify steps in writing a protective order for clients and assist them with
any steps that they may have questions about
Connect clients with Domestic Violence services and other services
provided by the agency such as the shelter, court advocate, Latina
advocate, YFC, and housing assistance
A temporary civil no-contact order is designed to provide immediate protection from
the abuser/stalker. The temporary order will generally last for up to 10 days until the
court hearing where the abuser / stalker can be present. The order can be extended
(and the hearing can be delayed) if there is good cause to do so or if the
respondent consents. The temporary order is not valid until the respondent is served
with a copy of the order.
A civil no-contact order can:
o Order the respondent not to visit, assault, molest, or interfere with you in any way;
o Order the respondent to stop stalking or harassing you, including at your workplace;
o Order the respondent not to abuse or injure you;
o Order the respondent not to contact you by telephone, written communication, or
electronic means (i.e., email or social websites);
o Order the respondent to stay away from your residence, school, work, or other specified
places at times when you are present; and
o Order other relief that the court thinks is necessary and appropriate to protect you,
including ordering either party to pay the other's attorney's fees.*
Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO). Domestic violence in North Carolina is
when someone you have had a "personal relationship" with does any of the
following to you or your minor child:
o attempts to cause bodily injury, or intentionally causes bodily injury;
o places you or a member of your family or household in fear of imminent serious bodily
o continued harassment (as defined here) that rises to such a level as to inflict
substantial emotional distress; or
o commits any rape or sexual offense

This protection lasts up to one year. You can ask the court to extend the order for
an additional two years (with the exception of the custody provisions), but you
must do so before it expires.
Shadow Court Advocate during a day at court (Fridays)
Ability to fill out complete protective orders
Assist clients to determine what protective order
is best for them

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