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A Successful Preschool

By Sharjeel Ahmed Khan

(Head of SPDC)

Experience versus Exposure

Determining Success..

Universal or Relative?

Determining via Divine Source or Human?

Defining Success..

the fact that you have achieved

something that you want (OALD)
Why use the term preschool.

Approach versus Domain a confusion

Preschool Approach

Friedrich Rudolf Maria

Froebel Steiner Montessori
(17821852) (1861-1925) (1870-1952)
Preschool Approach

Jean Lev Erik

Piaget Vygotsky Erikson
(1896-1980) (1896-1934) (1902-1994)
Preschool Domain
A preschool is an educational establishment offering early childhood
education to children between the ages of three and five, or seven, prior
to the commencement of compulsory education at primary school. They
may be privately operated or government run. The following terms may
be used for educational establishments for this age group:
Kindergarten, is used in many parts of world, with the exception of
the US, Canada, and some states of Australia, where the term is used
to refer to the first stage of compulsory education offered at the age
of five.
Pre-K (or Pre-Kindergarten) is an initiative to improve access to
preschool for disadvantaged children in the US.
Nursery School (UK and US)
Grade 0, which is also sometimes classified as "a mixture between
preschool and a school regime".
Pre-Primary ( Retrieved 2015-03-26)
A consensus of ECE pioneers..
The philosophical foundations of early childhood education
were provided by John Amos, John Locke, and Rousseau. Its
curriculum and methodology were created by the likes of
Heinrich Pestalozzi, Friedrich Froebel, Maria Montessori, and
Rudolf Steiner. Most recently, it was scientifically grounded
by the research and theories of Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget,
and Erik Erikson. While there are differences in the
approaches of these progenitors of early childhood
education, they are overshadowed by one common
principle: that early childhood curriculum and practice must
be adapted to the maturing needs, abilities, and interests of
the child.
(History of Early Childhood Education, 2010, Dr. David Elkind , PhD, currently
Professor emeritus of Child Development at Tufts University in Medford,
Massachusetts) (
10 indicators of
a successful preschool

Bottom line:
Early childhood curriculum and practice must be
adapted to the maturing needs, abilities, and interests
of the child.
Indicator 1

Written Curriculum
Without a standard there is no logical basis for making a
decision or taking an action. (Joseph M. Juran)
In education, a curriculum
(plural: curricula) is broadly defined as
the totality of student experiences
that occur in the educational process.
(Kelly 2009, p. 13)

Knowledge, Skills and Attitude

Curricular & Co-curricular Activities

Alignment to National Standards

Indicator 2

Instructional Program
that challenges & supports all students
Indicator 3

Student Assessment

that improves student learning

Indicator 4

School Leadership

leadership for learning

no resistance to change
Indicator 5

Strategic Planning

planning for learning

Strategic planning activity
Indicator 6

Professional Development
that addresses student learning
Indicator 7

Student Connectedness,
Engagement & Readiness
all children are connected, engaged and ready
Indicator 8

School Environment

a safe and supportive learning environment

Indicator 9

Family & Community

positive relationships with families and
Indicator 10

District Support

district that supports learning

Connecting 9 dots activity
Food for thought

Thinking out of the box

Mental slavery Unexplored dimension:

Examples of child development
from Seerah

Identity crisis Life of Imam Hasan

Life of Imam Hussain

Borrowed lens Life of Hazrat Usama Bin Zaid

Power of paradigm shift

1) Al-Quran

2) The Sunnah in Today's Classroom, Jahangir Mahmud

3) Bang-e-Dara, Dr. Allama Iqbal

4) Early Childhood Education Today, George S. Morrison

5) Books of Dr. David Elkind (The Hurried Child, The Power of Play etc.)

6) The High Performing School, Mardale Dunsworth & Dawn Billings

7) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn

8) Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey

9) The Incoherence of Philosophers, Al-Ghazali

10) Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes

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