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Invariant points and lines

Invariant points
An invariant point is a point that is
unchanged by a transformation.

Which points remain unchanged in the

reflection y=x?

How about in a rotation of 450 about (3,2)?

Invariant lines
Invariant lines are lines where points map
back onto themselves (line of invariant
points). It can also be a line where the points
map back onto a (usually) different place on
the line.

It can be seen that in the reflection y = x, there

are an infinite number of invariant lines, y = -x + c
Eigenvector approach
We were able to find lines of invariant points
(eval=1) and invariant lines by using the
eigenvalue-eigenvector approach. However,
this method has limitations..

1. We can only easily find invariant lines

that pass through the origin.

2. It is impossible to know if the invariant

line you have found is unique or if there
are more in its family.
An alternative approach
4 -1

Example: Find the invariant points and lines of the transformation T =
2 5

The invariant points must satisfy the following equation..
4 -1
2 5


We can the obtain the following simultaneous equations

x = 4x - y
y = 2x + 5 y
y = 3x From 1st equation
y = -0.5 x From 2nd equation
x = 0, y = 0 x and y must both be 0
(0, 0) The origin is the only invariant point
4 -1

Example: Find the invariant points and lines of the transformation T =
2 5

The equation for our invariant line is of the form y=mx+c
x '
4 -1
= This time the points dont map onto themselves
y '
2 5 y

x '
4 -1 x
= We can replace y with mx+c
y '
2 5 mx
+ c
x ' = 4 x - (mx + c) Write as simultaneous equations
x ' = 4 x - mx - c
y ' = 2 x + 5(mx + c)
y ' = 2 x + 5mx + 5c
y ' = mx '+ c We know that invariant lines are of the form..
2 x + 5mx + 5c = m(4 x - mx - c) + c
Substitute and simplify
2 x + 5mx + 5c = 4mx - m 2 x - mc + c
m 2 x + mx + 2 x = -mc - 4c Rearrange so xs together and
x(m 2 + m + 2) = -c(m + 4) cs together
4 -1

Example: Find the invariant points and lines of the transformation T =
2 5

x(m + m + 2) + c(m + 4) = 0

In order for the above to work, we need

m2 + m + 2 = 0 and c(m + 4) = 0

As m 2 + m + 2 = 0 has no real roots, we deduce that there is no

invariant line.
10 -6

Example: Find the invariant points and lines of the transformation T =
-6 5

The invariant points must satisfy the following equation..
10 -6
-6 5


We can the obtain the following simultaneous equations

x = 10 x - 6 y
y = -6 x + 5 y
y= x From 1st equation
3 From 2nd equation
y= x

Both give same equations so must be a line of

invariant points.
10 -6

Example: Find the invariant points and lines of the transformation T =
-6 5

The equation for our invariant line is of the form y=mx+c
x '
10 -6
= This time the points dont map onto themselves
y '
-6 5 y

x '
10 -6 x
= We can replace y with mx+c
y '
-6 5 mx
+ c
x ' = 10 x - 6(mx + c) Write as simultaneous equations
x ' = 10 x - 6mx - 6c
y ' = -6 x + 5(mx + c)
y ' = -6 x + 5mx + 5c
y ' = mx '+ c We know that invariant lines are of the form..
-6 x + 5mx + 5c = m(10 x - 6mx - 6c) + c Substitute and simplify
-6 x + 5mx + 5c = 10mx - 6m 2 x - 6mc + c
6m 2 x - 5mx - 6 x = -6mc - 4c Rearrange so xs together and
cs together
x(6m 2 - 5m - 6) = -2c(3m + 2)
10 -6
Example: Find the invariant points and lines of the transformation T =

-6 5

x(6m 2 - 5m - 6) = -2c(3m + 2)
In order for the above to work, we need

6m 2 - 5m - 6 = 0 and -2c(3m + 2) = 0
(2m - 3)(3m + 2) = 0
3 c=0
2 m=-
m=- 3
3 c = 0 3
When m = , which means y = x is invariant
2 2
2 2
When m = - , c is arbitrary which means y = - x + c is invariant
3 3

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