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reserved and cautious in speech, behavior,

etc." is from 1728. Related:

Guardedly; guardedness
evasive. To be evasive is to avoid something,
whether it's a touchy subject or the person
who's "it" in a game of tag. If you're dodging
the truth and not giving straight answers, then
you're being evasive.
an occasion when someone shows that they
do not agree with or like something omeone
is unfriendly or shows that they do not like
something: hostility
Haughtiness htns/
Noun the appearance or quality of being
arrogantly superior and disdainful.
Someone who is haughty is arrogant and full
of pride. When you're haughty, you have a big
attitude and act like you're better than other
people. A haughty person acts superior and
looks down on others. Haughty people are
disdainful, overbearing, prideful, swaggering,
and obnoxious.
Hostility is seen as form of emotionally charged
aggressive behavior. In everyday speech it is more
commonly used as a synonym for anger and
aggression. It appears in several psychological theories.
The destructive
traits, hostility and verbal aggressiveness, lead to
dissatisfaction in communication and relationship
deterioration. Destructive verbal aggressiveness is
used for revenge, teasing, and to manipulate
others. Verbal aggressiveness is destructive and links
to the hostility trait.
The definition of combative is a person who
likes to fight or argue. An example
of combative is a person who likes to debate
about everything. An example of combative is
someone who picks fights with strangers.
Combative Behavior is a term often used to
describe physical aggression in people with
dementia. Combativeness can include hitting,
pushing, kicking, spitting, and grabbing.
inability to deal with or understand something.
"she paused in perplexity"
synonyms:confusion, bewilderment, puzzlement,
bafflement, incomprehension, lack of
comprehension, mystification, bemusement, befu
ddlement; More
intended to gain approval or favour; sycophantic.
"an ingratiating manner"
synonyms:sycophantic, toadying, fawning, crawlin
g, creeping, unctuous, obsequious, servile, submi
ssive, Uriah Heepish; More
Ingratiation is a psychological technique in
which an individual attempts to influence,
manipulate or control another by becoming
more attractive or likeable to their target. This
term was coined by social psychologist Edward
E. Jones.
Akathisia is a movement disorder
characterized by a feeling of inner restlessness
and a compelling need to be in constant
motion, as well as by actions such as rocking
while standing or sitting, lifting the feet as if
marching on the spot, and crossing and
uncrossing the legs while sitting.
a habitual spasmodic contraction of the
muscles, most often in the face.: tics
catatonic. Use the adjective catatonic to
describe someone who is in an unresponsive
stupor, as if suffering from a mental disorder.
... Catatonic schizophrenia, for example,
has symptoms that can include physical
immobility, unresponsiveness, or strange
a state of near-unconsciousness or
"a drunken stupor"
Pressure of speech is a tendency to speak
rapidly and frenziedly, as if motivated by an
urgency not apparent to the listener.
The speech produced, sometimes
called pressured speech, is difficult to
interrupt. It may be too fast, or too tangential
for the listener to understand. It is an example
of cluttered speech.

In psychology, alogia (Greek -, without, and

, speech), or poverty of speech, is a
general lack of additional, unprompted
content seen in normal speech. As a
symptom, it is commonly seen in patients
suffering from schizophrenia, and is
considered a negative symptom
Dysprosody, which may manifest as pseudo-foreign
accent syndrome, refers to a disorder in which one or
more of the prosodic functions are either
compromised or eliminated completely. Prosody refers
to the variations in melody, intonation, pauses,
stresses, intensity, vocal quality, and accents of speech.
Prosody is the study of the tune and rhythm of speech
and how these features contribute
to meaning. Prosody is the study of those aspects of
speech that typically apply to a level above that of the
individual phoneme and very often to sequences of
words (in prosodic phrases).Jul 23, 2015
gerund or present participle: stuttering
talk with continued involuntary repetition of sounds, especially
initial consonants.
"the child was stuttering in fright"
synonyms:stammer, stumble, speak haltingly, falter, speak
falteringly, flounder, hesitate, pause, halt; More
say something with difficulty, repeating the initial consonants of
"he shyly stuttered out an invitation to the cinema"
(of a machine or gun) produce a series of short, sharp sounds.
"she flinched as a machine gun stuttered nearby"
Stuttering, also known as stammering, is
a speech disorder in which the flow
of speech is disrupted by involuntary
repetitions and prolongations of sounds,
syllables, words or phrases as well as
involuntary silent pauses or blocks in which
the person who stutters is unable to produce
gerund or present participle: stammering
speak with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the
initial letters of words.
"he turned red and started stammering"
synonyms:stutter, speak haltingly, stumble over one's
words, hesitate, falter, fumble for
words, pause, halt, mumble, splutter"he always began to stammer
when he was under pressure"
say something with difficulty, repeating the initial letters of words
and with sudden involuntary pauses.
"I I can't, Isabel stammered"
Cluttering (also called tachyphemia or
tachyphrasia) is a speech and communication
disorder characterized by a rapid rate
of speech, erratic (ot even or regular in
pattern or movement; unpredictable. )rhythm,
and poor syntax or grammar,
making speech difficult to understand.
Verbigeration is obsessive repetition of
random words. It is similar to preservation, in
which a person repeats words in response to a
stimulus. However,verbigeration occurs when
a person repeats words without a stimulus.
the constant or obsessive repetition of
meaningless words or phrases.
Clang associations are groupings of words,
usually rhyming words, that are based on
similar-sounding sounds, even though the
words themselves don't have any logical
reason to be grouped together. A person who
is speaking this way may be showing signs of
psychosis in bipolar disorder or in
flight of ideas. noun, Psychiatry. 1. a rapid
flow of thought, manifested by accelerated
speech with abrupt changes from topic to
topic: a symptom of some mental illnesses,
especially manic disorder
te]a pattern of speech characterized by obliqu
e, digressive, or irrelevant replies to questions;
the responses never approach thepoint of the
questions. It differs from CIRCUMSTANTIALITY, in
which the responder eventually reaches the p
Circumstantial speech (also referred to
ascircumstantiality) is the result of a so called
"non-linear thought pattern" and occurs when
the focus of a conversation drifts, but often
comes back to the point.
te]a disturbed pattern of speech or writing ch
aracterized by delay in getting to the point bec
ause of the interpolation ofunnecessary detail
s and irrelevant remarks; seen in persons with
schizophrenia and obsessive-
compulsive disorders. Seealso TANGENTIALITY.
tipe]the persistent repetition of senseless acts or words, frequently oc
curring in disorders such as autistic
disorder andschizophrenia; called also stereotypy-habit disorder.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and
Allied Health, Seventh Edition. 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of
Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(ster'--t'p),1. Maintenance of one attitude for a long period.
2. Constant repetition of certain meaningless gestures or movements,
as in certain forms of schizophrenia.
[stereo- + G. typos, impression, type]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary Farlex 2012
/stereotypy/ (stere-o-
tipe) persistent repetition or sameness of acts, ideas, or words.Dorlan
d's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. 2007 by Saunders, an
imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserve

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