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Students must be able to:

- Extract main points from the passage
- Distinguish main ideas from supporting details
- Substitute expressions with single words
- Use alternative vocabulary.
Marking Style

Each point = 1 mark

Total should be at least 10 points = 10 marks
Paraphrasing = 5 marks
Language = 5 marks

Total marks for summary is 10 (points) + Paraphrasing + language


Mark summary area

Read the question and understand the questions need (Highlight)
Read the text in the summary area and underline the points
Make sure the points answer the questions need.
Begin writing your summary using the 10 words given.
Use paraphrasing techniques and alternate vocabularies
Never change the original meaning of the text.
1. Use different vocabulary with the
same meaning
2. Change the order of words
3. Use different grammar

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