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Indicator 1 Fourth Term, 2017

Seventh grade
Boston International School
Objective: To recognize the importance of Reproduction
in the life cycle of living things such as plants and
animals and analyze the different types.
Learning Objective:To compare the characteristics of the
Sexual and Asexual Reproduction in plants.

Reproduction in plants
What kind of seed are you?
Mark 4:8
But some of the seed fell on good ground. There it began

to grow, and it made grain. Some plants made 30 times

more grain, some 60 times more, and some 100 times

Biblical Principle
Class rules
Remember that we do it all for the Lord:
Colossians 3:17
New King James Version (NKJV)
17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the
Father through Him.

1.Spontaneous participation
2. Accurate answers
3.Comments to enrich the class
Whole brain teaching
Rule 1: Listen when your teacher is talking
Rule 2: Follow directions quickly
Rule 3: Respect others. Respect yourself. Respect your school
Rule 4: Raise your hand to speak or stand
Rule 5: Be safe, Be kind, Be honest for the glory of God.
Rule 6: Use English at all times, it is the only way to improve.
Rule 7: Do not translate what your teacher says, please.
Rule 8: Take risks and learn from your mistakes
If the students take the motivation to misbehave he/she will from 1 to ten
points of his/her participation mark.
If the students distract others he/she has to talk in front of the class and
If the students frequently have a bad behavior will be notified in the folder
of behavior.
Project: Represent the stages of reproduction in plants.
Students are going to make a model of the stages of
reproduction in plants using different materials such as
clay, tissue paper, paint, cotton, construction paper,
newspaper, wood sticks, paper bag, plastic bag, glitter,
glue, etc. Students are going to work in class and they
have to present their work making a parallel analysis of
how plants grow and their spiritual life grows, what kind
of seed and supplements do we need in our Christian
life? What kind of weed attacks our faith?.

Date: October 3rd 5th , 2017

Group of 4 people
RUBRIC - The teacher will take into account
1. Pronunciation
2. Fluency (Student acted as a facilitator, helping the conversation flow and develop).
3. Length of the speech
4. Proper use of various structures
5. Vocabulary used in class was used properly to communicate
6. Voice and non-verbal communication (Pronunciation was clear and inflection and
expressions were used to enhance communication.)
7. Listening (Student responded to questions with appropriate answers, acknowledged all
statements, and incorporated them into the discussion.)
8. Creativity displayed in bringing all the material necessary to carry out the activity
9. Eye contact: look at the audience during the entire presentation while speaking.
10. Use of notecards: look at audience while speaking, not reading straight from the
11. biblical integrated approach
Why do you think reproduction is necessary for the
world? Why do you think God asked to the man to
reproduce and to have dominion over every living thing
that moves on the earth? Do you think the people is doing
a good job fulfilling this command?

REPRODUCTION: The ability of an organism to
produce the next generation.

The stem or leaves of a plant are involved in Asexual
Types of Stems:
Tubers stems in the soil. Buds sprout from the tubers.
The buds produce new plants.
Bulbs underground stems. Have buds inside them. The
buds produce the new plant.
Stolons stems above the ground. New stolons produce
new plants.
Flowers are responsible for sexual
reproduction in plants. A male cell and a
female cell unite inside a flower.
The fruit and seeds develop from the flower;
later, new plant develops from a seed
Parts of the flower

COROLLA Colorful part of the plant petals form

the corolla.
CALYX is at the bottom of the flower sepals form
the calyx protects the flower before it opens.
PISTIL female part stigma, style, ovary shaped
like a bottle produce female cells, called ovules.
STAMEN male part filament and anther anthers
produce pollen --. Male cells are in the pollen grain.
Plants with flowers reproduce sexually.
POLLINATION is when the pollen grain from a flowers anthers
reaches a flowers stigma.
* Self-pollinate : the pollen comes from the stamen of the same plant.
* Cross-pollinate: the pollen comes from the stamen of another plant
of the same species.
The wind and certain animals can transfer pollen from one flower to
When animals like the bees land on flowers to feed, pollen sticks to
their bodies, then they carry the pollen from one flower to another.

Fertilization occurs inside the ovary. Thats where the male and
female sex cells unite.
During reproduction a female cell unites with a male cell. The
reproductive process is as follows:
The anthers produces a lot of pollen grains (it contains the
male sex cells)
The pollen grain fall on the stigma.
The pollen grains open and the male sex cells come out. The
male sex cell penetrate the pistil
Then fertilization inside the ovary.
After fertilization, the fertilized cells become seeds and part of
the ovary turns into a fruit.
A seed produces a new plant through the process of
germination. A seed must fall into the ground and have
water and sunlight to germinate.
A seed germinate in various stages:
First, the seed becomes buried in the soil
Later, a small root grows downward.
Then the stem starts to grow.
Finally, the leaves grow.
A plant grows gradually after

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