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Hypermedia Tutorial

By: Caitlin Mull MAIT 651

How to connect a
pin connector for
a projector to a
computer or iPad.
The Tutorial


Materials iPad

Connector Cord for iPad and

Found mostly in your classroom.

Projector Remote
1. Locate the connector cord for the
projector. This is usually coming from
the wall or near the projector.

2. Locate the pin to plug the projector

cord on the side of your laptop.
(Excuse me , but we have dinosaur
computers fancy macbooks)

Plug in the connector cord to your laptop.

4. Locate your projector in the classroom
and use your remote to turn on the

5. Go back to your computer and locate the

sphere application to launch the elmo you
will use with your projector.

6. Make sure you plug in your elmo into the

USB port on the side of your laptop.
7 Turn on your elmo.hint it will light up.

8. Look on your computer screen to make

sure the Sphere application turned on
correctly. You should see a box pop up and
then take a look at your whiteboard to see
if your projector is reflecting onto your
whiteboard. If it is, make sure everything is
on and plugged in correctly.
End Result
If you did the
tutorial correctly,
your projector
and whiteboard
should look like
Video on how to connect projector to

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