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Rabbit Life

By: Sarah Nace

What does my animal look like?

Rabbits have brown fur

There size is 38-45cm
There length is8 -18
They have a short white tail
Where does my animal live?

Rabbits live in North and Central America to Northern

South America. In those areas there natural habitat are
woods, swamps, and forests.
What does my animal eat?

The rabbit is a herbivore that eats: leafy plants, bark,

and twigs.
What adaptations does it have to
help it survive?
Adaptation How It helps the Animal
Changing fur Blends in
Can live in cities More habitat ideas
Run Can get away fast
Here are some amazing facts:

Rabbits can stay still for up to 15 minutes.

A rabbits average lifespan is one year but they can

live up to 12 years.

Rabbits have 1-12 babies in a litter also

they are 8cm and can not see when they
are born.

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