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Definition of Linguistics

The types of linguistics




Processes in Morphologi
Kata Linguistik berasal dari bahasa Latin lingua
yang artinya bahasa , dalam bahasa indonesia
kata Linguistik digunakan hanya untuk arti orang
yang ahli dalam ilmu bahasa.
Ilmu tentang bahasa (Harimuti Kridalaksana, 1993:
Linguistic objects ,oral and post
The types of linguistics
A word Morphology is from Greece morphe
that has meaning forms . It means the
morphology is a science of language that focuses
on language. Like we see the world drive
becomes driver in here morphology focuses and
Morphology is study about a word and how the
word formed. Laurel J. Brinton (2002.59-60
This simple way to analyze morphology
In adjectives
Smaller 2 morphs small/er
Smallest 2 morphs small/est
Better 1 morph better
In verbs
Worked 2 morphs work/ed
Wrote 1 morph wrote
Written 1. Morph written
Working 2 morph work/ing
Put 1 morph put
In Pronouns
We 1 morph we
Him 1 morph him
Its 2 morph it/s
Processes in Morphologi
An affix is used for both a prefix and suffix
which is added to the beginning or end of a word
to change the meaning. Add an affix to the
beginning and end of the word 'turn' and get
1. Prefix (awalan)
Prefix Meaning Example
a, an Without Amoral
Ante Before Antecedent
Anti Against Anticlimax
Auto Self Autopilot
Circum Around Circumvent
2. Suffix
Suffix Meaning Example
-acy State or quality Privacy

-al Act or process of Refusal

-er, -or One who Trainer, protector

is a process to make word by add two or
more independent Wedrana Mihalicek et al
(2011: 157;158).
the combination of two or more free roots
Laurel J. Brinton (2002.93-95)
*) make and up become makeup .
make create and up under =
a cosmetic that used by women.
Laurel J. Brinton (91-94) proses yang mirip dengan
derivasi, di mana suku kata awal atau seluruh kata dua
kali lipat, tepatnya atau dengan perubahan fonologi
Exact reduplication, so-so, hush-hush, never-never.
Ablaut reduplication, criss-cross,zig-zag, ping-pong,
Rhyme reduplication helter-skelter, nitty-gritty,
Alternation is a process to make new word by modify,
In some English
Man Men e () Alternates with (e) in these forms

Woman Women U I Alternates with (i) in these forms

In pattern of past
Ring Rang Rung (i)-()-()

Drink verbs showDrank
Drank both an alternation
Rood Alternation Alternation and

Break Broke Broken


Bahasa adalah system lambing bunyi yang

arbitrer yang digunakan oleh para anggota
kelompok social untuk bekerja sama,
berkomunikasi dan mengidentifikasi diri. Berber
(1964:21), Wardhaugh (1977:3) Trager (1949:18),
de Saussure (1966:16), dan Bolinger (1975:15).
Bahasa adalah bunyi-bunyi yang dipakai oleh
setiap kaum untuk menyatakan tujuannya. Ibnu
Jinni (392 H)
language is a set of sound

arbitrator means that language

language is a set of tools emblem
language is a perfect point
The language of productive means
The unique language means
The language of universal meaning
The language of human meaning
type of general linguistics ( general linguitics
) means the study of language as a whole
example ; morphology phonology
Applied Linguistics ( Applaid linguistics ) is a
type of linguistic seeking to apply the results
of research in the field of linguistics for
practical purposes) .
Theoretical Linguistics , which means that
examines a type of linguistic / reviewing the
language itself alone
Micro linguistic nature of his study is
narrow / internal.
Macro linguistic nature of his study is
wide / external.
Descriptive Linguistics linguistic meaning language
that describes what it is at the time the study took
place .
Historical Linguistics Comparative linguistics means
that comparing the two types of language / more at
different times .
Linguistics Kontranstif kind of linguistic meaning that
limit themselves to a comparison of two language /
more but at a certain time / one -time / one period .
Linguistics Synchronous means that the type of
linguistic study one language at a time / one period .
linguistics diachronic linguistics that studies the
meaning that the type of language from / in the
future to period .
Vokal pendek Vokal panjang
Daerah Bentuk Romanisasi Bentuk Romanisasi
artikulasi mandiri mandiri

kahya a

tlavya i

ohya u

kahatlavya e ai

kahohya o au
Konsonan plosif Konsonan Konsonan Konsonan
Daera aghoa (nirsuara) ghoa (bersuara) sengau hampiran desis
h alpapra mahpra alpapra mahpra
artiku (hembusan (hembusan (hembusan (hembusan
lasi kecil) besar) kecil) besar)

kah ka kha ga gha a ha

ya /k/ /k/ // // // //

tlav ca cha ja jha a ya a

ya /c, t/ /c, /, /, // /j/ /, /
(Palat t/ d / d/

mrd a ha a ha a ra a
hany // // // // // /r/ //

danty ta tha da dha na la sa

a /t/ /t/ /d / /d / /n/ /l/ /s/

ohy pa pha ba bha ma va

a /p/ /p/ /b/ /b/ /m/ //
Morphology is the study / investigate the
forms of words , change words , the formation
of words and word meanings change due to the
deformation process .
Object of study of the morphology is ;
morpheme , stem , said . Example ;
read ( in + read = read )
(di + baca = dibaca)
Horses ( Air + horse = horse )
(ber + kuda = berkuda )
Phonology is the science that investigates the
characteristic sounds of language , how it
happened, and its function in the linguistic
system as a whole
example ; -fonem ( the smallest unit of the
sounds of language ) ; / L / , / r / , / b / , / t
Sintaksis adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tata
kalimat ( the language of science to discuss the
intricacies of discourse , sentences , clauses ,
and phrases .
Frase dua buah kata atau lebih yang tidak melampui
satu batas (example ; the book is read , frasenya is that
book. ( S ) ( P ))
Klausa terdiri atas subjek, predikat, objek dan
keterangan example ; I read a book in the library ( S ) ( P ) (
Wancana bergantung pada ciri konteks atau situasi
1. Hundreds of youths sway in the rhythm of jazz That is
2. Simantik bahasa yang mempelajari makna
He's only whole corn (that was short lived )

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