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HR Teamplay Workshop

The Quality Connection

Bistrita, 10 Iunie 2016

Agenda si Obiectivele zilei

Team Team Team Team


Vom lucra intens Suntem Stim ce este de Suntem gata pentru start!
impreuna! importanti! facut!
Inca mai avem intrebari,
Asadar sa ne Sa definim cum Sa aplicam lucrul ca care sent pasii care
cunoastem mai echipa poate echipa si abilitatile urmeaza? Haideti sa
bine! contribui la de rezolvare a definim acesti pasi!
succesul oneHR! problemelor!

Team Team Team Team


Exercitiu pentru constructia echipei

Constructia echipei – Construiti turnul 30 min

 2 echipe mixte – mixture teams:

 Fiecare echipa va nominalizaun

 3 Runde:
Ca echipa tintim sus!  10 minute dedicate pregatirii
Construiti cel mai inalt turn!  05 minute etapa de constructie

Plasati motto-ul ales pentru  15 minute reflectie

succesul echipei in punctul cel
mai inalt si mai vizibil pentru toti!

Instructiuni si reguli pentru constructie

 Construiti cel mai inalt turn posibil din materialele puse la dispozitie (100 file dehartie)
 Nici un alt material ajutator nu va fi utilizat
 Turnul trebuie sa se poata auto-sustine, fara a fi sustinut sau sprijinit cu altceva
 Definiti-va un motto / o declaratie pentru echipa de succes
 Plasati motto-ul in varful turnului, vizibil pentru toti participantii.
Etapa 1 (Pregatirea):
 Aveti 10 minute sa definiti o strategie si sa exersati diferite tehnici de constructie
 Utilizati materialele puse la dispozitie pentru aceasta etapa (10 file de hartie)
Etapa 2 (Constructia)
 Aveti 5 minute sa construiti turnul
 Utilizati materialele puse la dispozitie pentru aceasta etapa (100 file de hartie)
Etapa 3 (Reflectia)
 Discutati si reflectati asupra exercitiului.
 Utilizati ca suport modelele puse la dispozitie

Instructiuni pentru observator

Oferiti echipei in care aveti rolul de observator cele 10 file de hartie pentru etapa de pregatire si
comunicati-le timpul de 10 minute alocat pentru aceasta etapa.

Concentrati-va asupra activitatii de observator, nu va este permis sa acordati suport echipei, nu va

este permis sa ii sfatuiti, pastrati o pozitionare neutra in relatia cu echipa.

Dupa finalizarea etapei de pregatire, inmanati echipei cele 100 de file de hartie.

Instructiuni observarea echipei:

Pentru pregatiri si etapa de constructie, va rugam sa observati si sa notati urmatoarele aspecte:

 Cum a fost ales liderul de catre echipa? S-au produs schimbari pe parcursul exercitiului? Cum au
actionat toti membrii echipei?

 Cum s-au distribuit rolurile si responsabilitatile in cadrul echipei?(ex. cine a sustinut hartia, evidenta
timpului, cine a scris)? Cum au fost alocate rolurile? S-au produs schimbari pe parcursul
exercitiului? Cum au actionat toti membrii echipei?

 Care au fost principalele decizii luate ?

 A-ti observat vreun conflict? Ce factori declansatori ati observat? Cum s-au solutionat conflictele?


 Dupa incheierea exercitiului veti avea ocazia sa le transmiteti observatiile dumneavoastra.Fiecare

echipa va fi rugata sa comunice grupului extins experientele proprii. Va rugam sa va pregatiti pentru
a transmite observatiile dumneavoastra celor din grup.

Felicitari ati castigat!
Va rugam sa reflectati in cadrul echipei si sa pregatiti un scurt sumar asupra experientelor
de pe parcursul exercitiului:
Cum s-a desfasurat activitatea, in general?

Care sunt opiniile dumneavoastra referitoare la Care au fost factorii de succes ai echipei?
activitatile de echipa?

Beneficii: Ce a mers bine? Ce v-a dat de gandit: Ce ar fi putut functiona

mai bine? Ce ati fi facut diferit?

Felicitari,turnul construit de dumneavoastra este al doilea in
Va rugam sa reflectati in cadrul echipei si sa pregatiti un scurt sumar asupra experientelor
de pe parcursul exercitiului:

Cum s-a desfasurat activitatea, in general?

Care sunt opiniile dumneavoastra referitoare la Care au fost factorii de succes ai echipei?
activitatile de echipa?

Beneficii: Ce a mers bine? Considerati ca echipa a castigat? De ce si de ce

Ce ar fi putut functiona mai bine?
Ce v-ati fi droit sa stiti mai devreme? Ce ati fi
facut diferit?

Notitele Observatorului
 Cum a fost ales liderul de catre echipa? S-au produs schimbari pe parcursul exercitiului? Cum au actionat toti
membrii echipei?

 Cum s-au distribuit rolurile si responsabilitatile in cadrul echipei?(ex. cine a sustinut hartia, evidenta timpului, cine a
scris)? Cum au fost alocate rolurile? S-au produs schimbari pe parcursul exercitiului? Cum au actionat toti membrii

 Care au fost principalele decizii luate?

 A-ti observat vreun conflict? Ce factori declansatori ati observat? Cum s-au solutionat conflictele?

Reflectati: Care sunt caracteristicile unei echipe
performante? Cum se atinge performanta prin lucrul in
echipa? What makes good team-work?

Factorii de success ai unei echipe performante
Spiritul de a asupra
echipa, solutiilor, nu Obiective
sustinerea intre a Leadership
membrii echipei problemelor
Claritatea Interactiunea si
rolurilor si implicarea
responsabilitatilor membrilor
la procesele HR
definite si continut Incredere si
stima de sine

Respect si
reciproca Comunicare
deciziilor deschisa

Cand va alaturati unei echipe trebuie sa reflectati asupra
acestor aspecte pentru ca echipa sa fie de succes

 Echipa actioneaza impreuna pentru a-si identifica obiectivele, in acest fel ele vor apartine
tuturor membrilor echipei

 Este necesar sa existe intelegerea clara a obiectivelor si rolurilor, astfel incat fiecare
membru al echipei sa stie ce trebuie sa indeplineasca si care ii sunt responsabilitatile

 Echipa trebuie sa isi revizuiasca directia de actiune cu regularitate si modul in care

poate ajunge la rezultat, pastrand concentrarea asupra sarcinilor

 Membrii echipei se comporta onest si deschis in exprimarea ideilor si preocuparilor

 Membrii echipei se asculta unii pe ceilalti cu respect, chiar si atunci cand exprima opinii

 Echipa doreste sa genereze idei si confrunta conflictele constructtiv

 In echipa se comunica constant feedback-ul asupra performantei individuale intre

membrii echipei, inclusiv din partea liderului echipei
Cand va alaturati unei echipe trebuie sa reflectati asupra
acestor aspecte pentru ca echipa sa fie de succes

 Membrii echipei nu se critica nici intre ei, nici pe cei din afara echipei, ci confrunta
provocarile in interiorul echipei

 Echipa urmareste sa actioneze ca un tot unitar, mai degraba decat in grupuri

distincte cliques

 In echipa sunt pretuite dezvoltarea personala si evolutia individuala

 Intalnirile sunt productive, stimuleaza toti participantii si conduc la asumarea in

comun a rezultatelor

 Echipa isi sarbatoreste succesele si invata din esecuri

 Echipa dezvolta relatii armonioase cu alte echipe.

 Echipa apreciaza ajutorul extern, atunci cand este nevoie

 Manifestarea leadership-ului in echipa este adecvata situatiei

Pauza de cafea

Team Team Team Team


Team Exercise – Part 1

Construiti echipa - obiectivul 15 min

Ca echipa tintim sus:  2 echipe mixte formate din SSC

Agents si HR Service Partner
Obiectivele noastre sunt...
 Va rugam sa definiti obiectivele
comune ale acestei echipe de inalta
 Creati un poster cu aceste
obiective pe care sa il pastrati in
biroul HR sau la panoul HR . Sa
fie vizibil!
 Fiti creativi, utilizati cuvinte, culori,
fotografii, semnati….

Exercitiu de echipa – Partea a II-a

“In “pantofii” altcuiva...” 30 min

Impartiti echipa in 3 grupuri si priviti rolul

Pentru a ne
dumneavoastra dintr-o noua perspectiva:
obiectivele  Grupul 1: In “pantofii” HRSPs
comune ….. Rol alocat pentru SSC Agents
 Grup 2: In “pantofii” Agentilor SSC
Rol alocat pentru HRSP
 Grup 3: In “pantofii” Business
Rol alocat pentru HRSP / SSC Agents
... Cum pot Definiti contributia rolului care v-a
contribui revenit:
diferite?  Care este constributia rolului pe care il
BUSINESS detineti in succesul echipei, astfel incat
Manager Employee
oneHR sa devina de successi sa livreze
servicii mai bune catre business?

In the shoes of the HR Service Partner

Manager Employee

Better together – Achieving joint

objectives, we pull the same string!

August 1 2017 Nevertheless, teams build on the

HR SSC in Cluj
a European success strengths of its members. Every role
How we made it
has its specific contribution to successful
happen! teamwork. It is important to be aware of
it and to use it accordingly.
HR Service Partner
Being connected:
How we changed the Put yourself in the shoes of a HRSP and
define for “your” role:
Voice of the Customer  What are your role’s strengths?
All better now:
HR + Us = We!  How can your strengths be best used
for successful teamwork?
 What will you change, make
 What will you stop to do?

In the shoes of the HR Service Partner

What are your How can you make best

strengths? use of your strengths?

What will you change / What will you stop

do differently? to do?


In the shoes of the SSC Agent

Manager Employee

Better together – Achieving joint

objectives, we pull the same string!

August 1 2017 Nevertheless, teams build on the

HR SSC in Cluj
a European success strengths of its members. Every role
How we made it
has its specific contribution to successful
happen! teamwork. It is important to be aware of
it and to use it accordingly.
HR Service Partner
Being connected:
How we changed the Put yourself in the shoes of a SSC Agent
and define for “your” role:
Voice of the Customer  What are your role’s strengths?
All better now:
HR + Us = We!  How can your strengths be best used
for successful teamwork?
 What will you change, make
 What will you stop to do?

In the shoes of the SSC Agent

What are your How can you make best

strengths? use of your strengths?

What will you change / What will you stop

do differently? to do?


In the shoes of the Business (Manager & Employee)

Manager Employee

Better together – Achieving joint

objectives, we pull the same string!

August 1 2017 New HR roles are defined they work

HR SSC in Cluj
a European success successfully as well established teams.
How we made it
Nevertheless, the success of oneHR
happen! was also based on the understanding
and good collaboration between HR and
HR Service Partner
the business.
Being connected:
How we changed the
Put yourself in the shoes of a Manager /
Voice of the Customer
employee and define for “your” role:
All better now:
HR + Us = We!
 What makes a good collaboration
between HR and the Business?
 What will you change, make
 What will you stop to do?

In the shoes of the Business (Manager & Employee)

What makes a good

collaboration between HR
and the Business

What will you change / What will you stop

do differently? to do?


Team Team Team Team


Problem Solving / Team Building (PS/TB) is a structured
approach to solve a problem within the team environment

What is the Problem Solving / Team Building about?

 A structured and disciplined approach

 A team building experience
 Builds collective ownership, solution and implementation
 Draws on the strength of the individuals and of the team
 Is action orientated, gets results – solves problems!

In this structured team approach, everyone can participate – the facilitator is required to
keep the team on track and encourage all to input
Two main ingredients for effective Problem Solving
and Team Building:

A Problem Solving Team with A structured Problem

dedicated roles Solving process

1 2 3 4

Analyse Assess Implement


What Who When

Leader / Resource/
Problem Owner Team Members

Dedicated roles within a team ensure the best use of the
resources’ capabilities for effective problem solving
Process “The How” Facilitator
Focused on process
 HelpsFacilitator
leader or problem owner
and resources get more done in
less time
 Promotes team building, trust,
and win/win approach
 Focused on the context of the

Leader / Problem
Owner and Results Team Members
Decision maker Focused on content / expertise
Decision  “Owns” the problem  Contributes ideas and
Making  Reinforces efforts of teams expertise Content
 Focused on content  Help the leader get to where “The What”
 Accountable for ensuring that he/she wants to go
an appropriate solution is found  Follow the process

The facilitator keeps the team on track, while the problem owner is accountable for
reaching a solution
The problem owner is accountable for the problem and
finding a solution, whereas the facilitator steers the
group to this solution

Problem Owner Facilitator

 Gives the problem statement and  Steers the group through the process
background information to the group
 The key activities are:
 Has the Accountability for the problem - Initiating, assisting, clarifying, integrating
 Contributes to the process by: and developing others’ ideas

- Motivating the group - Summarising and clarifying understanding

- ‘Building’ on ideas - Leading the group through the problem

solving process
- Setting direction and making final
decisions - Assisting the group in working together
- Deciding how to select the ideas that
go forward - Ensuring everyone has their say

- Giving benefits and concerns - Keeping the group focused

- Developing the action plan  Avoids making content contributions,

unless critical for the group to move

In a small improvement team, you may find that the roles of the problem owner and
facilitator are combined
The team members bring their ideas to the group and
get things done

Team Member

 Brought together to ‘lend their minds’

to the leader to find a solution and
develop an action plan

 Team members share:

- Ideas

- Thoughts

- Suggestions

- Knowledge

- Benefits and concerns

 Build on other ideas

Team members are valuable in their role as ‘content experts.’

There are four defined steps in the problem solving /
team building method

The Problem Solving Process

1 2 3 4

Analyse Assess Implement

 Define / Headline the  Set the ground rules  Select the favourite  Define plan, plus
problem option contingencies / next
 Create the right
 Provide Background environment  Get benefits / concerns
 Test, implement,
 What’s the goal?  Brainstorm / Generate  Prioritise / work critical
evaluate / review
and incubate ideas concerns
 Collect Information
 Choose the best solution

If major concerns are raised in the assessment stage that cannot be overcome, it is
necessary to return to the start of stage 3 of the process

Source: The Learning Works and BAA problem solving pack

(1) The analysis stage requires the problem to be
clearly stated and additional information given
1 2 3 4

Analyse Solutions
Assess Implement

Problem Statement Provide Background Additional Information

 Initial statement of the  Why has this problem come  Find additional information
problem, task, opportunity or about?
challenge  Clarification and definitions
 What are the issues
 Must be concise and accurate surrounding it?  Constraints

 Should be action orientated,  What has been tried before

e.g. ‘How to’ do something… (and the outcomes)

 Motivating statement (what’s

in it for the team members to
get involved)

It is important that the statement of the problem is as clear as possible at this stage to
enable the process to proceed smoothly
(2) The brainstorming session requires all constructive
ideas to be thrown into the pot
1 2 3 4

Generate Assess Implement

Brainstorming Sessions

 Requires creative thinking and new approaches

 Quantity over quality

 Building on others’ ideas

 Synergy

 Generated by own team

 All ideas encouraged – no ideas are rejected at this


 Avoid pauses

Brainstorming is often a new technique used by team members, and so the role of
facilitator is important to encourage ideas
(3) The assessment stage involves raising benefits
and concerns and working through these concerns
1 2 3 4 (3) ASSESS
Solutions Assess Implement

Selection of the favourite option Benefits & Concerns Analysis Work Critical Concerns

 The leader/problem owner  Benefits first; “what I like  A critical concern:

decides how ideas are about that…”  Will prevent the selected ideas
selected from solving the problem at all
 Concerns in “how to” (H2) or  Will keep the leader/resources
 There are many options for “I wish I knew” format (IWIK) from getting an action plan and
selecting ideas next steps
 Voting  Increases quality of solution  A mini problem solve:
 Prioritization workshop and team satisfaction  Overcomes the critical part of
 Top-down
the concern
 A combination of the above  Ensures identification of any  Is still connected to the original
potential problems with a problem
solution  Looks for ideas that are
acceptable rather than perfect
 Checks the feasibility of a  May require selected ideas to
solution be modified or replaced
 Gets the team to the action
plan and next steps

The team must to be patient if working the critical concerns requires a mini problem
solving session, but progress cannot be made without this
(4) The action plan must include all necessary tasks and
answers the questions of who does what and by when
1 2 3 4

Assess Implement

Action Plan
What Who When
 “Who does what by when”

 Blueprint for executing the Action


 Ties up loose ends

 Ensures tangible results bility

 Increases the group’s ownership

through task assignment Timing

Realistic timelines are needed to increase the likelihood of success – the team will feel
pressurised/unsuccessful if it is impossible to keep to time
(1- 4) Problem Solving/Team Building is a step by step
process involving feedback loops if necessary

• 1.Headline
Headline the

2. Provide background – goal?
• Provide background + additional Info
3. 3
Solutions • 4.Generate
Select ideasideas
Assess Implement

5. Get benefits/concerns
• 6.Select ideas
Work critical concerns
3 4
Assess • Get benefits/concerns

• Work critical concerns

Yes, there
• Headline the problem are critical
Yes, there are critical • Provide background + additional Info
OR • Generate ideas OR

No critical • Select ideas No critical

concerns • Get benefits/concerns concerns
• Work critical concerns

Get action plan/next steps

If there are critical concerns to work, you repeat the process!

Example PS/TB : “Where to eat tonight”

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Generate Generate
Analyse Solutions
Assess Implement Analyse Assess Implement

Problem statement: Idea generation:

 How to identify and make plans needed  Gruber’s German Restaurant
for my husband and me to eat dinner out
this evening  McDonald’s

 Chi-Chi’s Mexican Restaurant

Background / additional Info:  Madame Frenchy’s French Foods

 Don’t want to cook  Guiseppi’s Italian Cuisine

 Ate Chinese last night  The Backfin Seafood Restaurant

 Don’t want to drive more than 30 minutes

 Willing to spend moderate amount - not

top of the range
PS/TB with critical concerns (1/2)
1 2 3 4

Solutions Assess Implement

Idea Selection (1): #6: The Backfin restaurant

Benefits of selected idea: + 10 minutes away

+ New place
+ Recommended by friends
(great swordfish!)

Concerns: – I wish I knew how much it cost

– How to get specific directions
– How to deal with my husbands allergy to fish
– I wish I knew if there were a table available
this evening

ID critical concerns: – How to deal with my husband’ allergy to fish

PS/TB with critical concerns (2/2)
1 2 3 4

Generate • Headline the problem

Analyse Assess Implement • Provide background + additional Info
• Generate ideas
• Select ideas
• Get benefits/concerns
• Work critical concerns
• Headline the problem Yes, there
are critical
Yes, there are critical • Provide background + additional Info
OR • Generate ideas OR

• Select ideas
No critical No critical

How to deal with my husband’s

concerns • Get benefits/concerns concerns

(New) problem statement: Get action plan/next steps

• Work critical concerns

allergy to fish

Background: If he even smells fish, he Remember:

throws up Repeat the Process!

Idea generation 1. Oxygen tent “Killer”

2. Gas mask concerns
3. Fumigate the building
PS/TB without critical concerns
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Generate Generate
Solutions Assess Implement Analyse
Assess Implement

Idea Selection (2): Action plan:

#5 Chi-Chi’s Mexican Restaurant Plan to leave for Chi-Chi’s at 6:00 p.m.
tonight (to avoid the dinner rush)

Benefits of selected idea:

+ 12 minutes away
+ Allergies no problem
+ Good past experiences
+ Great margaritas!

– How to know if there is a table
available with less than a 30 minute
wait (no reservations)

ID critical concerns:
Pauza de cafea
Exercise – solving a problem (part 1)

Solving a problem (1 / 2)
30 min
 2 mixture teams

 It is 1st July 2016, one HR goes live

As a team we are aiming high:  Theory: Roles and responsibilities are defined,
processes and systems are trained, everything is
We solve our problems!  Practice: Problems will appear, no matter how
prepared we are. But we are aware
of our problems and we know how to find solutions
for resolving them.

Part 1:
With all what you know about LEONI, your clients, their
requirements... and what you have learned: Reflect and
discuss within your team which problems potentially
come up after oneHR Go-live.

Describe them in the template provided, e.g. in the quality

of work delivered, in the HR-teamwork, in the relation to
the business and matching their expectations, in
exceptions handling, ...

Probleme potentiale
Issue Board

Exercise – solving a problem (part 2)

Solving a problem (2 / 2) 45 min

As a team we are aiming high:  Based on the problems identified

within your team:
 Define the roles of your
We solve our problems!
problem solving team
 Select the top 3 problems to be
 Go through the PS / TB process
and find a resolution
 Use the template provided

Formular pentru solutii
Issue Board
1 2

3 4

Analyse Solutions
Assess Implement

Formularea problemei Context/ Informatii suplimentare

1 2 3 4

Generate Assess Implement

Ideile generatee

Formular pentru solutii
Issue Board





Solutia selectata:

Beneficii: Preocupari:

Preocupari critice?

Ce Cine Cand


Team Team Team Team


Ready for team success, ready for Go-Live?

Before the go-live,

is there anything
what you would like
to mention...

 I do not know ...

 I feel uncomfortable
about ...
We know each We defined how WE We practiced how we
other better, we will make teamwork a will solve problems in
But, what is  We should ...
have built a team! success! future problems open?
 ...


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