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Excel seesions

 Graphs, different types of charts

 Statistical functions
 Data validation
 Conditional formatting

 Vlookup, Hlookup, print table, solver

 What if analysis

 Data table, what if, goal seek analysis

Basic mathematical functions
• Adds a bunch of numbers
• Syntax of Sum formula:
sum(add this, [and this ..])

Examples of Excel Sum formula:

sum(1,2,3,4) = 10
sum(5.6,2.3) = 7.9
Basic Mathematical functions
• Average Formula
• Syntax of Average formula:
average(of this number, [and this number too..])

Examples of Excel Average formula:

average(2,4,6) = 4
average(A1:A5) = average of numbers in A1:A5

Mod Formula
Rand Formula
Round Formula
Sum Formula
Basic mathematical functions
• Int Formula

• Converts a decimal number to integer lower than it

Syntax of Int formula:
int(this number)

Examples of Excel Int formula:

int(1.2365) = 1
Basic Mathematical functions
• Rounds a number to nearest decimal you specify
• Syntax of Round formula:
round(this number, to this many digits after decimal)

Examples of Excel Round formula:

round(1.2365,0) = 1
round(1.2365,2) = 1.24
Basic Mathematical functions
• Gives you a random number to play with
• Syntax of Rand formula:

Examples of Excel Rand formula:

rand() = who knows
• Autofill handle
• Filling same number
• Filling a series
• Filling a series with even numbers
• Autofill of date – check out options
• Autofill mon-tue-wed, jan-feb-mar, rank – 1st,2nd, 3rd
Copy & Paste in Excel
• Simple Excel Copy and Paste
• Select an Excel cell, or range of cells.
• Copy the cell(s) by either:
• Right clicking with the mouse and selecting 'Copy' from this menu;
• Selecting 'Copy' from the home tab (or the Edit menu in older versions
of Excel);
• Using the keyboard shortcut, CTRL-C (i.e. select the CTRL key and
while holding this down, press C).
• Click on the location where you want to paste the copied
• Paste the copied cell(s) by either:
• Right clicking with the mouse and selecting 'Paste' from this menu;
• Selecting 'Paste' from the home tab (or the Edit menu in older versions
of Excel);
• Using the keyboard shortcut, CTRL-V (i.e. select the CTRL key and
while holding this down, press V).
Paste Special
• Normally in Excel copy and paste, all information from the
copied cells is pasted into the new cells. This includes any
formulas or other cell contents, and the cell formatting.
• To paste only one part of the original copied cells, (for
example, you might want to paste the values but not the
formatting) into the new range.

• Copying a work sheet

• View gridlines
• Fill colours
• Change the text colour
• Show All Formulas in a Spreadsheet – Control `
• Show formulas instead of the calculation
• Example : `=today()
Cell referencing
• Relative References
• By default, Excel cell references are relative references.
This means that a simple cell reference, used within an
Excel cell, will be adjusted when copied to other cells.
• Take example of A1, B1, c1 = sum(a1:b1). Copy to next
• when copied from row 1, into the rows 2 and 3, the
reference to cell C1 adjusts to reference cells in rows 2
and 3.
Cell Referencing
• Absolute References
• There are occasions when we need Excel cell references
to remain constant when copied to other cells. In this
case, we can use the $ symbol before a column or row
reference, to make a cell reference absolute.
• Example : use the absolute cell reference, $E$1.
• When the reference =$E$1 is copied to cells A1-C3, the
reference remains constant
Cell Referencing
• Absolute and relative referencing can be mixed. For
example in the spreadsheet below, the reference =$A1
uses absolute referencing for the column and relative
referencing for the row.
Excel date and time
• Adding and Subtracting Dates and Times in Excel
• Examples :
• Calculate the Number of Days Between Two Dates : A2-A1
• Calculate the Difference Between Two Times
• Note that, in order to display this result, cell B1 should be formatted to have
the time format "hh:mm").
• Calculate the Difference Between Two Dates and Times
• Add a Time to a Date and Time
• Common problem
• Formatting Dates and Times in Excel
• The results in of the above Excel date and time formulas may not
show correctly
• The cells can be made to show the correct result by formatting into a
'General', 'Date', 'Time', or 'Date & Time' format, depending on the
required result type.
Data management
• Sorting
• Filtering
• Various Numerical Conditions (Equals, Does Not Equal,
Greater Than, etc) - if you select one of these options, Excel
will open up a box in which you can specify up to two simple
numerical conditions;
• (Top 10...) - Display rows containing the top N values;
• (Above Average) - Display numerical values that are above the
average value;
• (Below Average) - Display numerical values that are below the
average value;
• (Custom Filter...) - This opens up the same box as you get
when selecting the individual Numerical Conditions (Equals,
Does Not Equal, etc), to allow you to specify up to two
numerical conditions.
• For filtering to work correctly, worksheet should include a
header row to identify the name of each column.
• Example
• Select the Data tab, then click the Filter command.
• Click the drop-down arrow for the column you want to filter. For
example, filter column B to view only certain types of equipment.
• The Filter menu will appear.
• Uncheck the box next to Select All to quickly deselect all data.
• Can apply multiple filters to help narrow down results
• Check or uncheck the boxes depending on the data you want to
filter, then click OK. In our example, we'll uncheck everything
except for August.
• Clearing filters applied
Excel Functions
• Excel COUNT & COUNTA Functions
• The Excel Count and the Excel Counta functions both
count the number of values within a supplied set of values
or range of cells.
• The two functions differ in the following ways:
• The Count function returns the count of numeric values
(includes numbers and dates);
• The Counta function returns the count of all non-blank
values (includes numbers, dates, text values, logical
values and errors).
Count functions
• Values counted
• Numbers and dates are always counted as numeric values by the
Excel Count function.
• Text representations and logical values are counted differently,
depending on whether they are supplied as a value in a range of
cells, or if they are supplied directly to the function.
• Countblank
• Counta
• Count
• COUNTIF( range, criteria )
• range-The range of cells that should be tested against the
supplied criteria and counted if the criteria is satisfied.
criteria-A user-defined condition that is tested against
each of the cells in the supplied range.
• Examples
• The Excel IF function tests a user-defined condition and
returns one result if the condition is true, and another
result if the condition is false.
• The syntax of the function is :
• IF( logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false )
Countif & Sumif
• Countif
• customers in given cities based on customer and city data
• Checking on a range and counting
• Pattern matching – example – no. of customers having ‘Powai’ in
address eg. countif(C1:C100, "*POWAI*")
• Counting positive numbers in a range eg countif(C1:C100,”>0”)
• Sumif
• sumif(in this range, values meeting this criteria, [sum-this-range])

sumif(A1:A20, 3) = sums the cells with a value of "3"

sumif(A1:A20, 3, b1:b20) = same as above but adds values in
• VLOOKUP( lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num,
[range_lookup] )
• lookup_value-The value that you want to look up.
• table_array-The data array or table, containing the search
values in the left hand columns and the values to return in
another column.
• col_index_num-The column number, within the supplied
table_array, that you want to return a value from.
• The [range_lookup] can be set to TRUE or FALSE, meaning:
• TRUE-If the function cannot find an exact match to
the supplied lookup_value, it should use the closest
match below the supplied value.
• Note: if this option is used, the left-hand column of
the table_array must be in ascending order.
• FALSE-If the function cannot find an exact match to
the supplied lookup_value, it should return an error.
• HLOOKUP( lookup_value, table_array, row_index_num,
[range_lookup] )
• lookup_value-The value that you want to look for, in the first row of the supplied data
• table_array-The data array or table, containing the data to be searched and the
return values.
• row_index_num-The row number, within the supplied array, that you want the
corresponding value to be returned from
• [range_lookup]-An optional logical argument, which can be set to TRUE or FALSE,
• TRUE-if the function cannot find an exact match to the supplied lookup_value,
it should use the closest match below the supplied value.
• Note: If [range_lookup] is set to TRUE, the top row of the table_array must be
in ascending order).
• FALSE-if the function cannot find an exact match to the supplied
lookup_value, it should return an error
• Find duplicates using concatenate and conditional
• Remove duplicates using the ribbon
Statistical functions
• Standard Deviation
• Variance
String functions
• Excel Left, Mid and Right Functions
• The Excel Left function returns a specified number of
characters from the left (the beginning) of a supplied text string.
• In the example below, the Left function returns the first two
characters of the string "test string":
• =LEFT( "test string", 2 ) returns the text string "te"
• The Excel Mid function returns a specified number of
characters from the middle of a supplied text string, beginning
at a specified character.
• In the example below, the Mid function returns 3 characters
from the middle of the string "test string", starting from
character number 6:
• =MID( "test string", 6, 3 ) returns the text string "str".
String functions
• The Excel Right function returns a specified number of
characters from the right (the end) of a supplied text
• In the example below, the Right function returns the last
two characters of the string "test string":
• =RIGHT( "test string", 2 ) returns the text string "ng"
String functions
• The syntax of the Find function is:
• FIND( find_text, within_text, [start_num] )
String functions
• Split String at a Specific Character - Examples
• Example 1 - Return Text From the Beginning of a Text
String, Up to the First Space
• If you want to use a formula to split a text string at the first
space, and then return the left part of the split string, this
can be done by combining the Left function with the Find
function. This is shown in the example below:

• Test string = LEFT(A1,FIND(“ “,A1) -1)

• In the above formula, the Find function returns the value 5
as the position of the space within the supplied text "test
string". Subtracting 1 from this value gives the value 4,
which is then supplied to the Left function.
String functions
• Example 2 - Return Text From the End of a Text String
• If you want to use a formula to split a text string at the first
space, and then return the right (the end) part of the string, this
can be done by combining the Right function with the Excel
Find function and the Excel Len function. This is shown in the
example below:
• Test string =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(“ “))
• In the above formula, the Len function returns the value 11, as
the length of the string "test string" and the Find function
returns the value 5 as the position of the space.
• Therefore, the expression LEN( A1 ) - FIND( " ", A1 ) evaluates
to 6 (= 11 - 5), which is then supplied to the Right function.
• Therefore, the Right function returns the last 6 characters of
the supplied string.
String functions
• SUBSTITUTE( text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num] )

The original text string containing the

text -
text to be replaced.
The sub-string that is to be found and
old_text -
replaced by new_text.
The new text string that is to be used
new_text -
to replace the old_text.

An optional argument which specifies

which occurrence of old_text should
be replaced by the new_text.
•If a value of [instance_num] is
[instance_num] -
specified, just that instance of the
old_text is replaced;
•Otherwise, all instances of old_text
are replaced with the new_text.
Financial formulas
• IRR – Internal rate of return
• NPV – Net Present Value
• Yield
Future value
Future value of an investment
of $1,000 per month over 5
years, with a present value of
$0, and an interest rate of 5%
per year (payment made at
end of each mth):

=FV( 5%/12, 60, -1000 )

We can add arguments at the end for

1. present value if any
2. 0 – end of payment period, 1 – beginning of payment period
• Sort – discuss examples
• Filter
• Conditional formatting
• Tables
You can find the Solver on the Data tab
• What are the decisions to be made? For this problem, we
need Excel to find out how much to order of each product
(bicycles, mopeds and child seats).
• What are the constraints on these decisions? The
constrains here are that the amount of capital and storage
used by the products cannot exceed the limited amount of
capital and storage (resources) available. For example,
each bicycle uses 300 units of capital and 0.5 unit of
• What is the overall measure of performance for these
decisions? The overall measure of performance is the
total profit of the three products, so the objective is to
maximize this quantity.
• name the following ranges.

Range Name Cells

Unit_Profit C4:e4
Order_Size C12:e12
Resources_Used G7:G8
Resources_Available I7:I8
Total Profit I12
Put in sumproduct
• Trial and Error
• With this formulation, it becomes easy to analyze any trial solution.
• For example, if we order 20 bicycles, 40 mopeds and 100 child seats,
the total amount of resources used does not exceed the amount of
resources available. This solution has a total profit of 19000.
• Try out optimal solution using solver
Optimal solution
Transportation problem
Transportation Problem
• To formulate this transportation problem, answer the
following three questions.
• a. What are the decisions to be made? For this problem,
we need Excel to find out how many units to ship from
each factory to each customer.
• b. What are the constraints on these decisions? Each
factory has a fixed supply and each customer has a fixed
• c. What is the overall measure of performance for these
decisions? The overall measure of performance is the
total cost of the shipments, so the objective is to minimize
this quantity.
Solver example - Transportation
To make the model easier to understand, name the following ranges.

Range Name Cells

UnitCost C4:E6
Shipments C10:E12
TotalIn C14:E14
Demand C16:E16
Supply I10:I12
TotalCost I16
Transportation problem
Transportation Problem – trial
Transportation Problem - solver
• You have the choice of typing the range names or clicking
on the cells in the spreadsheet.
• 2. Enter TotalCost for the Objective.
• 3. Click Min.
• 4. Enter Shipments for the Changing Variable Cells.
• 5. Click Add to enter the following constraint.
Transportation problem

Conclusion: it is optimal to ship 100 units from Factory 1 to Customer 2,

100 units from Factory 2 to Customer 2, 100 units from Factory 2 to
Customer 3, 200 units from Factory 3 to Customer 1 and 100 units from
Factory 3 to Customer 3. This solution gives the minimum cost of
26000. All constraints are satisfied.

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