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5 – 7 Feb 2018
05 Februari 2018

• Jumlah Pasien : 33
• Pasien MRS : 16
• Pasien Pulang : 17
• Pasien BPJS : 21
• Pasien PC : 12
Dinas Pagi 05/02/2018 | dr. Bambang & dr.Nisa

1 Ny.Popi, 36 Tahun BPJS Vertigo Berat pheripheral vertigo Mangkai info

2 An. Kaila, 3 Tahun BPJS Hiperpirexia Hyperpyrexia NOS Subi info

3 Tn. Amiruddim, 43 PC Obs Febris H-1 Fever NOS Pulang

4 Tn. David Junaidi, PC Obs Febris H-2 Fever of unknown origin Pulang
36 Tahun

5 Ny. Marta, 77 BPJS Bronchitis Akut + Acute bronchitis NOS + Damar info
Tahun Dehidrasi Sedang ec Moderate Dehydration
Low intake
6 Nn. Farah, 17 Tahun BPJS Dispepsia + Dehidrasi Dyspepsia NOS + Moderate Nipah info
sedang ec Low intake Dehydration

7 Tn.Trisna W, 37 Tahun PC Obs. Febris H-3 Fever of Unknown origin Pulang

8 Ny.Rafiah, 58 Tahun PC Dispepsia Dyspepsia NOS Pulang

9 Tn. Ricardo, 22 Tahun PC Obs. Febris H-2 Fever of Unknown origin Pulang
Dinas Siang | 5 Februari 2018 | dr. Bambang – dr. Raja

1 Ny. Suhaini, 52 th GEA Acute gastroenteritis Pulang

BPJS Trauma musculoskeletal + Multiple VE et Bruise of head + Blister of left lower

2 An. Evara, 12 th Damar
AL facialis, pedis (S), manus (D) leg & right hand, initial encounter

3 Nn. Lulu, 26 th PC Dyspepsia Dyspepsia NOS Pulang

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo +

4 Ny. Hendi, 40 th PC BPPV + Dyspepsia Pulang
Dyspepsia NOS

Moderate persistent asthma with acute

5 Tn. Adam, 53 th BPJS Asthma attack + CHF Fc II - III Sekatung
exacerbation + Congestive heart failure

Maternal care for Premature rupture of Sebetul

6 Ny. Nuria, 31 th BPJS G4P3A1 uk 39-40 minggu + KPD dr. Basid,
membrane Sp.OG

Trauma musculoskeletal + low intake

7 Tn. Rophan, 19 th BPJS Traumatic head injury Sekatung
(Fraktur maxilla & mandibula)

8 An. Risfan, 6 th BPJS Hyperpirexia + low intake Hyperpirexia NOS
GEA + dehidrasi ringan-sedang + low Acute gastroenteritis + moderate
9 Ny. Siti, 78 th BPJS Sekatung
intake dehydration

10 Tn. Hasan, 37 th IOM Episode depresi berat Major depressive disorder Nipah

Foreign body on external eye, part

11 Tn. Jumi, 40 th PC Corpus alienum et Oculi sinistra Pulang
unspecified, left eye, initial encounter

12 Ny. Halijah, 55 th BPJS Dyspepsia + Hipertensi Dyspepsia NOS + hypertension Pulang

Hyperpirexia e.c susp. Subi

13 An. Sauki, 6 th BPJS Hyperpirexia NOS dr. Santoso,
Bronchopneumonia Sp.A

Tn. Djusmadi, 60
14 PC BPPV Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Pulang

An. Hendan, 10 Hyperpirexia e.c susp. Hyperpirexia NOS Subi

15 BPJS dr. Santoso,
th Bronchopneumonia Sp.A

16 Nn. Riski, 19 th PC Dyspepsia Dyspepsia NOS Pulang

Moderate persistent asthma with acute

17 Nn. Nanda, 20 th PC Asthma attack + dyspepsia Nipah
exacerbation + Dyspepsia NOS
Dinas Malam 05/02/2018 | dr. Bambang & dr. Zul
1 Ny. Rahmawati, 38 th BPJS Dispepsia Dyspepsia NOS pulang

2 An Villal/ 9th BPJS Observasi Febris H-1 Fever unspecified pulang

3 Tn. Nursamsul/ 35 th BPJS Obs vomitus+Dehidrasi Vomiting Nos+Moderate sekatung info

sedang+Ht stg 1 Dehydration
+HT stg 1

4 Ny,Ngim Tjai/ 68 th BPJS Obs vomitus+dehidrasi Vomiting NOS+moderate Mangkai Info

sedang+isk dehydration

5 An.M zulfikar/10 thn BPJS Obs Febris H2 Fever unspecified Pulang

6 Tn.Siswanto/45 BPJS ISPA Acute upper respiratory Pulang
infection, unspecified

7 Tn.Buang/52 thn BPJS SH Nontraumatic intracerebral Sekatung info

06 Februari 2018

• Jumlah Pasien : 17
• Pasien MRS : 13
• Pasien Pulang : 4
• Pasien BPJS : 13
• Pasien PC : 4
Dinas Pagi 06/02/2018 | dr. Haposan & dr. Fina

An. Raysa, 7 Hiperpireksia

1 BPJS Febris, unspecified Pulang
bln (Febris H-1)

Ny. Erli
HT stage 2 + DM tipe 2 Hypertention + DM More
2 Endawati, 60 BPJS sekatung
+ Low intake Type 2 + Low intake

An. Kenzo
3 Ramadhan, 2 Hiperpireksia Hyperpirexia Pulang
Tn. Asmungi, Dengue hemorrhagic More
4 BPJS DHF Grade 1 Sekatung
38 thn fever

Nn. Annisa, More

5 BPJS CKR Head injury Damar
19 thn

Syahendra Hiperpireksia + Febris, unspecified + More
6 BPJS Subi
Akbar, 1,5 Dehidrasi sedang Moderate dehydration
Dinas Siang 06/02/2018 | dr. Haposan & dr. Ranti
1 Ny. Pariah/ 56 BPJS Prolaps uteri grade III + Uterovaginal prolapse, Sebetul more
th Hipertensi stage I unspecified + primary
Rujukan dr. Basid, Sp.OG
2 An. Zia A/ 8 BPJS Hiperpireksia +Dehidrasi Febris, unspecified + Subi more
bulan Sedang moderate dehydration

3 Ny. Indra A/ BPJS GEA + Dehidrasi Sedang Acute gastroenteritis + Mangkai More
30 th moderate dehydration

4 An. Ivan M/ 6 BPJS TFA + Low intake Acute pharyngitis, Subi More
th unspecified

5 Ny. Nengrina/ Jamp KET Ectopic pregnancy, Sebetul more

26 th ersal unspecified
Rujukan dr. Basid, Sp.OG

6 Tn. Guntur / BPJS Appendisitis akut Acute appendicitis Senoa more

21 th
Dinas Malam 06/02/2018 | dr. Siska & dr. Laura
1 Ny. Lim Kui Kim, 70 PC Koma Hipoglikemi + Type 2 diabetes mellitus with Damar info
tahun DM tipe 2 + CKD stg V hypoglycemia with coma +
Chronic kidney disease,
2 Ny. Siti Hanifah, 27 BPJS Low intake + Moderate dehydration Sekatung info
tahun AL Dehidrasi sedang
3 Ny. Aniati, 40 tahun BPJS FA Acute pharyngitis, unspecified Pulang
4 Ny. Desi, 25 Tahun PC Synd. Dyspepsia Dyspepsia NOS Pulang

5 Tn. Manupat, 44 PC CKR + VL et regio Unspecified injury of head, Senoa info

tahun mentalis initial encounter + Open
wound et regio mentalis
7 Februari 2018
• Jumlah Pasien : 23
• Pasien MRS : 12
• Pasien Pulang : 11
• Pasien BPJS : 17
• Pasien PC : 6
Dinas Pagi 07/02/2018 | dr. Fransiska / dr. Nisa
1 Nn. Firanda, BPJS Thalasemia Mayor Thalassemia Sekatung info
19 Tahun

2 Ny. BPJS Asma Attack Asthma with acute Pulang

Nuragianti, 25 exacerbation
3 Ny. Hariyani BPJS Asma Attack Asthma with acute Pulang
safitri, 49 exacerbation

4 An. Arif, 4 BPJS Dengue Fever Dengue Fever Subi info


5 Ny. Dewi BPJS G1P0A0 + UK 38-40 mgg + Full term of pregnancy + OK info
Alfionita, 26 oligohidroamnion Oligohydroamnions
6 Tn. BPJS Tetanus Grade III Tetanus NOS ICU info
34 tahun
7 An. Bariq PC Asma Attack Asthma with acute Pulang
Maulana, 2 exacerbation
8 Tn. Suyadi, 47 BPJS CKR GCS 15 Closed head injury Damar info

9 Ny. Nelly BPJS G3P2A0 +UK 35-37 mgg + Full term premature OK info
Simbolon, 33 KPD rupture of membrane
10 Tn. Ispion, 50 BPJS Insect Bite Insect bite of the shoulder pulang
Tahun AL (digigit tawon)
Dinas Siang 07/02/2018 | dr. Fransiska / dr. Amel
1 Ny. Gustiani, BPJS G3P1A1 +(37-38 mg) + PEB Full term of gestation + SC Cito info
34 Tahun hypertention with pre-

2 Ny. Helen, Pc Dispepsia Dispepsia NOS Pulang


3 An. Sauki, 1,5 BPJS Hiperpirexia Hiperpirexya Pulang

Tahun AL (obs. Febris H-1)

4 Ny. Siti, 50 PC Dispepsia Dispepsia NOS Pulang


5 Ny. Fadi’ah, BPJS G1P0A0 (38-40 mg) + KPD + Premture of labor + Sc Cito Info
23 Tahun Fetal Distres gestation + fetal distress

6 Ny. Amnah, BPJS Hemiparese (s) ec. SNH Hemiparese sinistra ec. Sekatung Info
64 Tahun Non Haemorrage stroke
7 An. Anisa, 13 BPJS Hiperpirexia Hiperpirexya Pulang
Tahun AL (Obs. Febris H-1)

8 Tn. Trisno, 38 PC Post Craniotomy Post Craniotomy Pro Info

Tahun Cranioplasty
Dinas Malam | 7 Februari 2018 | dr. Fransiska – dr. Raja

1 Nn. Farah, 20 th PC Dyspepsia Dyspepsia NOS Pulang

Moderate persistent asthma with acute

2 Ny. Misri, 69 th BPJS Asthma attack Pulang

3 An.Arsya, 2 th PC Obs. Febris H-2 Fever, unspecified Pulang

Dyspepsia + Low intake + dehidrasi Dyspepsia NOS + Moderate

4 Ny. Kartiyem, 55 th BPJS Nipah
sedang dehydration

Dyspepsia NOS + Hypertensive heart

Dyspepsia + Low intake + efusi pleura
5 Tn. Jufri, 69 th BPJS disease with heart failure + pleural Nipah
(D) + HHD

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