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Rev 1:19 Write, therefore, what you have seen,

what is now and what will take place later.

(from Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, by
International Bible Society)
Literal & also symbolic – typical of many churches
Commendation ~ Condemnation ~ Challenge
I. Church at Ephesus – Tests false apostles
II. Church at Smyrna – Endures persecution
III. Church at Pergamos – Licentious, indulgent
IV. Church at Thyatira – Pagan but persevering
V. Church at Sardis – Dead church
VI. Church at Philadelphia – Missionary church
VII. Church at Laodicea – Lukewarm
1st Seal 2nd Seal 3rd Seal 4th Seal 5th Seal 6th Seal 7th Seal
6:1-2 6:3-4 6:5-6 6:7-8 6:9-11 6:12-17 8:1-5

White horse Red horse Black horse Pale horse Martyrs Earthquake Silence
Antichrist War Famine Death / Sun Dark I
T th
1st Trump 2nd Trump 3rd Trump 4th 5th Trump 6th Trump 7 Trump
8:6-7 8:8-9 8:10-11 Trump 9:1-2 9:13-21 E 11:15-19
8:12-13 R
Hail, Fire, Mountain Burning Darkness 1st Woe 2nd Woe V
Blood of star 1/3 sun, Locust Euphrates A 3rd Woe
1/3 trees, burning Wormwood moon, 144,000 4 angels L Christ
grass fire 1/3 waters stars protected kill 1/3 takes all
Poisoned S kingdoms
burned up 1/3 sea 1/3 day & rest men
becomes night tortured 200m
Blood 5 months horsemen
 Rev. 13 draws on imagery from Daniel
 Visions of beasts & horns explained
 4 Empires of Daniel 2 & Daniel 7 are Babylon, Medo-
Persia, Greece & Rome
 “Horn” in Scripture often speaks of strength, power
 Consider following images
 Stay in Daniel – 9:26-27 (½ week); 7:25 (3½ times)
 Cf. Rev. 12:5-6 (1,260 days); 12:14-16 (3½ times)
 Rev. 13:5 (42 months)
 What sort of a beast is that of Rev. 13:1-2? (see Daniel)
 Symbolism:
Symbol Meaning
Sea Nations; mass of humanity
Heads Ruling powers see Rev. 17:9-10
Horn Strength, authority
Crowns Diadems, = highest ruling authority; kings
Beasts Compare Dan. 7
 Antichrist (on white horse) controls nations
 Rev. 6:1-2; Dan. 8:23-25; 1 Thess. 5:11f
 10 nation confederacy established
 Dan. 2:42-44; 7:7-8, 20-24
 Antichrist makes 7 year covenant with Israel
 Dan. 9:27
 3 kings rebel but are defeated (Dan. 7:8; 20-25)
 After 3½ years Israel is attacked (Dan. 9:27)
 Armies of Antichrist destroyed by God
 Zech. 14:2-8; Eze. 38:21-23; Rev. 16:12-16 Armageddon
Saved survivors re-
populate earth during
1,000 yrs. Death is rare Saints from all
Tribulation ends Survivors of Trib. ages enter
with return of Jesus gather at throne of Saints reign Eternity with
with armies of Christ to see who with Christ Christ in
heaven Rev 19 enters Millennium. for 1,000 heavenly
Jesus rules world years Jerusalem
from Jerusalem

The Millennium Eternity

Hell / Hades
Antichrist & False Lake of Fire
Prophet cast into
Lake of Fire. Satan Satan released at end of Following end of Millennium,
bound 1,000 yrs Trib. to deceive nations. universe destroyed & Great
Many follow & attack White Throne judgement
Jerusalem takes place
2Pe 3:10-11 The day of the Lord will come like a thief. On
that day heaven will pass away with a roaring sound.
Everything that makes up the universe will burn and be
destroyed. The earth and everything that people have
done on it will be exposed.
All these things will be destroyed in this way. So think of
the kind of holy and godly lives you must live

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