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Macam kelainan estetik : gigi anterior
1. Discolored Teeth (gigi berubah warna)
- “Extrinsic”
- “Intrinsic”
2. Kelainan bentuk dan posisi
3. Fraktur / atrisi
4. Enamel hypoplasia, abrasi, erosi
5. Diastema pada gigi anterior
 Stains on the external surfaces of teeth, may be the
result of a number of causes. In young patients, stains of
almost any color can be found and are usually more
prominent in the cervical areas of the teeth
 These stains may be related to remnants of poor oral hygiene,
existing restorations, gingival bleeding, plaque accumulation,
eating habits, or the presence of microorganisms.“
 Conservative correction may be accomplished by mild
microabrasion and bleaching
 Etiology. Intrinsic discolorations are caused by deeper internal stains
or enamel defects; these stains are more complicated to treat
than external types. Teeth with vital or nonvital pulps and
root canal-treated teeth can be affected.
 Causative factors medications (particularly tetracycline
preparations), excess fluoride and other types of trauma.
Macam Perawatan Rehabilitasi Estetik

1. Macroabrasion
2. Microabrasion
3. Bleaching
4. Direct composite
5. Veneer
6. Crown

Raditya Nugroho, drg., Sp.KG

Mikroabrasi (Heymann et all, 2002)
Makroabrasi (Heymann et all, 2002)
 A veneer is a layer of tooth-colored material that is applied to
a tooth to restore localized or generalized defects and
intrinsic discolorations
 Two types of esthetic veneers exist: (1) partial veneers and
(2) full veneers
Types of Veneer

 Partial veneers are indicated for the restoration of localized

defects or areas of intrinsic discoloration
 Full veneers are indicated for the restoration of generalized
defects or areas of intrinsic staining
 When a small number of teeth are involved or when the
entire facial surface is not faulty (partial veneers), directly
applied composite veneers can be completed for the patient
in one appointment.
 Full veneers can be accomplished by a direct or an indirect
 Indirect veneers require two appointments but typically offer three
advantages over directly placed full veneers:
1. Indirectly fabricated veneers are much less sensitive to
operator technique. Considerable artistic expertise and
attention to detail are required to achieve esthetic and
physiologically sound direct veneers consistently. Indirect
veneers are made by a laboratory technician and are typically
more esthetic.
2. If multiple teeth are to be veneered, indirect veneers usually
can be placed much more expeditiously.
3. Indirect veneers typically will last much longer than direct
veneers, especially if they are made of porcelain
Types of Veneer

Three types of veneers. A, Facial view of partial veneer that does not extend subgingivally or involve incisal
angle. B, Full veneer with window preparation design that extends to gingival crest and terminates
at the facioincisal angle. C, Full veneer with incisal-lapping preparation design extending subgingivally that
includes all of incisal surface. (Note that subgingival extension is only indicated for preparation of darkly
stained teeth and is not considered routine.) D to F, Cross-sections of the three types of veneers in A through
Direct Partial Veneer Techniques

Small localized intrinsic discolorations or defects that are

surrounded by healthy enamel are ideally treated with direct
partial veneers
Direct Veneer Techniques

Direct partial veneers. A, Patient with overcontoured direct full veneers. B, After removal of old veneer, localized white spots
are evident. C, Models illustrate fault (x) and cavity preparation (y). The chamfered margins are irregular in outline. D,
Intraenamel preparations for partial-veneer restorations. E, Conservative esthetic result of completed partial veneers.
Direct Full Veneers (Composite)
 Diagnosa
 Penentuan warna gigi
 Gingival management
 Preparasi direct veneer
 Etsa
 Aplikasi resin komposit dengan teknik layering
 Finishing resin komposit dengan fine finishing bur, silicone
rubber dan pasta pulas komposit.
Direct Full Veneers

Direct full veneers using light-cured composite. A, Enamel hypoplasia of maxillary anterior teeth. B, Drawing illustrates
typical preparation of facial surface for direct full veneer. C, Preparation is extended onto mesial surface to provide for
closure of diastema. D, Direct full veneers restore proximal contact. E, Etched preparations of central incisors. F,
Veneers completed on maxillary central incisors. G, Treatment completed with placement of full veneers on remaining
maxillary anterior teeth.
Direct Full Veneers
Direct Full Veneers (Composite)

Direct Full Veneers

Raditya Nugroho, drg., Sp.KG

Indirect Full Veneers (Porcelain)
 Many dentists find that the preparation, placement, and
finishing of several direct veneers at one time is too difficult,
fatiguing, and time-consuming.
 For these reasons, indirect veneer techniques are usually
preferable. Indirect veneers include those made of: (1)
processed composite, (2) feldspathic porcelain, and (3) cast
or pressed ceramic.

Raditya Nugroho, drg., Sp.KG

Indirect Full Veneers

Kunjungan pertama :
•Cetak rahang atas dan rahang bawah dengan bahan cetak
irreversible hydrocolloid
•Pencocokan warna
•Pembuatan mock up
Indirect Full Veneers

Kunjungan kedua :
•Cetak RA dengan bahan elastomer
•Cetak antagonis dengan bahan cetak irreversible hydrocolloid
•Insersi veneer sementara
Intraenamel preparation (or the roughening of the
surface in undercontoured areas) before placing a veneer
is strongly recommended for the following reasons:
1. To provide space for opaque, bonding, or veneering
materials for maximal esthetics without overcontouring
2. To remove the outer, fluoride-rich layer of enamel that
may be more resistant to acid-etching
3. To create a rough surface for improved bonding
4. To establish a definite finish line
Indirect Full Veneers

Kunjungan ketiga :
•Lepas veneer sementara
•Pasang coba veneer porselen
•Etsa veneer porselen, dikeringkan dan diulasi silane
•Etsa gigi, irigasi, keringkan, ulas dengan bonding agent
•Aplikasi flowable resin komposit pada bagian dalam veneer porselen (insersi pada gigi yang
telah diberi celluloid strip pada bagian mesial dan distal) dan sinar selama 40 detik pada bagian
servikal, insisal, palatal
•Pengecekan artikulasi
Indirect Full Veneers (Porcelain)
Indirect Full Veneers (Porcelain)

 Estetik sangat baik

 Lebih resisten terhadap stain
 Mahal
 Translusen
Indirect Full Veneers (Composite)
Indirect Full Veneers (Composite)
Indirect Full Veneers (Composite)
.... terima kasih

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