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Heart Rate

Heart Rate
Your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute.
Normal heart rate varies from person to person.

What is a normal heart rate?

Answer: 60 to 100 bpm

Activities That Provoke
Physical Exercise





Ingestion of Drugs
Resting Heart Rate
The number of times your heart beats per minute when you’re at rest.

The heart pumping the lowest amount of blood you need.

When it comes to your resting heart rate, lower is better

● Why? Means your heart muscle is in better condition and doesn’t have to work as hard to
maintain a steady beat
When Can I Check?
To determine the resting heart rate, you must have been resting for at least 10
● When is a good time to check your resting heart rate? In the morning after a good night sleep,
before you get out of bed

This rhythmic "beat" is caused by varying volumes of blood being pushed out of
the heart toward the extremities.

To determine heart rate, one counts the beats at a pulse point like the inside of the
wrist for 10 seconds, and multiplies this number by 6. This is the per-minute total.
Where Can I Find It?
The best place to find your pulse:

● wrists
● inside of your elbow
● side of your neck
● top of the foot

To get the most accurate reading, put your index and middle finger over your pulse
and count the number of beats in 60 seconds.
Why the Test is Performed
Gives important information about your health

In emergency situations, the pulse rate can help

determine if a person’s heart is pumping

Your pulse rate gives you information about your fitness level and health, during or
immediately after exercise.
Neck Pulse
The pulse may be felt on either side
of the front of the neck just below
the angle of the jaw.

To measure the pulse on the neck,

place the index and middle finger
just to the side of the Adam's apple,
in the soft hollow area.
Wrist Pulse
To measure the pulse at the wrist,
place the index and middle finger
over the underside of the opposite
wrist, below the base of the thumb.
Press firmly with flat fingers until
you feel the pulse.
Factors that can influence heart rate include:

● Activity level
● Fitness Level (how physically active you are)
● Air Temperature
● Body Position (standing up or lying down, for example)
● Emotions (stress and anxiety)
● Body Size
● Medications
Normal Results
What should your resting heart rate be?

Children 7 to 9 years old: 70 to 110 beats per minute.

Children 10 years and older, and adults (including seniors): 60 to 100 beats per

Well-trained athletes: 40 to 60 beats per minute

How To Calculate
Calculate target heart rate by subtracting your age from 220

220 is your maximum heart rate

Ex. If the person’s age is 30. (220-30=190).

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