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Chemokines & Growth factors

H. Y. Yang
Institute of Pharmacology,
National Yang-Ming University
六、 趨化因子( chemokines )
概念:吸引淋巴球球、吞噬細胞向發炎方向移行 ( diapedesis) 與聚集,也可刺激白血球活化的小分子蛋白 (60~ 70 aa ) 。
分類 : 按照半胱氨酸 ( Cys) 殘留排列基序不同分亞族:現今已發現 40 餘種
生理活性 : chemokines 及其 receptors 於數秒內與 G 蛋白偶合,除引導中性白血球到受傷組織處外造成變型,使 actin 形成聚合體
及破裂造成 lamellipodia 之吸附作用並形成如觸手或觸腳的結構。此刺激造成 integrin 的活化,使白血球與內皮細胞進行黏合
球釋放 histamine , 紅血球分泌細胞毒蛋白等。還擔負許多重要的生理功能,例如 allergic inflammation, lymphocyte homing,
lymphoid organ development, lymphoid organ homostasis, angiogenesis 等等。
Chemokine 之發現
 在 19 世紀,病理學家即發現白血球 ( leukocytes) 可以從血液中穿過微血管壁,聚集在組織受傷
的地方;這種移行現象,病理學家稱為“ diapedesis” 。 直到後來俄國科學家 Elias Metschnikoff
( 1908 年諾貝爾醫學獎得主)用實驗證明這些白血球聚集在受傷組織的主要目的是要吞噬
( engulf ) 及嗜殺凝聚在受傷組織的細菌。 所以 diapedesis 被認為是寄主 ( 人體 ) 防禦 ( host
defense) 的一個基本機制。

 Chemokines 除了在引導中性白血球到受傷組織處外造成變型,使 actin 形成聚合體及破裂造成

lamellipodia 之吸附作用並形成如觸手或觸腳的結構。此刺激造成 integrin 的活化,使白血球與內
、使中性球或單核球分泌蛋白分解酵素、嗜鹼球釋放 histamine , 紅血球與嗜鹼性球分泌細胞毒
蛋白 eotaxin 等進行毒殺滅菌。 此外還擔負許多重要的生理功能,例如 lymphocyte homing,
lymphoid organ development, lymphoid organ homostasis, angiogenesis 等等。 )

 接下來要問的問題是:白血球如何能知道他們必須要游走到組織受傷的地方呢?這個指引白血
球到組織受傷處的任務就由 “ classical” chemoattractants 及 chemokines 來擔當了。

 現今已證實
1. IL-8 was the key neutrophil-chemoattractant factor,
2. CCL2 (MCP-1) was the key monocyte attractant, and
3. CCL11 (eotaxin) was identified later as the major eosinophil attractant.
Chemokines 之介紹
Chemokine receptor 間性質之差異性
對單一種內生性之 ligand 具有‘選擇性’ 之接受器 (yellow);
(2) 與多於一種 ligand 共享其受體 ‘ redundant’ or ‘shared’ (red);
(3) 結構歸類其家族,但其無所知的內生性 ligand ,歸屬於罕見之接受器‘ orphan’ - receptors (purple);
(4) 可與內生性 chemokine 結合,但無其相關之傳訊, 稱之為 無訊息之接受器‘ non-signaling’- -receptors (blue). 內生性 chemokine receptor 之 ligand ( 黑 ). 某
些病毒譯碼之 chemokine receptor antagonists ( 紅 );
(5) regulated by vMIP-II (represented in a smaller font size to indicate those receptors at which it exhibits only partial antagonism). Virally encoded chemokines that are
agonists at indicated receptors ( green).
(1) BCA-1/CXCL13, B-cell-attracting chemokine 1;
(2) CTACK/CCL27, cutaneous T-cell attracting chemokine;
(3) DARC, Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines;
(4) ELC/CCL19, Epstein–Barr virus-induced receptor ligand chemokine;
(5) ENA78/CXCL5, epithelial cell-derived neutrohil-activating factor 78;
(6) GCP-2/CXCL6, granulocyte chemoattractant protein 2;
(7) HCC-1/CCL14, hemofiltrate CC chemokine 1;
(8) HCR, human chemokine receptor;
(9) IL-8/CXCL8, interleukin 8;
(10) IP-10/CXCL10, interferon-inducible protein 10;
(11) I-TAC/CXCL11, interferon-inducible T-cell a chemoattractant;
(12) LARC/CCL20, liver and activation-related chemokine;
(13) MCP-1/CCL2, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1;
(14) MDC/CCL22, macrophage-derived chemokine; MIG/CXCL9,
(15) monocyte-induced by -interferon;
(16) MIPF-1/CCL23, myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor 1;
(17) NAP-2/CXCL7, neutrophil-activating peptide 2;
(18) RANTES/CCL5, regulation on activation of normal T cells expressed and secreted;
(19) SDF-1/CXCL12, stromal cell-derived factor 1;
(20) SLC/CCL21, second lymphoid tissue chemokine;
(21) TARC/CCL17, T cell and activation-related chemokine;
(22) TECK/CCL25, thymus expressed chemokine;
(23) vMIP-II, virally encoded macrophage inflammatory protein II.
Chemokines 接受器
Chemokine receptor
Chemokine 之開發
 “classical” chemoattractants : 包括了細菌之 fMLP ( N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, f-Met-leu-phe), 補
體 C5a, leukotriene B4 以及 PAF ( platelet-activating factor) 。這一類非特異性 chemoattractants 主要是作用
在 phagocytic cells ,例如 neutrophils, monocyte 。基於作用的細胞在這二種免疫系統所扮演的角色來
看, classical chemoattractants 主要與 innate immunity 有關。

 近十年來另外一系列的 neutrophil chemoattractants 相繼被發現,如 IL-8 於 1978 年首先被發現。 現

今已有 40 餘種,分別作用於 18 種接受器。 由於此蛋白分子量小 ( 60-130 aa. 組成 ) , 其氨基酸序
列有其特定性,所以自成一家族,此一家族乃稱為 chemokines 。

 Chemokine 這個名詞的由來,是由二個字衍生而來的,即 chemoattractant 的字首加上 cytokine 的字

尾而形成的。這個名詞其實才在 1992 年第三屆 International Symposium of Chemotactic Cytokines 的會議
正 式給予命名。 Chemokine 與 classical chemoattractant 不同的地方除了在它們結構上不同外,它們
作用的細胞也不同。 而 chemokine 可以作用的細胞除了 phagocytic cells 之外,還包括 dendritic cells
與 T lymphocytes 、 stromal cell 與 progenitor B cell 間之 chemotaxis 。免疫系統可以簡單的分成二類,
一類即所謂的 Innate 或 nonspecific ) immunity ,此系統的主角是 phagocytic cells ,另一類是所謂的
Adaptive (或 acquired, specific ) immunity ,參與此反應的主角是 lymphocytes 及 dendritic cells 。

 所以 chemokine 它的功能有如連接 innate 及 adaptive immunity 的一座橋樑,使得 innate 與 adaptive

immunity 可以互相溝通,而不是獨立作業。 由此可想而知, chemokines 參與免疫及發炎反應,所
以當病態時 chemokines 在主體防禦 ( host defense) 佔有極重要的角色。 雖然 chemokines 在免疫及發
炎反應扮演著重要角色,而且與許多傳染疾病有關,但是 chemokine 一直未受到重視。

 直到 1996 年有些 chemokine CXCR4 receptor 及 CD4 抗原被發現是 HIV 表面蛋白 gp120 的認知部位
,此研究對 HIV 研究領域而言,是一項重大的突破,從此 chemokine 及 chemokine receptor , 一下
Chemokines 家族
 Chemokines 自成一家族,其氨基酸序列中具有不可變的 4 個 cysteine, 位於 N 端之第一個 Cys 1 與
股架形成 -strands , Cys1 與 Cys-3 ; 及 Cys2 與 Cys4 以 -S-S- 鍵結,而 Cys-2 與 Cys4 行成連
結環; 而後有約 20-30 個氨基酸形成  -helix 的 C 端。 chemokines 可再被分成四類:
其中 (1) 與 (2) 之頭 2 個 Cysteines 的位置不同可分為 :
(1). CXC ( Cys 1-X-Cys3 ) chemokine : IL- 8 即為此組最具代表性的分子,其中包括 75 種接受器 CXCR1-
5 分別是 IL-8, GCP-2; IL-8, GRO// ( growth-regulated oncogene ), NAP-2 ( neutrophil-activating peptide
2 ), ENA78 ( epithelial-cell derived neutrophil activator ), GCP-2 ( granulocyte chemotactic protein-2 ); IP10
( interferon-inducible protein ), MIG ( monokine induced by interferon-); SDF-1 ( stromal cell- derived
factor ); BCA-1/BLC 之受體
(2). CC ( Cys2-Cys4 ) chemokine : 又稱 -chemokine 。其中 RANTES ( Regulated upon activation, normal T cell
expressed and secreted ), MIP1 , MIP1 ( macrophage inflammatory protein ) 比較受囑目,因為它們
可以干擾 HIV 進入 T 細胞,其中包括 10 種接受器 CCR1-8 分別是 RANTES, MIP-1, MCP-2 ,
MCP-3 ( monocyte chemoattractant protein ) ; MCP-1-4; Eotaxin, eotaxin-2, RANTES, MCP-2,3,4; TARC ( thymus
and activation-regulated chemokine ), RANTES, MIP-1,, MIP-1; RANTES, MIP-1, ; LARC/MIP-
3/exodus; ELC/MIP-3; 1-309 之受體
** eotaxin : a powerful attractant of eosinophils during asthma, atopic dermatitis, nasal polyps, ulcerative colitis; its
receptor CCR3 is present in RBC, basophils & a subset of T lymphocytes with TH2 helper
** IP10, Mig are selective chemokines induced by IFN- for IL-2-activated T lymphocytes.
** BCA-1/BLC is a selective chemokine for B lymphocyte
** CCR5 is expressed preferentially in TH1 cells, where CCR3 & CCR4 seem to be characteristic of TH2 cells
** Lymphocye-chemotactic protein : RANTES, MIP-1,  大部份已知 chemokines 都落在 (1) 及 (2) 類組。
(3). CX3C : 如 mucin 結構之 N 端 , 其中接受器 CX3CR1 是 Fractalkine/Neurotacin 之受體;及
(4). C : 只有一成員 lymphotactin ( -chemokine ) ,
1. CXC 亞族( α 亞族):
氨基端的 2 個半胱氨酸被其它任一氨基酸分隔。 e.g. IL-8--- 為主要代表。
細胞來源: 活化的單核 - 巨噬細胞、内皮細胞、成纖維細胞和巨核細胞。
2. CC 亞族 (β 亞族 ))--- 氨基端的兩個半胱氨酸相鄰。
MCP-1( 單核細胞趨化蛋白 -1) 為主要代表 ( 內皮與 IL-6 受體鏈誘導 ) 。
細胞來源:活化的 T 細胞、上皮細胞、成纖細胞接觸到 LPS, IL-1, TNF, C5a,   LTB4, INF 等
主要功能:趨化並活化單個核細胞(單核細胞和 T 細胞),一般不作用於中性粒細胞
3. C 亞族 (γ 亞族 ))--- 氨基端只含有一個半胱氨酸。
成員: lymphotactin-α 和 lymphotactin-β 。
4. CX3C 亞族( δ 亞族) --- 两個半胱氨酸被三個氨基酸隔離。
成員: Fractalkine 。

B : B-lymphocyte; Bs: basophil; DC : dendritic cell; Eo : eosinophil; Mc: mast cell; Mo : monocyte; NK : natural killer cell;
No : neutrophil; LEC : lymphatic endothelial cell; RBC : red blood cell; T: T-lymphocyte; VEC : vascular endothelial cell.
目前所知人類之 chemokines 及其受體
 CC chemokines
1. DC-CK-1 or PARC : Dendritic cell-derived chemokine-1 or pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine
2. ELC : EBI1-ligand chemokine
3. LARC : Liver and activation-regulated chemokine
4. MCP-1 : Monocyte chemotactic protein-1
5. MDC : Macrophage-derived chemokine
6. MIP-1 : Macrophage inflammatory protein-1
7. SLC : Secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine
8. RANTES : Regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted
9. TARC : Thymus and activation-regulated chemokine
10. TECK : Thymus-expressed chemokine
 CXC chemokines
1. BCA-1 : B-cell-attracting chemokine -1
2. GRO : Growth-related oncogene-
3. IL-8 : Interleukin 8
4. IP-10 : Interferon-c-inducible protein
5. Nap-2 : Neutrophil-activating protein-2
6. MIG : Monokine induced by interferon-
7. PF-4 : Platelet factor-4
8. SDF-1 : Stromal cell-derived factor-1
Chemokine 與氣喘
 Eotaxin, eotaxin-2, eotaxin-3, RANTES
與 macrophage chemoattractant protein-4
(MCP-4) 均經由作用於紅血球之 CCR3
接受器而作用 .
1. Eotaxin 之 Ab 可降低過敏原引發
 MCP-1 會活化單核球與淋巴球之
CCR-2 ;亦會使 master cell 聚集與
Chemokine receptor & cancer

• CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 inhibited the growth of intracranial

glioblastoma and medulloblastoma xenografts, and increased
tumour cell apoptosis within 24 hours. Therefore,CXCR4 is a
potential therapeutic target in human cancer
Chemokines can act as growth / survival factors for cancer cell

 CXCL12 stimulates proliferation and/or survival of CXCR4-expressing cancer

cells, including glioma, melanoma, ovarian, prostate, small cell lung, renal and
thyroid cancer.
Semin Cancer Biol 2004;14:171-9.

 CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL3 are not expressed by normal melanocytes but are
upregulated in melanoma and stimulate the growth of melanoma cells in vitro
and in vivo.
J Leukoc Biol 2002;72:9-18.

 CCL20 promotes proliferation of CCR6-expressing pancreatic cells.

Int J Cancer 1999;81:650-7.

 CXCL1 and CXCL8 also stimulate proliferation of pancreatic cancer cell lines.
Pancreas 2000;21:52-6.

 CXCL8 can act as an autocrine growth factor for human ovarian cancer cells.
Oncol Res 2000;12:97-106.
Chemokines involved in adhesion / invasion in
cancer cell
 CXCL12 modulates the expression and
function of cell surface integrin molecules,
and in turn promotes adhesion to VCAM-1,
fibronectin, and collagen.
Oncogene 22:8093-101, ’03, & 24:4462-71, ‘05.

 CXCL12 induces metalloprotease (MMP)

synthesis in different cell types, including
rhabdomyosarcoma, pancreatic and prostate
cancer. MMPs are involved in the degradation
of extracellular matrix in the surrounding
normal tissue and known to mediate cancer
invasion and metastases.
Chemokines regulate angiogenicity
 CXC chemokines regulate angiogenesis either positively or negatively
depending on the ELR motif. Angiogenic chemokines include CXCL1,
2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. CXCL12 lacking the ELR motif can also exert
angiogenic activity.

 Elevated levels of CXCL5 and CXCL8 are detected in non-small cell

lung cancer and correlated with the vascularity. Depletion of these
chemokines in vivo resulted in decreased angiogenesis and decreased
tumor size and metastasis.

 CXCL12 promotes blood vessel formation (to induce endothelial cell

migration and proliferation and to increase VEGF release by
endothelial cells).
Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2005;16:593-609.
CXCR4 & CCR7 in tumor
CXCR4 expression is associated
with metastasis in in
nasopharyngeal carcinoma,
osteosarcoma, non-small cell lung
cancer, colorectal or prostate
CXCR4 expression predicts LN
metastasis in breast cancer.
CXCR4 expression is associated
with poor clinical outcome in
esophageal cancer and melanoma.

CCR7 expression is associated with

metastasis in esophageal, gastric,
head and neck, and non-small cell
lung cancer.
CCR7 expression correlates with,
and can be used to predict,
metastasis in breast and colorectal
cancer patients.
Patients with oral and pharyngeal
squamous cell carcinomas that
express CCR7 have lower survival
Dendritic cell 之來源
Discovered by Ralph Steinman (The
Rockefeller University, New York)
Dendritic cell 樹突細胞之分布
Dentritic cell 之成熟過程
Chemokine 在 T 淋巴球的作用
Helper T lymphocyte ( TH1) 細胞有特定之 CCR51 表現,而 TH2 則有 CCR3, CCR4 的表現
 LPS 對 CC chemokine 與其受體在人類 monocyte 的表
1. LPS 可誘導趨化因子 MCP-1, MIP-1, MCP-3 的產生,
2. LPS 可抑制趨化因子受體 ( CCR2> CCR5= CCR1 ) ,進
Chemokine 受體
 Chemokine 的 receptor 是一種 7 個疏水性跨膜區 ( - 螺旋結構 ) , G 蛋白偶聯
受體家族。在 1996 年 Gordon Conference on Chemotactic Cytokines 的會議中訂 出
chemokine receptor 的命名原則;一旦 receptor 的 ligand 被找到後,依 receptor 被發
 例如, IL-8 的 receptor 是第一個被報告的 chemokine receptor 而且 IL-8 是屬於 CXC
chemokine ,所以就被命名為 CXCR1 ( 與 CXC 型趨化因子結合之受體 ) ;而 CCR 則
是與 CC 型趨化因子(如 MCP-1 )結合之受體。 至今共有 18 個 chemokine receptor
已被定義出,包括 5 個 CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR) , CXCR1 - CXCR5 ; 11 個
CC chemokine receptor (CCR) , CCR1 -CCR11; CX3CR1 以及 XCR1 。 Chemokine receptor
的數目必然會迅速地繼續增加,因為目前還有許多 orphan receptors 。
 大多數接受器認知一種以上 chemokine ,而一種 chemokine 會與多種接受器結合 ( 於
數秒內 ) , 暗示其選擇性不具特異性。如於過敏氣喘時與紅血球 eotaxin 結合的
CCR3 接受器廣泛地分布於紅血球、嗜鹼性球與含 TH2 之 T 淋巴球 ) 。而 CCR3 接
受器可與 eotaxin, eotaxin-2, RANTES, MCP-2,3,4 結合。
 開發的標的 :
Anti-IL-8 Ab : lung reperfusion injury, Urate-induced arthritis
MIP-2 Ab : rat glomerulonephritis
MCP-1 Ab : Cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity
MIP-1 & RANTES Ab : Mouse allergic airway inflammation
CC-chemokine antagonist : murine models of arthritis
七 . 生長因子( growth factor

TGF-β( transforming growth factor-β, 轉化生長因子 -β)
EGF ( epidermal growth factor, 表皮生長因子 )
FGF ( fibroblast growth factor, 成纖維細胞生長因子 )
NGF ( nerve growth factor, 神經生長因子 )
PDGF ( platelet-derived growth factor, 血小板源性生長因子 )
Insulin 胰島素
Insulin-like growth factor 類胰島素生長因子
VEGF ( vascular endothelial cell growth factor, 血管内皮細胞生長因

生理功能 :
1. 促進細胞增生與分化
訊息傳遞 :
1. 接受器經由 G protein , receptor tyrosine kinase (EGF, FGF,
PDGF, Insulin, Insulin-like growth factor 等 )
生長因子 主要來源 主要活性 特點

platelets, endothelial cells, promotes proliferation of connective tissue, glial and two different protein chains form 3
placenta smooth muscle cells distinct dimer forms; AA, AB and BB

submaxillary gland, Brunners promotes proliferation of mesenchymal, glial and

gland epithelial cells

TGF- common in transformed cells may be important for normal wound healing related to EGF

wide range of cells; protein is promotes proliferation of many cells; inhibits some stem at least 19 family members, 4 distinct
associated with the ECM cells; induces mesoderm to form in early embryos receptors

several related proteins first identified

NGF   promotes neurite outgrowth and neural cell survival as proto-oncogenes; trkA (trackA),
trkB, trkC

Erythropoietin kidney promotes proliferation and differentiation of erythrocytes  

activated TH1 cells (T-helper) anti-inflammatory (suppresses cytokine production and

TGF- class II MHC expression), promotes wound healing, at least 100 different family members
and natural killer (NK) cells inhibits macrophage and lymphocyte proliferation

related to IGF-II and proinsulin, also

IGF-I primarily liver promotes proliferation of many cell types
called Somatomedin C
promotes proliferation of many cell types primarily of
IGF-II variety of cells related to IGF-I and proinsulin
fetal origin
1. Platelet-Derived Growth Factor ( PDGF, 血小板源
性生長因子 ) 接受器
 Ligand
1. 胞外區塊 domain : 5 個 免疫球蛋白 (Ig ) 組成
 組成結構 :
1. 由 2 條多肽鏈 A 與 B 組成之雙體 ( dimeric) ,可能是同質體 ( homodimers ,
AA 或 BB) 或異質體 ( heterodimers , AB).
2. 僅活化態之雙體能與其接受器結合
3. c-Sis proto-oncogene 亦為一種 PDGF 之 A chain
 活化 :
1. 與本質上具有 tyrosine kinase 活性之 PDGF 接受器結合 , 其接受器本身進行磷酸化
( autophosphorylation ).
2. 而後與無數之傳訊蛋白進行一連串之作用
 主要功能 :
1. EPDGF 對源自於中胚層間葉 (mesenchymal) 之許多結締組織細胞具有增殖作用
2. 生長相關的其他功能包括對細胞骨架之重組 , 增加 PI 之 轉換率 .
3. 核內之 proto-oncogene ( 如 Fos, Jun 及 Myc) 的表現增強 .
4. TGF-b 的主要功能亦是由於 PDGF 的表現增強 TGF-b 所致 .
2. Epidermal growth factor
( 上皮生長因子 , EGF )
 活化 :
 與本質上具有 tyrosine kinase 活性之
EGF 接受器結合
 此 kinase 區使其接受器本身進行磷酸
化 ( autophosphorylation ).
 實驗發現 Neu proto-oncogene 亦是 EGF
接受器的同類 ( homologue).
1. 主要功能 :
2. EGF 對源自於中胚層 (mesoderm) 與外
胚層 (ectoderm) 之細胞具有增殖作用 ,
尤其是 keratinocytes 與 fibroblasts.
3. 對某些腫瘤與髮囊細胞具有抑制生長
的作用 .
4. 其生長效應是藉由導致核內之 proto-
oncogene ( 如 Fos, Jun 及 Myc) 的表現
增強 .
5. 亦會降低胃酸的分泌 .
EGFR ( 上皮細胞生長因子接受體,又稱 ErbB 或 HER)
 EGFR 屬於 RTKs 成員
1. 家族中具有四個成員 EGFR (ErbB1) , ErbB2 (HER2/neu , ErbB2) , ErbB3 (HER3
, 並無 TK 活性 ) ,與 ErbB4 (HER4) 。 Kinase 區均相似,主要是在胞外區與 C
2. Ligand 非專一性 : 可與 EGF, TGF ( transforming growth factor ), HB-EGF (heparin-
binding EGF), amphiregulin, betacellulin, epiregulin 等結合 ; 而
neuroregulin( NRG ) 則為 ErbB3, B4 之 ligand, 以 2:2 結合
3. 當其胞外 domain 與 ligand 結合時,上述四個 monomer 會與其本身或另外三者之
一結合形成同型複合物 (homodimer) 或異型複合物 (heterodimer); 甚至與接受
器不同家族形成 hetero-oligomer
4. 故 EGFR 之結構為 170kD, 1186aa ,單鏈
 活化
1. 在心臟活化 EGF receptor 與 Gs 偶合 ( 類似 receptor) ,但於肝卻與 Gi 或 Go
偶合 .
2. 透過胞內 domain 之酪胺酸激脢 (Tyrosine kinase) 之磷酸化 (phosphorylation) 後再
與細胞質當中一些不同 signal transduction pathway ( Ras-Raf-MEK-MAPK pathway;
PI3K-Akt pathway, SAPK pathway, STAT pathway) 有關之不同 substrate 結合 ,
3. 最後活化細胞核中之基因而引發細胞反應。這些反應包括細胞增生、存活,血
管新生、與細胞凋亡。則取決於何種 ligand-receptor complex 之結合。
4. 在這四個成員中,以 ErbB2 最為重要,不需要 ligand 與之結合酪胺酸激脢即可
EGFR tyrosine kinase pathway
1. The Ras/Raf mitogen-activated protein (MAP)
kinase :
 EGFR recruits the guanine-nucleotide exchange
factor via the Grb2 and Shc adapter proteins,
activating Ras through guanosine triphosphate
 affect cell proliferation, tumor invasion, and
2. PI3K/Akt
 activated by the recruitment of the adaptor protein
Gab1 to phosphorylated EGFR. Activation leads to
antiapoptotic signaling through nuclear factor-B
and the generation of H2O2, blocking the inhibitory
tyrosine protein phosphatase that terminates
EGFR activation
3. Jak2/STAT3 pathways
 The activation of Jak2/STAT3 is mediated by the
cytoplasmic TK c-Scr and plays a critical role in
tumor resistance to chemotherapy
EGFR tyrosine kinase
EGFR 與腫瘤之關連
 與上皮細胞癌的生長及惡化有極大的關連性。近年來,發現在許多人體的惡性腫瘤之細胞,包括
上皮細胞生長因子接受體 (EGFR) 或其他成員之表現。
 進一步發現 tyrosine kinase 的改變會導致細胞轉型為惡性 (malignancies) ,而不受正常機制的管控 。
其原因為 (a) retroviral 誘導一結構變型類似 tyrosine kinase 之 proto-oncogene ( 細胞變型的主因 ); (b)
基因重組 ( 如染色體轉位形成 oncogenic 融合蛋白,內含 tyrosine kinase 催化區塊 ( e.g., Bcr-Abl in
Philadelphia chromosome–positive leukemias); (c) tyrosine kinases 功能增強的突變或少許缺損 ( 如腸胃道
stromal tumors 中之 KIT); 與 (d) 基因放大造成 tyrosine kinase 過度表現 ( 如某些 solid tumors 中之
EGFR ). 故也是腫瘤治療的重要標的 .
 在這些腫瘤中以乳癌的研究最為完整。進一步分析發現,這些腫瘤病人之預後與腫瘤細胞之 EGFR
或 ErbB2 表現之多寡有很重要的關係。因此,發現 EGFR 家族在人類上皮細胞癌中可以活化癌細胞
內的訊號傳遞,控制癌細胞的增殖 (proliferation) 、凋亡 (apoptosis) 、去分化 (de-differentiation) 、血管
新生 (angiogenesis) 以及轉移 (metastasis) 。
 設法控制癌細胞 EGFR 的表現,將有助於控制癌細胞。目前有許多研究均朝這方向努力 , 希望能研
活期 (survival) 。
 正常人尿液中 EGF 之含量比移行性上皮癌之患者高; EGF 係來自 distal convoluted tubules 及 thick
ascending limbs of Henel loop .
 正常泌尿上皮之 EGFR 最主要表現於 basal cells ,而 ErbB2 、 ErbB3 、 ErbB4 則表現於 superficial layer
;但在 urothelial tumor 時, EGFR 之過度表現則與腫瘤之肌肉侵潤有關 , EGFR-ErbB3 與 ErbB3-ErbB4
同時表現則與 high grade tumor 及 tumor invasion 有關。
 ErbB2, EGFR-ErbB2, ErbB2-ErbB3 與病人之存活有關可作為臨床重要指標,尤其對於 Grade 2 之腫瘤
EGFR-ErbB2-ErbB3 與 EGFR-ErbB2 對 second recurrence 具有指標的作用;至於 ErbB2-ErbB3 則似乎與病
Protein kinase 在人類癌症所參予的角色
• Overexpression of growth factor receptors
EGFR,HER2,HER3,HER4 in breast, ovary, lung, head & neck and glioblastoma
FGFR in lung, ovary and breast
PDGFR in glioblastoma
IGF-1R in solid tumors
• Overexpression of growth factors
TGF- in carcinoma overexpressing the EGFR
PDGF-BB expression in glioblastoma
VEGF expression for neo-vascularization (angiogenesis andmetastasis)
• Altered protein kinase levels and/or activities
Bcr-Abl in CML (95%), ALL (15%)
c-Met in renal carcinoma
c-Kit in gastric cancers (GIST)
Cancers with Onc Ras (about 30^50%) have deregulated PKC,
Raf-kinase (bladder, colon, lung, breast)
Deregulationof cell cycle by CdKs
針對 EGFR 的藥物開發
 擬人化的抗 ErbB2 單株抗體 Trastuzumab ( Herceptin) 為’ 98 年上市首度針對
EGFR 之抗乳癌生物製劑;目前用於具有過度 ErbB2 ( Her2/neu ) 表現的乳癌患者
( 30% ) 。
 擬人化的抗 EGFR/ErbB1 單株抗體 Cetuximab (C-225) (Erbitux®) ;目前與
irinotecanck 合用於具有過度 EGFR 表現的直腸癌患者 ( 30% ) 。
 酪胺酸磷酸化酵素抑制劑 : 如 Gefitinib (Iressa) , Erlotinib (Tarceva)
Gefitinib (Iressa, ZD1839 ) : 口服 EGFR 抑制劑,可選擇性地針對 EGFR 之 ATP
binding domain ,而 抑制其 tyrosine kinase 的活性 ( 防止胞內的 tyrosine kinase
domain 進行自動磷酸化 ) ,進而阻止它在細胞內訊號的傳遞。
1. 可有效地抑制人類前列腺癌、乳癌、卵巢癌、大腸癌以及非小細胞肺癌細胞株之 EGFR
Iressa 12.5 ~ 200mg/kg ,可以有效地使長在它們身上的腫瘤迅速縮小,包括荷爾蒙治療
無效的攝護腺癌、卵巢癌、乳房腺管原位癌( DCIS )、大腸癌、外陰癌,以及非小細
2. 在臨床使用方面發現,某些具有 EGFR mutation 的病人 ( 占 10 %) 對 Iressa 效用非常好,
其機轉仍有探討的空間 。
3. 其毒殺與 EGFR 的表現量無關,而與 EGFR-ErbB2 共同表現有關。
 研發 :
 ErbB2 啟動子引發的製造假性狂犬病毒,藉由增強免疫力及以 ErbB2 為標的,可以有效的
抑制 ErbB2 有表現的老鼠膀胱腫瘤的生長,以及延長小鼠生命存活 。
 利用 ErbB2 cDNA 來當 DNA 疫苗結合會分泌 IL2-MBT2 cells 的腫瘤疫苗可有效的抑制老鼠
膀胱腫瘤的生長,此一效用是以 CD4+ T lymphocytes 和 anti-neu antibody 增加有關。
 抗 ErbB2 單鏈抗體變異片段可擁有抗 ErbB2 標的功能,經由基因重組技術,將抗 ErbB2 單
鏈抗體變異片段 - 介白素 -12 cDNA 結合,使其同時具有雙重功能 - 抗 ErbB2 標的及 IL-12
,以 DNA vaccine 模式將融合的 DNA 注射入小鼠的腿肌肉內,可產生蛋白,它可有效地 ,
EGFR kinase inhibitor:
imatinib, dasatinib,nilotinib,
erlotinib( Nov,’04 ) and gefitinib ( May,’03)
 Mutations involving the BRAF gene mutation : 2-3% of non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC),
 KRAS proto-oncogene mutation : 30% of adenocarcinomas.
 The structural similarity between Abl and EGFR TKs is fairly high because the threonine-to-
isoleucine mutation at codon 315 corresponds to the threonine-to-methionine mutation at
codon 790 (T790M) in EGFR.
 a single mutation (T315I) deep within the ATP-binding pocket of the Abl TK that
confers a high degree of resistance to imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib as a result of
steric hindrance caused by the replacement of threonine with the bulkier isoleucine
慢性骨髓性白血病與 tyrosine kinase 之關連
 The Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome is a foreshortened chromosome 22 resulting from
an exchange between the long arms of chromosomes 9 and 22 .
 The translocation — t(9;22) — results in the juxtaposition of 3' DNA sequences derived
from the ABL proto-oncogene on chromosome 9 with 5' sequences of the breakpoint
cluster region(BCR) gene on chromosome 22, forming a fusion gene, BCRABL. ( The
reciprocal formation of the ABL-BCR fusion gene on chromosome 9q+ is not depicted.)
 BCR-ABL produces a chimeric messenger RNA (not shown) from which a fusion BCR-
ABL oncoprotein is translated. The length of the BCR-ABL protein varies and is
determined by the breakpoint within the BCR gene
 Chronic-phase CML is driven by the constitutively active BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase
protein, which activates multiple pathways, leading to the malignant expansion of
myeloid cells through the stimulation of mitosis, the disruption of cytoadherence and
regulatory control by stromal cells, and the inhibition of apoptosis.
 Differentiation and maturation of the leukemic clone are relatively intact in chronic-phase
CML, but BCR-ABL is also thought to promote genomic instability, leading to secondary
mutations and to the blast phase. Imatinib mesylate inhibits the tyrosine kinase activity
of the BCRABL oncoprotein, thus blocking the leukemogenic effects of the Ph
chromosome. Dimerization and activation of the normal c-kit receptor by its ligand stem-
cell factor are shown in Panel B.
 The proto-oncogene c –kit encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor located
on the long arm of chromosome 4 (4q11–q12). In gastrointestinal stromal tumors, in-
frame deletions and point mutations in c-kit produce ligand-independent constitutive
activation of c-kit (Panel C). Mutations of c-kit in the juxtamembrane domain in
gastrointestinal stromal tumors (exon 11) are found in approximately 60 percent of
cases. Mutations also occur in the extracellular domain (exon 9) and in the more distal
phosphokinase domain (exon 13). ATP denotes adenosine triphosphate, ADP
adenosine diphosphate, and P phosphate.
Receptor-coupled tyrosine kinase ( RTK )
 共有高達 90 種, 大致可分為兩大類
 RTK : 為穿膜的醣蛋白,活化時接受器形成 homodimer ( insulin , Insulin-like
growth factor 除外 ) ,胞質區進行自身 (autophosphorylation) 或下游訊息蛋白質
上 tyrosine 之磷酸化
家族成員 : 胰島素接受器 , 生長因子 ( 如 epidermal growth factor (EGF),
fibroblast growth factor (FGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF), nerve growth factor (NGF),Epo.
活化 : monomer 進行接受器 dimer
功能 : 控制細胞基本的週期, 移行 , 代謝、增生、分化與存活。

SH2 domains : 與 p-Tyr moiety 之 C 端 1-6 位氨基酸序列結合 , 含

有此 區塊的蛋白大多具有內生性之 PTK (Src
kinases), protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP, Shp2), phospholipase C
activity (PLC), 或 Ras-GAP 酵素活性
PTB domains : 與 p-Tyr moiety 之 N 端 3-5 位氨基酸序列結合
SH3 domains : 與 proline-rich sequence moiety PXXP 結合
WW domain : 與另一 proline-rich motif PXPX 結合
Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains : 與 PtdIns(4,5)P2 或 PI3K 結合
FYVE domains: 認知 PtdIns-3-P
PDZ domains : 與 target protein C 端疏水區結合
各類 RTKs 之區塊配置圖
RTK 之活化
(A) 藉由活化 PKB (also known as Akt) 造成像膜移位。 .
PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 generated in response to growth factor
stimulation serves as a binding site for the PH domains of PDK1
and PKB. Membrane translocation is accompanied by release of
an autoinhibition leading to activation of PDK1 and PKB kinase
activities. Full activation of PKB requires phosphorylation by
PDK1 (and also byPDK2?). Activated PKB phosphorylates a
variety of target proteins that prevent apoptotic death and
regulate various metabolic processes.
(B) 活化造成結構的改變。 Binding of the SH2 domains of p85,
the regulatory subunit of PI-3 kinase to pTyr sites on activated
receptors releases an autoinhibitory constraint that stimulates
the catalytic domain (p110). PI-3 kinase catalyzes the
phosphorylation of the 39 positions of the inositol ring of
PtdIns(4)P and PtdIns(4,5)P2 to generate PtdIns(3,4)P2 and
PtdIns(3,4,5)P3, respectively.
(C) 活化引發 tyrosine 之 phosphorylation 。 Binding of the
SH2 domains of PLC to pTyr sites in activated receptors
facilitates tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC as well as
membrane translocation; a process mediated in part by binding
of the PH domain to PI-3 kinase products. Tyrosine
phosphorylation is essential for PLCg activation leading to
hydrolysis of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and the generation of the two
second messengers Ins(1,4,5)P3 and diacyglycosol.
RTK 之活化路徑
90 (A) RTK 可能引發之各類不同傳訊路徑 .
For example, in addition to activation of the MAP kinase
80 signaling cascade, Ras activates PI-3 kinase and Cdc42.
Stimulation of PI-3 kinase leads to activation of PDK1 and
PKB, two kinases that regulate various metabolic processes
70 and prevent apoptotic death. In addition, PI-3 kinase activation
stimulates generation of hydrogen peroxide which in turn
oxidizes and blocks the action of an inhibitory protein tyrosine
60 phosphatase (PTP). The signaling cassettes presented in the
figure regulate the activity of multiple cytoplasmic targets.
However, the Ras/MAP, STAT, JNK, and PI-3 kinase signaling
50 東部 pathways also regulate the activity of transcriptional factors by
phosphorylation and by other mechanisms.
40 中部 (B) 降低或終止 RTK 活化之機制圖。
In several cases the activity of RTKs can be negatively
北部 regulated by ligand antagonists or by hetero-oligomerization
30 with naturally occurring dominant interfering receptor variants.
The PTK activity of EGFR is attenuated by PKC-induced
phosphorylation at the juxtamembrane region.
20 Dephosphorylation of key regulatory pTyr residues by protein
tyrosine phosphatases (PTP) may inhibit kinase activity or
eliminate docking sites. An important mechanism for signal
10 termination is via receptor endocytosis and degradation. The
oncogenic protein Cbl binds to pTyr sites in activated RTKs via
its SH2-like domain. The RING finger domain of Cbl functions
0 as a ubiquitin-ligase leading to receptor ubiquitination and
第一季 第三季 degradation by the proteosome.
針對 Tyrosine kinase 標的之小分子腫瘤抑制劑
EGFR ( erb B )
The EGFR (erbB) Family
Amphiregulin No specific NRG2
Ligands -cellulin ligands - NRG3
HB-EGF often acts as Heregulins
Epiregulin dimer partner Heregulins -cellulin

Receptor domain

Tyrosine kinase K K K K

erbB1 erbB2 erbB3 erbB4

EGFR neu

例外 : 所有 RTK 均是同質構成之 dimer. 而 Insulin 與 Insulin-like growth factor 之接受器之特殊處是由

heterotetrameric ( 胞外由 2 組鏈互以 sulfhydryl 鍵結,並與穿膜之 2 條鏈結合;在膜內經由 IRS 之
adaptor protein ( 本身無催化作用 ) 亦是由 2 條鏈組合之區塊並包含 tyrosine kinase .
Anticancer drugs as Tarceva directly target the EGFR. EGFR positive patients have shown an
impressive 60% response rate .
EGF pathway
EGFR overexpression inhibitors in

Gefitinib & Erlotinib for lung cancer

 Cetuximab for colon cancer
 Monoclone Ab :  Cetuximab, panitumumab,
zalutumumab , nimotuzumab, matuzumab  
Small molecule kinaseinhibitors : Gefitinib,  erlotinib
and lapatinib (mixed EGFR and ERBB2 inhibitor) 
3. Fibroblast Growth Factors Receptor
( 成纖維細胞生長因子接受器 , FGFRs)
 結構、組成與分布
1. 其家族至少有 21 種成員。
2. 胞外區塊與 3 個 免疫球蛋白結合。 FGF 並不能活化 FGFR, 除非與細胞表面之 heparin
或 heparan-sulfated proteoglycans 附屬蛋白連結後才能與 FGFR 接受器 2 :2 結合 ( 但較弱 ) 。
最初發現為 FGF1 ( acidic-FGF, aFGF) 及 FGF2 ( basic-FGF, bFGF ).
3. 與骨骼與神經發育有關,為一 neurotrophic factor 。於胚胎着床期促使中胚層分化定型。
4. 愛滋病患者引發之 Kaposi‘s 腫瘤細胞會分泌類似 FGF 之胜肽, 稱之為 K-FGF proto-
5. 小鼠乳瘤病毒在其宿主基因結合處為 Int-1 及 Int-2. 而 Int-2 所解碼的蛋白亦類似
 活化 :
1. 其接受器有四種亞型 FGFR1 - FGFR4. 與本質上具有 tyrosine kinase 活性之其他蛋白受質
結合 , 其接受器本身進行磷酸化 ( autophosphorylation ).
2. 廣泛地分布在發育中骨骼。 如軟骨發育不良 (achondroplasia) 顯性遺傳短肢疾病是由
於其軟骨細胞 FGFR3 之穿膜區之 glycine 被 arginine 取代, 而無法增殖與分化。 而顱
縫隙封閉過早 (craniosynostosis ) 則是由於 FGFR1, FGFR2 與 FGFR3 發生突變, 如
FGFR2 之 cysteine 被 tyrosine 取代, 則出現 Pfeiffer 或 Crouzon syndrome 。
3. Flg proto-oncogene 亦是與 FGFR 家族類似
4. FGFR1 接受器與泡疹病毒侵犯進入細胞的關口。

Affected Receptor Syndrome Phenotypes

FGFR1 Pfeiffer broad first digits, hypertelorism
FGFR2 Apert mid-face hypoplasia, fusion of digits
FGFR2 Beare-Stevenson mid-face hypoplasia, corrugated skin
FGFR2 Crouzon mid-face hypoplasia, ocular proptosis
FGFR2 Jackson-Weiss mid-face hypoplasia, foot anamolies
FGFR2 Pfeiffer same as for FGFR1 mutations
mid-face hypoplasia, acanthosis nigricans, ocular
FGFR3 Crouzon
FGFR3 digit defects, hearing loss
4-1. Transforming growth factor-β( 轉化生長因子 -β)
包括 : 多達 100 種蛋白,包括 TGF-1~4 及相類似之 activin A, B , inhibin A,B, Mullerian
inhibiting substance (MIS) 亦是屬於調節骨骼生長之 bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 家族一員
細胞來源: T 、 B 細胞、巨噬細胞及腫瘤細胞 ( 最初發現 ) 等。
活化 : 亞型接受器經由本質為 serine/threonine kinase 進行傳訊
 抑制 T 細胞增殖和細胞因子產生
 抑制 B 細胞增殖和 T 細胞依賴性多克隆抗體的產生
 抑制 NK 細胞活化和 IL-2 的 LAK 細胞誘導作用
 抑制 Mφ 活化和前炎性細胞因子產生
 抑制多種細胞增殖(如内皮細胞、上皮細胞和平滑肌細胞),但促
 某些腫瘤細胞分泌 TGF- ,可逃避免疫應答
 降低 immunoglobulin 的分泌, 抑制 hematopoiesis, myogenesis,
adipogenesis 及 adrenal steroidogenesis.
 TGF-b 與 activin A 於胚胎早期引發中胚層之分化
4-2. Transforming growth factor- ( 轉化生長因子 - )
 來源 :
1. 主要來自腫瘤,但活化之 macrophages and
keratinocytes (and possibly other epithelial cells) 亦會分泌。

2. 於正常細胞,它是一強效型 keratinocyte 生長因

子, 與活化細胞產生之蛋白共同形成一自泌素
( autocrine ) 生長環。
3. TGF- 與 EGF 及其自有特定接受器結合。
4. 功能 :
5. TGF 為控制 ( 抑制 ) 細胞增生與合成胞外間質的關
6. 藉由 1). 引發 cyclin - dependent kinases 之抑制劑 ,
2 ). 阻斷產生 myc transcription factor, 3). 第二型接受
7. 促進合成胞外間質 : 如 fibronectin, collagens,
8. 抑制合成胞外蛋白分解酶 : 如 collagenase,
plasminogen activator
9. 引發合成胞外蛋白分解酶抑制劑
10. 促進細胞間質與細胞間相互之接觸,調節細胞的移
- TGF- 的主要作用是調節細胞週期的進行 . 其中參予
的核質蛋白為 c-Myc (“mick”) proto-oncogene ,能直接
影響 Myc-binding elements 所結合的基因的表現 .
5. Erythropoietin ( 紅血球生成素 , Epo)
來源 :
1. Epo ( 165 aa ) 在腎臟合成 ( 受到低氧分
壓的刺激下 ) ,它在紅血球製造
( erythropoiesis ) 中是主要的調節物質 .
胞 (erythroid progenitor cells , 如
erythroid burst-forming 的成熟成為快速分
裂之 colony-forming units ) ,使
erythrocyte colony-forming units 分化 ( 分
裂 3-5 次後發生形變 proerythroblasts,
basophilic erythroblasts, polychromatophilic
erythroblasts, 及 orthochromatophilic
erythroblasts (OEs)) ,而後 OEs 去核形
成 reticulocyte ,再分化為成熟之紅血
2. Erythropoiesis : 在胎兒肝臟或成人之骨髓
中,少數之 pluripotent stem cells 形成 .
功能 :
1. 腎衰竭引發貧血之患者, 補充 Epo
2. Epo 與 2 個 Epo receptors 結合形成活化
之雙體結構,進行 transphosphorylation
以及活化 JAK2 kinase.
Epo 的訊息徑路 JAK-STAT
6. Insulin
 insulin-dependent lipolysis and inhibition of glucose oxidation in
adipocytes through G protein
 decreasing the expression of Gi2 in the liver and adipose tissue results
in hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance (decreases the activation of
glycogen synthase and antilipolytic activity ), and resistance to insulin
(decreases glucose transporter GLUT4 translocation to the plasma
 The signal pathways :  utilize IRS-1/IRS-2 and Shc as immediate
downstream adaptors, leading to activation of the Ras, Raf, ERK
kinases and PI-3 kinase pathways via insulin receptor ( one of
tyrosine kinase receptor family )
7. Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, II
( 類胰島素生長因子 , IGF-I, II )
 IGF-I ( 最初稱 somatomedin C) :
1. IGF-I 是肝細胞對腦下垂體生長荷爾蒙產生後續反應之主要蛋白,促
使 somatomedin 的 增加,而使 (骨骼 )之生長 .
2. 除了對骨骼是一種荷爾蒙外, IGF-I 既是 autocrine 亦是一 paracrine
3. 活化 : 藉由類似胰島素接受器般 heterotetramer (22 ) 的 IGF-I receptor

4. activation of IGF-I receptor has been shown to inhibit adenylyl cyclase in a Gi2-dependent manner and activate Er
k pathway via G subunits
5. internalization of IGF-I receptor is necessary for activation of Erk cascade
6. 與本質上具有 tyrosine kinase 活性之接受器結合 , 其接受器本身進行磷酸化 ( autophosphorylation )
由於其結構與胰島素接受器類似,故亦會與胰島素結合; 但其親合力較差 .
 主要表現在胚胎或新生兒組織,出生後其含量顯著減少 .
 IGF-II 被認為是一胎兒生長因子 .
 活化 : 其接受器結構與 mannose-6-phosphate receptor 相似,負責整合
其酵素 ( 因含 mannose-6-phosphate ) 與 lysosomes 結合 .
IGF 之訊息傳遞
 Key downstream networks include the PI3K–AKT–TOR
system and the RAF–MAPK systems. Activation of these
pathways stimulates proliferation and inhibits apoptosis.
For many cell types, the key effects of signalling
downstream to AKT relate to regulation of cell survival
and mRNA translation, while the principal effect of
signalling downstream to RAS involves regulation of
cellular proliferation.

 4EBP1 : eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E

binding protein 1;
 eIF4E : eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E;
 ERK : extracellular signal-regulated kinase;
 GRB2 : growth-factor-receptor-bound protein 2;
 IRS1 : insulin-receptor substrate 1;
 MAPK : mitogen-activated protein kinase;
 MEK : mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase;
 PI3K : phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase;
 PIP : phosphatidylinositol;
 PTEN : phosphatase and tensin homologue;
 S6K : S6 kinase;
 SHC : SRC-homology-2-domain transforming protein;
 SHP2 : phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit;
 SRF : serum response factor;
 TOR : target of rapamycin.
 風濕性關節炎是一種對稱性、多處關節發炎,最初常發生在手腳之小關
節處。 diarthrodial joints of the hand and feet.
 關節經常發炎的所在部位是滑膜 ( synovium)  滲出物 ( pannus) 會使局部
關節結構受損 殘障的主因
 autoAbs & T cell ( CD4+ ) 的浸潤引發 “ 關節炎因子 rheumatoid factor “ & 組
織配對複合體 ( major histocompatibility complex, MHC ) in 3rd hypervariable ( or
susceptibility epitope ) region of DR chain in 70-74 aa- QKRAA or QRRAA- in human
leukocyte antigen ) 抗原之顯現 ( 80 % ) 與非依賴型免疫複合體釋放化學
趨化因子 ( chemotactic factor ,如 C5a )  局部組織的破壞 .

 於滑膜液 ( synovial fluid) 中 : 雖然 T-cell 之 cytokine ( IL-2, IFN- ) 含量甚

低 ; 但局部類巨噬與成纖細胞之滑膜細胞引發之 cytokines ( IL-1, 6, 10,18,
TNF- , GM-CSF) 卻是主角 ( cytokine network hyposis ) memoryTH1 cell ( 表
現 IL-17) 的聚集 , 而使 chemokine receptor CCR5 , CXCR3 及 integrin 黏著
分子 41 表現增強 遲發性過敏反應 ( delayed-type hypersensitivity) 
fibroblast activation, bone destruction

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