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What’s to Know?
By: Sara Barry
Key Terms:

Biotechnology- Using biological processes for making foods.

(Schlenker & Roth, 2011).

Key Terms:
 Genetic Modification Foods (GMO’S)- The result of one
gene being extracted and reinserted into another. This
process is most commonly done in a laboratory setting.

(Schlenker & Roth, 2011).

Types of GMOs

Common genetic modifications include:

 Adding bacteria to plants.
 Introducing genes that make organisms
 Mixing foods from existing genes to make
new foods.
 Adding plant genes to animals and animal
genes to plants.
(Living Strong, 2014).
What’s Common?

The most common GMO foods are:

 Corn (90%)
 Soy (95%)
 Cotton (85%)
 Sugar Beets
 Canola
 Papaya
(Huffington Post, 2013).
Environmental Benefits
 Higher crop yields- Could help feed more people with continuing increase in
 Weather resistant crops- crops that are genetically modified are able to
withstand extreme temperatures, extending harvesting season.
 Less land
 Herbicide resistance- By making crops resistant to such herbicides as
glyphosate, the herbicide will kill weeds, but the crop will remain
 Pest Resistance- Common crops like corn and soy have been genetically
engineered to produce Bt toxin which kills pests such as insects.
(Food & Water Watch, 2015).
Environmental Risks

 Danger to Wildlife- Pesticides and herbicides

used to kill of insects and other wildlife is
causing endangerment off such organisms as
bees and butterflies.
 “ Super Weeds”- As weeds continue to adapt
to herbicides they become resistant and
grow into what are called “super weeds”. As
this happens more herbicide is used and the
benefits of these resistance crops is
diminished at best.
(Food & Water Watch, 2015).
 Higher content of nutrients
 Vitamin A deficiency

“Golden Rice” enriched with Vitamin A

 Vitamin A deficiency causes blindness

 250 million preschool children are vitamin A


Health  250,000 to 500,000 vitamin A- deficient children

Benefits become blind each year, half dying within the first
year of losing their sight.
(WHO, 2016).
Health Risks

 Allergens- Genetically altered organisms have

unidentified components added to them causing
possible allergic reactions in certain people.

 Antibiotic Resistance- GM foods have antibiotic

components built in, creating resistance to
immunities and ineffectiveness of antibiotics.

Follow the Leader

 FDA- Regulates what is and is not safe for consumers to eat as well as
mandating labeling and production procedures.

 EPA- Maintains the environment and ensures that dangerous materials are not
being produced.

(Schlenker & Roth, 2011).


The topic of genetically

modified foods is controversial

at best. This presentation was

not designed to sway you one

way or anther. It was designed

to start a conversation. So…

Let’s Discuss
Food & Water Watch (2015). Genetically Engineered Food: An Overview. Retrieved from:


Huffington Post (2013). 7 Most Common Genetically Modified Foods. Retrieved from:


Living Strong (2015). Benefits of GMO’S. Retrieved from: http://

Schlenker, E.D. & Roth, S.L.(2011). William’s Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy,

Tenth Ed. St. Louis Missouri: Mosby, Inc.

World Health Organization (2016). Micronutrient deficiency: Vitamin A. Retrieved from:


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