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Biology B Jeopardy

DNA Variation Growth & Dev. Genetics Misc.

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Final Jeopardy
DNA - $100
 What makes up the backbone of DNA?

 Deoxyribose sugars and phosphates

DNA - $200
 The process of transcription makes a
complementary copy of this from DNA to exit
the nucleus

 mRNA
DNA - $300
 How does RNA differ from DNA? (at least 3

 RNA has Uracil instead of Thymine

 RNA has Ribose sugars instead of
Deoxyribose sugars
 RNA is single stranded instead of double
DNA - $400
 Identify all letters (except c)  A = Growing
 B = mRNA
 D = Ribosome
 E = Codon
 F = Amino
 G = tRNA
DNA - $500
 What amino acids would
be created from the
following DNA sequence?
(show all steps)


 AA: Met Pro Gly Tyr Asp (Stop)
Variation - $100
 Meiosis usually results in cells that are…
A. Diploid
B. Haploid
C. Identical to the parent cell
D. All of the above
 Haploid
Variation - $200
 What process is shown here AND when does it

 Crossing over
 Meiosis (Prophase I)
Variation - $300
 What are alleles?

 Different versions of genes for the same trait

Variation - $400
 Explain how each of the following can result in
– Fertilization
– Random Assortment
– Crossing over
– Mutations

 Answers will vary

Variation - $500
 Show how nondisjunction
can result in the
following karyotype.
 What is the gender and
abnormality of this

 Answers on white board

 Gender = female
 Abnormality = trisomy 21 (down syndrome)
Growth & Dev. - $100
 What are the two purposes of Mitosis?

 Growth and Repair

Growth & Dev. - $200
 How do the DNA in cells produced by Mitosis
compare with the parent cell?

 Identical DNA
Growth & Dev. - $300
 Describe each phase of
the cell cycle.
 How long does a
healthy cell spend in
Interphase vs Mitosis?

 Interphase: G1 -> Cell grows. S -> DNA

replicates. G2 -> cell grows (organelle number
increases). Mitosis: cell divides, producing two
daughter cells.
 Longer in Interphase.
Growth & Dev. - $400
 Explain how we have over 200 different cell
types that all do different functions if we came
from the same single cell (zygote)?

 Differentiation! Different parts of each cells DNA

are activated/inactivated based on its internal
components and its surrounding environment.
Growth & Dev. - $500
 Explain cancer and how it is related to the two
types of genes below.

 Cancer is uncontrolled cell growth.

Genetics - $100
 Genotype determines ______________.
 And what does this mean?

 Genotype determines phenotype. Meaning your

genes will tell your body what proteins to make,
which determines your physical/behavioral trait.
Genetics - $200
 Which of the following would have blue eyes?
BB Bb bb
– (B = brown eyes, b = blue eyes)
– B is dominant to b

 Only bb because blue eyed trait is recessive

Genetics - $300
 What are the phenotypic ratios of a cross
between two heterozygotes with a widow’s
– Show work with Punnett Square
– D = has widow’s peak
– d = does not have widow’s peak
D d
d Dd dd

3 with widow’s peak : 1 without widow’s peak

Genetics - $400
 What mode of inheritance is shown below? Why?
A. X-linked dominant
B. X-linked recessive
C. Autosomal Dominant
D. Autosomal Recessive

 Autosomal Dominant
Genetics - $500
 Mendel crossed pure-bred yellow (dominant) and pure-bred
green pea plants. All offspring were what color?
 What are the possible genotypes when crossing two of these
offspring together? (Show work)
 A “test cross” is used to determine the genotype for a gene
that has a simple dominant or recessive pattern. What
organism would you want to use to determine the genotype
of the offspring of the pure-bred pea plants? (Homozygous
yellow, heterozygous, homozygous green)

 Yellow
 1 YY : 2 Yy : 1 yy
 Homozygous green
Misc. - $100
 Where are genes located?

 In DNA, on chromosomes
Misc. - $200
 Which mutation is most often worst?
– Substitution of one base
– Insertion of 3 bases
– Deletion of 2 bases

 Deletion of 2 bases -> shift in reading frame.

– All amino acids after deletion may be altered.
Misc. - $300
 How does a cell “know” when to do mitosis?

 When signals in the surrounding environment

tell the cell that division is needed.
– Eg. Nearby cell is damaged, releases signals to tell
similar cell to divide to repair damage.
Misc. - $400
 What is DNA replication and how is it related to
Mitosis and Meiosis?

 DNA unzips and unwinds -> DNA polymerase

replicates DNA as complementary strands in
both directions. This occurs before both Meiosis
and Meiosis, as daughter cells need the
information from the parent cell.
Misc. - $500
 Draw a picture showing why two recessive
alleles are required to show a recessive trait
(such as PKU) why one dominant allele will hide
the trait.

 Answers vary
Final Jeopardy
 Draw the process of DNA coding for a protein,
and what happens if a mutation occurs in the

 Answers vary

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