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200 400 600 800

People and 200 400 600 800

My world 200 400 600 800

All about 200 400 600 800


Lifestyle 200 400 600 800

Right now! 200 400 600 800

What’s your name?
How old are you?
Where are you from?
Can you spell your surname?
Choose the correct question and answer it
Say these numbers:

3 8 10 11 12 13 15 19 20 33

42 58 67 71 88 93

100 1000
Make plural nouns:

Chocolate bar
Complete the sentences

I ___ from England.

You ___ from Canada.
He ____ (-) from Brazil.
____ she from Poland?
We ____ Russian.
____ they American?
You___ (-) from South Africa.
Look and say what they are doing
Look at the answers. What are the questions?
1.……… ? 1. I’m twelve.
2. It’s in January.
2.……… ? 3. My favourite film star’s
3.……… ? Johnny Depp.
4.……… ? 4. My favourite sport’s
5.……… ? 5. They’re brown.
Look at
family and
name his
Look at the pictures of your Dream Towns.

What places are on the maps?

Listen to Rosie describing her dream town.

Write a list of the places in her town.

School Subjects
Choose the correct word

Have you got a/an/any tissues?

Have you got a/an/any key?
Have you got a/an/any money?
Have you got a/an/any sweets?
Have you got a/an/any mobile phone?
Look at the plates
and say what the
children have got for

Use a/an/some
What time is it?
Complete the sentences
What do you do in
you free time?

Find clues in the

Tell about your daily routine.

In the morning I wake up at half

past seven.
I get up and get dressed. Then I…..
Listen to Alex. Choose the correct words.

1. Alex lives in Holland/England.

2. She cycles/walks to school.
3. Her journey takes 30/20 minutes.
4. 35%/45% of children cycle to school in
5. There are/aren’t a lot of bike racks at her
6. Cycling is/isn’t easy in Holland.
What’s the weather like?
Listen to Alex and Barbara and say what
they are wearing

Alex Barbara
You are sleeping. Suddenly the door bell
rings. Your grandparents decided to
make you a surprise and they came to
your place to have lunch together.
You've got a jar of strawberry jam, a jar
of honey, some bread and a piece of
What would you open first?

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