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Pembimbing 1 : Faulina, S.E., M.Si

Pembimbing 2 : Dewi Comala Sari ,S.E., M.Si
harusnya tittle of my

klo jelasin tempat at , jd adverb nya lbh cocok
tiap paragrap mulainya at which is monitoring
PT PLN bla bla bla bkn in Background dibanding paying attention

• In PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II Medan there

is internal communication that is between manager and
employees , for example communications made by managers
with employees that is by paying attention to the employees
while doing the job, managers come to every employee at the
time in spare time and give direction to the employees to
immediately complete the task in time not late harusnya each klo every
• In the PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan kesannyaII

also have external communication which is the communication

is done betweeen companies with partners. For example
communication between employee with a contractor. The
hapus aja
researchers see that the relationship between employees with
contractor sometimes not very good. Because there is often a
with problem between the company with contaractor
to complete the task on
time, maen asal blok
see ganti jd proof google translate aja ya del
• In the PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II Medan
employee performance every year has increased, the results of
the achievement of the employee performance on PT LN
(Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II Medan presented in
table below :
in ganti on

No Year Performance Realization

1 2013 77,80

2 2014 74,60

3 2015 87,59
4 2016 95,67
Formulation Of The Problem problem statement lbh cocok rasaku

• How the influence of internal communication on employee

performance on PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II
how the interna; communication can influance the performance at the pt pln bla bla
Medan? bla
bawah pn sama ganti external aja

• How the influence of external communication on employee

performance on PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II
• Which type of communocation is very influential on employee
performance on PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II
which type of the communication is the most affective for employe performance at pt
Medan? pln bla bla bla
Internal Communication

• Internal communication is the process of

communication that occurs in the scope of the
internal company, which includes the delivery of
messages and interpretation of meaning among
members of the organization
Dimension of Internal Communication

1. Vertical Communication

Is communication from the leadership to subordinates

and from subordinates to the leaders in the feedback

In vertical communication there are two types of

communications that is :

• Downward Communication

• Upward Communication
2. Horizontal Communication
Is a communication that takes place between employees
or parts that have an equal position
3. Diagonal Communication
Is a commnication that takes place between members of
the organization, is each other different positions and
positions and do nothave direct authority over other
External Communication

External Communication is communication that took

place between organizations or companies with the
community or public that are beyond the company
Dimension External Communication

1. The Feedback of Information

2. Cooperation Activities
3. Inter-company dialogue
Employee Performance

Employee performance is the result or level of succes of

a person as a whole during a certain period in carrying

out the task compared with various possibilities

Employee Performance Indicators

1. Quality
2. Quantity
3. Punctuality
4. Effectiveness
5. Autonomy

1. Validity Test

The validity test is performed to process each valid

variable in measuring variables.

a. If rhitung > rtabel so the statement is declared valid.

b. If rhitung > rtabel so the statement is declared invalid

Validity Test
No Pernyataan rhitung rtabel Keterangan

1 Komunikasi Internal (X1.1) 0,574 0,254 Valid

2 Komunikasi Internal (X1.2) 0,651 0,254 Valid
3 Komunikasi Internal (X1.3) 0,634 0,254 Valid
4 Komunikasi Internal (X1.4) 0,794 0,254 Valid
5 Komunikasi Internal (X1.5) 0,801 0,254 Valid
6 Komunikasi Internal (X1.6) 0,642 0,254 Valid
7 Komunikasi Internal (X1.7) 0.663 0,254 Valid
8 Komunikasi Internal (X1.8) 0,826 0,254 Valid
9 Komunikasi Eksternal (X2.1) 0,841 0,254 Valid
10 Komunikasi Eksternal (X2.2) 0,774 0,254 Valid
11 Komunikasi Eksternal (X2.3) 0,797 0,254 Valid
12 Komunikasi Eksternal (X2.4) 0,566 0,254 Valid
13 Komunikasi Eksternal (X2.5) 0,733 0,254 Valid
14 Komunikasi Eksternal (X2.6) 0,678 0,254 Valid
15 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.1) 0,711 0,254 Valid
16 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.2) 0,711 0,254 Valid
17 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.3) 0,719 0,254 Valid
18 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.4) 0,749 0,254 Valid
19 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.5) 0,768 0,254 Valid
20 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.6) 0,711 0,254 Valid
21 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.7) 0,711 0,254 Valid
22 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.8) 0,796 0,254 Valid
23 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.9) 0,662 0,254 Valid
24 Kinerja Karyawan (Y1.10) 0,716 0,254 Valid
reliability test is the purpose to determine
Reliability Test

Reliability test the purpose to determine the level of

measurement that has been done in this research can be
trusted or reliable. Value Test reliability did by
calculating the value of Cronbach's Alpha.
Variabel ch’s N of Items Nilai rtabel Keterangan
Komunikasi Internal 0,842 8 0,60 Reliabel
Komunikasi Eksternal 0,824 6 0,60 Reliabel
Kinerja Karyawan 0,898 10 0,60 Reliabel

Normality test the purpose to test whether in the regression model
the dependent variable and independent variables both have a
normal distribution or not. Normality test is detected by two the
way that is graph analysis by normal P-Plot and histogram
graphic, and statistical tests seen from Non Parametrik
Kolmogrov-Smirnov (K-S).

Grafik Normal P-Plot Histogram Graphic

Non Parametrik Kolmogrov-Smirnov (K-S).
Multicollinearity Test

Multicollinearity test the purpose to test a model

whether in a regression model found a perfect
correlation between independent variables. In order to
determine whether there is multicollinearity in the
model This regression is by looking at the value of VIF
(Variance Inflation Factor) and Tolerence
Multicollinearity Test
Heteroscedasticity Test

Heteroscedasticity test is used to test whether in a regression

model has a similarity or variant inequality between one
observation and another
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Linear regression analysis aims to measure the strength

of two or more variables and also shows the direction of
the corellation between the dependent variable and the
variable independent.

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e

Y = 4.600 + 0.660 + 0.629 + e

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Hypothesis Testing Results

1. Simultaneous Test (F-Test)

(F-test) is the purpose to test the effect of

communication variables internal (X1) and external
communication (X2) simultaneously on employee
performance (Y) on PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk
Pembangunan II Medan
Hypothesis Testing Results
2. Partial Significant Test (t-test)

The (t-test) is used to test the significance of the

correlation between independent variables and
dependent variables, whether internal communication
(X1) and external communication (X2) really affect
employee performance variable (Y) individual or
Partial Significant Test (t-test)
Coefficient of Determination

The value used in the coefficient of determination is by

using the R Square value used to calculate the
contribution of independent variables and dependent
variables. Coefficient determination ranges from zero to
one (0 <R2 <1)
Coefficient of Determination
Conclusions and Suggestions
1. The results showed that the communication applied in
the form of internal and external communications have a
positive and significant effect on the performance of
employees of PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk
Pembangunan II Medan. Internal communication is
applied vertically, horizontally, and diagonally between
leader, subordinate and work unit. While external
komnikasi in the form of feedback purchase information,
cooperation activities and corporate dialogue between
companies. Both of these variables simultaneously affect
the achievement of quality, quantity, timeliness,
effectiveness, and independence as an assessment of
employee performance.
This has been proven based on the results of the F
test obtained The value of Fcount is 65.076 with
significance level F <5% (0.000 < 0.05) means that
internal communication and external
communication simultaneously is significant to
employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) Unit
Induk Pembangunan II Medan
2. Between the application of such communications,
dominant internal communications affect the
employee's performance in PT PLN (Persero) Unit
Induk Pembangunan II Medan based on the
statistical analysis of coefficient (B) which shows the
highest value among other independent variables.

The suggestions that the author wants to convey as follows:

1. For the decision makers in this case the leadership of PT PLN
(Persero) Unit Induk Pembangunan II Medan to be more
improve socialization with its employees as subordinates through
the implementation of internal and external communications that
affect the employee performance, so that employees show
quantity, quality, timeliness , effectiveness and independence. In
order for the company to run smoothly.
so nya ganti therefore aja
tambahin to jadi employees to complete

2. To improve employee performance, the company should pay

attention to employee needs such as rewarding employee
performance, providing sufficient facilities for employees,
helping employees complete the work if they are having
difficulty, hearing critic complaints and suggestions from
employees to encourage employee morale so that employee
performance increases. With the increase in employee
performance, the goals of the company can be achieved as
desired by the company

listening to critis , complaints and suggestions

s nya jangan lupa plural soalnya

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