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Ina Rendayu

1. Work-related lung disease (Bagasossis, Asbestosis, Silicosis,
Occupational Ashtma)
2. 5 level of prevention for work-related disease

Presentation of Occ Asthma

• Immediate hypersensitivity reaction
• Immediate bronchospasm
• Isolated late response (usually sensitizer-induced)
• Sleep disorder
• Variable/dual response
Sensitizer-induced Irritant-induced
• Specific antigen • Any irritant
• Minimal exposure • Moderate to heavy
• Stereotyped response exposure
• PPE often insufficient to • Often variable
control symptoms • PPE often effective in
• Medical removal usually preventing episodes
necessary • Medical removal the last
Immediate Late Repetitive Interstitial
Onset 10-20 m 4-6 h Periodic 4-6 h
Duration 1-2 h 2-6 h Days 4-12 h
Abnorm- FEV1 FEV1 FEV1 FVC
Immunity IgE IgE or IgG ? IgG + cell
Symptoms Wheezing Wheezing, Wheezing, Sob, fever,
sob recurrent chills,
Therapy bd bd, anti- bd anti-inflamm
The following subsets of occupational asthma have special
• Laboratory animal sensitivity (high risk of anaphylaxis)
• Cotton dust, byssinosis
• Grain dust
• Hypersensitivity pneumonitis may have an airways component
• Demonstrate airways reactivity
- History
- Presence of wheezing
• Spirometry
• Methacholine challenge
• Bronchoprovocation or substitute
- Symptom diary
- Pre/post shift
• Conventional Rx for asthma
• Medical removal – consider options
• Physician’s First Report
• Impairment Assessment (c.f. AMA guidelines)
• Avoid irritants
• Evaluate PPE
• Treat as “Sentinel event”
• Surveillance
• Identification of specific hazard when possible
• Hazard Control
- engineering controls
The period before the illness:
 enhance health value (Health Promotion)
 Providing special protection against disease (specific protection)
 Know the disease at an early stage and conduct prompt and
prompt treatment (Early diagnosis & Promt Treatment)
 Restriction of disability and strive to eliminate the disability of
work ability caused by a disease (Disability Limitation)
 Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation)
This effort is a service to health maintenance in general.
Some of the businesses include:
1. The provision of healthy food is of sufficient quality and
2. Improved hygiene and environmental sanitation: clean water
supply, improved waste disposal, sewage and waste water to
3. Health education to the community
4. The mental health effort to achieve good personality
This effort is an action against the prevention of certain diseases.
Some efforts include:
1. Vaccinations to prevent certain diseases
2. Isolation of infectious diseases
3. Prevention of accident both in public places and in the work
The main objectives of this venture are:
1. The precise and the fastest treatment of any kind of disease
so that a perfect and immediate healing takes place
2. Prevention of transmission to others when the disease is
3. Prevent the occurrence of disability caused by a disease
 This effort is a continuation of previous efforts that is with the
treatment and the perfect treatment for patients recover and
not disabled
 When disability has occurred it is prevented that the defect
does not gain weight (restricted), and the function of the body
tool is maintained as much as possible
It is an attempt to recover the former sufferer into society, so that
it can function again as a useful member of society for himself
and the community, to the maximum of his ability.

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