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Four Major Functions

Let’s review of Lipids
some concepts

They serve as They provide energy

structural reserves,
components of predominantly in
biological the form of
membranes triacylglycerols.

Both lipids and lipid Lipophilic bile acids

derivatives serve as aid in lipid
vitamins and solubilization.
How will you relate?

One of lipids’ physiological

importance is that, it provides energy
reserves in the form of
triacylglycerols. Who or what serves
as your ”triacylglycerol” in your life?
UseMajor Types
charts to of Lipids
explain your ideas

Triglycerides Phospholipids
commonly —the main
known as the constituent of
fats and oils membranes

Waxes (very
Sterols (or
similar to
triglycerides) steroids)
Lipid Structure
2 Major Roles of Fatty Acids in Plants and Animals

 As the components of more

complex membrane lipids.

 As the major components of

stored fat in the form of
Two Types of Fatty Acids

Saturated Fatty Acid

◉ Saturated fats contain fatty acids in which all carbon-carbon
are single bonds.
◉ Can’t accommodate any more hydrogen atoms
◉ Solid at room temperature
◉ Stored in animals
How will you relate?

Saturated fatty acids are called so

because they can’t accommodate any
more hydrogen atoms. Do you ever
felt that you can no longer
accommodate any “hydrogen atoms”
in your life? If so, when?
Two Types of Fatty Acids

Unsaturated Fatty Acid

◉ Unsaturated fats have fatty acids with at least one
carbon–carbon double bond.
◉ Accommodate any more hydrogen atoms
◉ Liquid at room temperature
◉ Stored in plant seeds
Trivia Break
Hash browns are worse than
cheeseburgers. Proportionately,
hash browns contain more fat
and calories than a
cheeseburger or even a Big
Mac. Think twice before
ordering one for breakfast!
Trivia Break
Strawberry milkshakes contain
more than 50 different
chemicals. The strawberry
flavoring is what contains the
chemicals — some of which are
even used in perfumes. We
highly recommend making your
own milkshakes at home.
They're chemical-free and
contain just two ingredients —
milk and ice cream.
Glycerol is a poly-hydroxy alcohol that forms a basic
component of triglycerides, a major form of storage
Our process is easy

Also called triglycerides, these are fats

and oils that comprise the major energy
source for the body. It is composed of a
glycerol backbone to which 3 fatty acids
are esterified.
• is very similar to that of triacylglycerides
except that C-3 of the glycerol
backbone is esterified to phosphoric

• building block of the phospholipids is

phosphatidic acid, which results when
the X substitution in the basic
structure is a hydrogen atom.
Any of a large class of organic
compounds with a characteristic
molecular structure containing four
rings of carbon atoms
(three six-membered and one five).
They include many
hormones, alkaloids, and vitamins.
Trivia Break
Teenage girls use steroids as a way
to improve or change their body
shape. The side effects include male
pattern baldness, a permanently
deepened voice, breast shrinking,
and detrimental changes to the
menstrual cycle.For men in
particular, steroids often cause
shrinking of testicles, breast growth,
hair loss, infertility, and a higher risk
of prostate cancer.

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