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Sere Agustina Napitupulu (130100275)

Dr.dr. Arlinda Sari Wahyuni,M.Kes


so it may interfere the
capacity of the blood to
transport oxygen around the
Anemia is a condition when body.
the number and size of red
blood cells or hemoglobin
concentration is below the
normal limit

Anemia in teens can have an impact on the decreased of work

productivity or academic ability in schools, Anemia can also interfere
the growth which height and weight become imperfect, the immune
system will decrease.
Young women are There are
more vulnerable to difficulties in fulfill
anemia than men. the needs of Fe

The low level of absorption of Fe in the

body, especially sources of plant iron
(Fe) which are only absorbed 1-2%.
Animal iron (Fe) sources reach 10-20%.

Iron (Fe) deficiency in daily food can cause

blood deficiency known as iron nutritional
anemia (AGB)
Halaman 1 dari 5
According to the basic health
Research (Riskesdas) 2013, the
prevalence of anemia in Indonesia The prevalence of iron
is 21.7%, deficiency anemia in young
women (ages 15-19 years)
is about 26.5% and women
of fertile age is about
The rate of anemia
among girls is quite
high at 25%.

In 2015, efforts were made to

In 2017 the provision of Fe
prevent and overcome anemia in
young women by giving tablets of tablets in young women in
blood (Fe) one tablet per week for a North Sumatra is still
year or 52 weeks but on a limited around 10% of the target
scale. Even so, not all young women of 20%.
get blood-added tablets.
Green bean seeds are smaller than other legumes. Green bean seeds
consist of three main parts, namely mung bean seed (10%), cotyledon
(88%) and institutions (2%). On the part of the peanut shells containing
minerals include phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), and iron (Fe). Cotyledon
contains a lot of starch and fiber, while the institution is a source of
protein and fat (Purwono, 2012).

From the initial survey conducted to Deli 1 Junior High School 1 students
out of 20 people only 5 students had the habit of taking Fe tablets, this
indicates that there were still many students who did not take Fe tablets
to prevent anemia in adolescents, apart from 20 of them 8 including
experiencing symptoms of anemia such as pale conjunctiva, lethargy,
weakness, fatigue and lightheadedness.

The background above is the basis for researchers to determine the effect
of green bean extracts and Fe tablets on increasing hemoglobin levels in
second grade students at Deli Tua Junior High School 1 in 2018.

Halaman 2 dari 5
 Methode
• This type of research
is quantitative with a • In 2018
Quasi Experiment
approach where later
there are three groups
used for research, but
divided into two,
namely; one group for
experiment (treated)
and one group for the
control group Type of Time of
Research Research

Population location

•Research location
• all female at Deli Tua Public
students at Middle School 1,
Deli Tua District,
Deli Tua Junior
Deli Serdang
High School 1. District, North
Result and Discussion
Hemoglobin Levels Before and After Giving of Green Bean Extract in the Form of
Packaging on Female Student of Second Grade at Deli Tua Junior High School 1
in 2018

Haemoglobin Average (mg/dl) N Standar Deviasi

Before 21 0,804
After 10,40 21 0,785

Based on the tabel showing the average hemoglobin level (Hb) before giving green bean Extract
in the form of packaging from 21 students, is about 9.81 gr / dl (46.71%), with a standard
deviation is 0.804 and the average hemoglobin level ( Hb) after giving green bean extract in the
form of packaging from 21 students, is about 10.40 gr / dl (49.52%) with a standard deviation is

Green bean is one of the food ingredients that contain substances that are
required for the formation of blood cells, so that it can overcome the reduced
effect of hemoglobin.
Green beans also contain vitamins and minerals. Minerals such as calcium,
phosphorus, iron, sodium and potassium are found in green beans.
Anemia itself is a condition of lack of hemoglobin (Hb) levels in the blood and
one of the contributing factor is a lack of nutrients (especially iron) that
required for the formation of Hb.
Result and Discussion
Hemoglobin Levels Before and After Giving Tablet Fe on Female Student of
Second Grade at SMPN 1 Deli Tua in 2018.

Haemoglobin Average (mg/dl) N Standar Deviasi

Before 9,92 21 0,817

After 10,46 21 0,722

Based on the table showing the average hemoglobin (Hb) levels before giving Fe tablets
from 21 students, is about 9.92 g / dl (47.23%), with a standard deviation is 0.817 and the
average hemoglobin (Hb) level after giving a tablet Fe of 21 students, is about 10.46 gr / dl
(49.80%), with a standard deviation is 0.722.

The increase in Hb levels after consumption of Fe tablets was also in line

with the research conducted by Giyanti in 2016 about the increase in
hemoglobin levels of young women with anemia in SMK 1 Ponjong, Gunung
Kidul Regency.
Iron supplementation is one strategy to increase successful Fe intake only if
individuals adhere to their consumption rules
Result and Discussion
Effect of Hemoglobin Level Before and After Giving Green Beans Extract in
Packaging Form on Female Student of Second Grade at SMPN 1 Deli Tua in
Haemogl Average N Standar t pvalue
obin (mg/dl) Deviasi
Before 9,81 21 0,804 -10,485 0,000
After 10,40 21 0,785
Based on the table the results of paired samples t-test, the value of t = -10,485
and p = 0,000 (p <0,05) which is means that there is a significant effect of giving
Fe tablets to increase hemoglobin levels on female student of second rade at Deli
Tua Junior High School 1 in 2018.

According to Manuaba (2015), mild anemia is a medical condition in which the

number of red blood cells or hemoglobin is 9-10 g / dl. One of the factors
that influence the incidence of anemia is the age of adolescence, adolescent
girls experience an increase in iron requirements due to growth spurts and
Result and Discussion
Effect of Hemoglobin Level Before and After Giving Tablet Fe to Female Student
of Second Grade at SMPN 1 Deli Tua in 2018.

Haemogl Average N Standar t pvalue

obin (mg/dl) Deviasi
Before 9,92 21 0,817
-12,113 0,000
After 10,46 21 0,722
Based on the table the results of paired samples t-test, the value of t = 12,113and
p = 0,000 (p <0,05) which is means that there is a significant effect of giving Fe
tablets to increase hemoglobin levels on female student of second Grade at Deli
Tua Junior High School 1 in 2018.

The administration of Fe tablets successfully increased hemoglobin levels in

the blood by 0.54 gr / dl. Although the increase in hemoglobin levels is not
too high because it is influenced by several factors.

But with the administration for two weeks can increase hemoglobin levels
that are good enough because the tablet of blood consumed contains iron as
much as 60 mg, so that iron intake increases, the formation of hemoglobin
depends on the large amount of iron in the human body.

1. The average hemoglobin level (Hb) before giving green bean

extract in the form of packaging is about 9.81 gr / dl (46.71%)
and the average hemoglobin level (Hb) after giving green beans
extract in the form of packaging is about 10 , 40 gr / dl (49.52%)
2.The average hemoglobin (Hb) level before giving Fe tablets was
9.92 g / dl (47.23%) and the average hemoglobin (Hb) level after
giving Fe tablet was 10.46 g / dl (49.80%) .
3. There is an effect of giving green bean extract in packs to an
increase in hemoglobin levels on female student of second grade
at Deli Tua Juior High School l in 2018 with a p-value is 0,000.
4. There is an effect of giving Fe tablets to increase hemoglobin
levels on female student of second grade at Deli Tua Junior High
School 1 2018 with a p-value is 0,000.
Thank You

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