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Teknologi Pengajaran

Disusun oleh:
Faisal bin Haji Mohamad
Konsep T. Pengajaran
Instructional[teaching] Technology/
Teknologi Pengajaran

• “Instructional technology is the theory and practice of

design, development, utilization, management and
evaluation of processes and resources for learning” (Seels &
Richey, 1994, p.9).

• "Teknologi Pengajaran adalah teori dan amalan reka bentuk,

pembangunan, penggunaan, pengurusan dan penilaian
proses dan sumber untuk pembelajaran" (Seels & Richey,
1994, p.9).
Domain TP
Media Pengajaran
• Konsep MP
• Fungsi media dalam pengajaran &
• Jenis-jenis dan klasifikasi media
Konsep TP

Point to Ponder
What is TPACK?
• Teaching with technology can be complicated. It requires
educators to feel comfortable using and adapting to quick
changes in the use of technologies.
• There are many issues that educators experience when using
technology in the classroom. What are my choices? What
would fit my subject area? How will this enhance my
instruction and ultimately, how will this benefit my students
• Flexible knowledge needed -- integration efforts should be
creatively designed or structured for particular subject matter
ideas in specific classroom contexts (Koehler, 62)
What is TPACK?

• TPACK stands for technology, pedagogy, and content

• This builds on Lee Shulman’s construct of pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) to include technology knowledge. With the
growing use of technology in the classroom, it is important to
have a framework that includes technology with pedagogy
and content knowledge.

What is TPACK?
 Koehler & Mishra (2006):
 TPCK emphasizes the interactions
between content, pedagogy and

 A conceptual framework describing

the knowledge base for teachers to
effectively teach with technology

 Extend Shulman’s notion of PCT to

The core of good teaching; building
on teachers’ professional identity

“At the heart of good teaching with technology

are three core components:
content, pedagogy, and technology,
plus the relationships
among and between them.”
(Koehler & Mishra, 2006)
Technological Knowledge
• Being able to operate specific ICT applications
• being able to learn how to use specific ICT applications
and its affordances
•A functional understanding of ICT

Technological Pedagogical Technological Content

Knowledge: Knowledge:
How pedagogy is changing How subject matter content
because of ICT is changing because of ICT
• Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The knowledge and
skills yeachers’need to be able to integrate subject matter content,
pedagogy and ICT

 Important:
 To be able to play with the model
 Ignoring the complexity can lead to too easy
solutions or failures.
 Context counts

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