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Identitas Matakuliah Course ID

Program Studi Study Program : Biologi Biology
Matakuliah Course : Evolusi Evolution
Kode Code : BIW 3102 Kurikulum 2012
BIW 3102 Curriculum 2012 (Inter. Class)
SKS Credit : 2 (2-0)
Tim Pengajar (koord./coord.) : Romanus E Prabowo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Teaching Team (Class D) Romanus E Prabowo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dian Palupi, S.Si., M.Si.
(Kelas C) Dwi Sunu Widyartini, Dra., M.Si.
Slamet Santoso SP, Drs., M.S.
(Kelas B) Slamet Santoso SP, Drs., M.S.
Dwi Sunu Widyartini, Dra., M.Si.
(Kelas A) Eming Sudiana, Drs., M.S., Dr.
Romanus E Prabowo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dian Palupi, S.Si., M.Si.
Deskripsi Matakuliah Course Description
Matakuliah evolusi mempelajari biologi evolusioner modern dalam cakupan
yang luas. Kuliah ini menekankan pembentukan pola berpikir ilmiah mengenai
biodiversitas dan juga mempelajari fakta-fakta kunci tentang biologi
evolusioner. Filosofi dasarnya adalah untuk mendorong berpikir kritis dan
melek metode ilmiah.

This course studies modern evolutionary biology in wide coverage, emphasizes on the
developing scientific thinking on biodiversity and also learning key facts of evolutionary
biology. The basic philosophy is to encourage student to think critically and to develop
scientific method literacy.
Deskripsi Matakuliah Course Description
Kuliah ini mempelajari awal mula kehidupan, awal mula bumi dan plate
tectonics serta trend paleontologis, ulasan genetika dasar, genetika populasi,
hanyutan genetik, seleksi alam, konsep kecocokan dan adaptasi, seleksi
seksual, biogeografi, konsep species dan spesiasi, evolusi molekuler,
filogenetik dan pohon kehidupan.

This course studies the beginning of life, the early earth, plate tectonics and
paleontological trends, basic genetics review, population genetics, genetic drift,
natural selection, the concept of fitness and adaptation, sexual selection,
biogeography, the concept of species and speciation, molecular evolution, phylogenetic
and the tree of life.
Capaian Pembelajaran Learning Outcome
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan awal mula kehidupan, awal mula bumi dan
plate tectonics serta trend paleontologis, ulasan genetika dasar, genetika
populasi, hanyutan genetik, seleksi alam, konsep kecocokan dan adaptasi,
seleksi seksual, biogeografi, konsep species dan spesiasi, evolusi molekuler,
filogenetik dan pohon kehidupan.

Students can explain the beginning of life, the early earth, plate tectonics and
paleontological trends, basic genetics review, population genetics, genetic drift,
natural selection, the concept of fitness and adaptation, sexual selection,
biogeography, the concept of species and speciation, molecular evolution, phylogenetic
and the tree of life.
Manfaat Expected Output
Manfaat matakuliah Evolusi adalah membekali mahasiswa PS Biologi Unsoed
dengan; to provide student:
• Pemahaman bagaimana mahluk hidup bisa bertahan dan beradaptasi
pada lingkungannya,
• Kemampuan menjelaskan konsep dasar biologi evolusioner dan
mekanisme evolusi,
• Kemampuan analisa dan interpretasi informasi biologi evolusioner dengan
kritis dan logis.

• Understanding how living organisms can adapt and survive in its environment ,
• Ability to explain the basic concepts of evolutionary biology and the mechanisms of
• Ability of analysis and interpretation of evolutionary biology information critically
and logically.
Strategi Pembelajaran Instructional Strategy
Strategi pembelajaran MK Evolusi meliputi:
1. Perkuliahan kelas, belajar mandiri dan belajar kelompok, serta presentasi
dan diskusi
2. Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran yang meliputi;
a. Ujian teori (UTS dan UAS),
b. Tugas terstruktur .

1. In class lecture, problem-based learning, presentation and group discussion

2. Learning outcomes evaluation;
a. Exams; Mid- and End- terms,
b. Group (Structured) Assignment.
Jadwal Pembelajaran Course Schedule
Distribusi Mahasiswa Parallel Classes

Kelas A : 77 Mahasiswa
• BIW3102 77
Kelas B : 54 Mahasiswa
• BIW3102 54
Kelas C : 40 Mahasiswa
• BIW3102 40
Class D : 41 Students
• BIW3102 41 International

* Data jumlah peserta per Minggu 3 September 2018 00.30

Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment I
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of speciesKey Concepts:
6. IVb The Origin of species1. Conditions on early Earth made the origin of life possible
2. The fossil record documents the history of life
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
3. Key events in life’s history include the origins of unicellular and
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS multicellular organisms and the colonization of land
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
4. The rise and fall of groups of organisms reflect differences in
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree speciation
of Life and extinction rates
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree 5. Major
of Lifechanges in body form can result from changes in the
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I sequences and regulation of developmental genes
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II 6. Evolution is not goal oriented
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of speciesKey Concepts:
6. IVb The Origin of species1. The Darwinian revolution challenged traditional views of a
young Earth inhabited by unchanging species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
2. Descent with modification by natural selection explains the
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS adaptations of organisms and the unity and diversity of life
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
3. Evolution is supported by an overwhelming amount of
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree scientific
of Life evidence
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
Key Concepts:
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
1. Genetic variation makes evolution possible
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
2. The Hardy-Weinberg equation can be used to test whether a
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree population
of Life is evolving
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life selection, genetic drift, and gene flow can alter allele
3. Natural
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I frequencies in a population
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II 4. Natural selection is the only mechanism that consistently
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal causes adaptive evolution
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
Key Concepts:
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
1. The biological species concept emphasizes reproductive
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life can take place with or without geographic
2. Speciation
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree separation
of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
Key Concepts:
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
3. Hybrid zones reveal factors that cause reproductive isolation
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
4. Speciation can occur rapidly or slowly and can result from
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree changes
of Life in few or many genes
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment I
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
Key Concepts:
1. The Human Genome Project fostered development of faster, less
1. Course Introduction expensive sequencing techniques
2. I The History 2. Scientists use bioinformatics to analyze genomes and their functions
of Life on Earth
3. Genomes vary in size, number of genes, and gene density
3. II Extintion and
4. Darwin’s Decent
Multicellular with Modification
eukaryotes have much noncoding DNA and many
4. III The Evolution ofmultigene
5. IVa The Origin of5. species
Duplication, rearrangement, and mutation of DNA contribute to genome
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. 6. Comparing
Presentation of Group genome
(Structured) sequencesIIprovides clues to evolution and
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of speciesKey Concepts:
6. IVb The Origin of species1. Phylogenies show evolutionary relationships
2. Phylogenies are inferred from morphological and molecular
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS 3. Shared characters are used to construct phylogenetic trees
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of speciesKey Concepts:
6. IVb The Origin of species4. An organism’s evolutionary history is documented in its
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
5. Molecular clocks help track evolutionary time
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS 6. Our understanding of the tree of life continues to change
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
based on new data
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
Key Concepts:
5. IVa The Origin of species1. Land plants evolved from green algae
6. IVb The Origin of species2. Mosses and other nonvascular plants have life cycles
7. dominated
Presentation of Group (Structured) by gametophytes
Assignment II
3. Ferns and other seedless vascular plants were the first plants
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS to grow tall
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of speciesKey Concepts:
6. IVb The Origin of species4. Seeds and pollen grains are key adaptations for life on land
5. Gymnosperms bear “naked” seeds, typically on cones
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
6. The reproductive adaptations of angiosperms include flowers
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS and fruits
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
7. Human welfare depends on seed plants
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of speciesKey Concepts:
6. IVb The Origin of species1. Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes with
tissues that develop from embryonic layers
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
2. The history of animals spans more than half a billion years
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS 3. Animals can be characterized by “body plans”
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
4. Views of animal phylogeny continue to be shaped by new
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree molecular
of Life and morphological data
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Outline Materi Course Outline
1. Course Introduction
2. I The History of Life on Earth
3. II Extintion and Darwin’s Decent with Modification
4. III The Evolution of Populations
5. IVa The Origin of species
6. IVb The Origin of species
7. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
8. Mid Term Exam / UTS
9. V Genomes and Their Evolution
10. VIa Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
11. VIb Phylogeny and the Tree of Life
12. VIIa Plant Diversity I
13. VIIb Plant Diversity II
14. VIII An Introduction to Animal Diversity
15. Presentation of Group (Structured) Assignment II
16. End Term Exam / UAS
Referensi References
Campbell NA, et al. (2013).
Biology, 10th edition.
Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco

Chapter 21 Genomes and Their Evolution

Chapter 22 Decent with Modification
Chapter 23 The Evolution of Populations
Chapter 24 The Origin of Species
Chapter 25 The History of Life on
Chapter 26 Phylogeny and the Tree of Life Earth
Chapter 29 Plant Diversity I : How Plants Colonized Land
Chapter 30 Plant Diversity II : The Evolution of Seed Plants
Chapter 32 An Introduction to Animal Evolution
Komunikasi Course Interaction
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Versi eletronik seluruh proses pembelajaran.

Proporsi Penilaian Marking Proportion

• Tugas Terstruktur
Structured Assignment :30%
• Presentasi Presentation :10% (Structured Assignment Topics)
• UTS Mid Term Exam :30% (Course Topics I-IV)
• UAS End Term Exam :30% (Course Topics V-VIII)
Kelas Penilaian Grading
A = nilai angka mark  80
AB = nilai angka mark 75,00–79,99
B = nilai angka mark 70,00–74,99
BC = nilai angka mark 65,00–69,99
C = nilai angka mark 60,00–64,99
CD = nilai angka mark 56,00–59,99
D = nilai angka mark 46,00–55,99
E = nilai angka mark  46,00

Semua komponen evaluasi harus dilaksanakan.

Bila salah satu komponen UTS, UAS, TT, dan Presentasi tidak dilaksanakan, maka nilai akhir adalah E.

Nilai minimal untuk tiap komponen evaluasi adalah 5.

Bila nilai salah satu komponen UTS, UAS, TT, dan Presentasi <5, maka nilai akhir adalah E.
Tugas Terstruktur Structured Assignement
Tugas terstruktur matakuliah Evolusi adalah membuat rangkuman ilmiah (makalah)
dan presentasi (paparan di depan kelas) "Bukti dan Petunjuk adanya Evolusi". Topik
untuk tiap kelas adalah sebagai berikut :

Topik 1. The Evolution of Alpha Male

Topik 2. The Evolution of Colorful Feathers in Birds
Topik 3. The Evolution of Horses
Topik 4. The Evolution of Countershading (Thayer Effect) in Fishes

Topik 5. The Evolution of Pheromones

Topik 6. The Evolution of Hermaphroditsm
Topik 7. The Sexual Selection
Topik 8. The Evolution of Eusociality
Tugas Terstruktur Structured Assignement
1. Pembuatan makalah dan presentasi dilaksanakan secara berkelompok (satu kelas
dibagi menjadi 6 atau 8 kelompok).
2. Sumber diambil dari scientific journal atau textbook bukan dari artikel
website/blog/wikipedia, copy artikel dari journal dilampirkan.
3. Makalah dibuat dalam bentuk MS-Words dan presentasi makalah dibuat dalam
bentuk MS-PowerPoint.
4. Makalah dan presentasi dikumpulkan dalam bentuk softcopy dan di-submit
melalui ElDirU dan di-share dalam folder GoogleDrive ke akun Batas akhir pengumpulan online:
Topik 1–4 : 9 Oktober 2018 Pukul 24.00 (ElDirU dan GoodleDrive timestamp)
Topik 5–8 : 11 Desember 2018 Pukul 24.00 (ElDirU dan GoodleDrive timestamp).
5. Pada pertemuan ke-7 akan dilaksanakan presentasi untuk topik 1–4, dan pada
pertemuan ke-14 akan dilaksanakan presentasi untuk topik 5–8.

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