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By Group 6 Class C off 2017

Dhio Putra Mahendra 170341615059
Febby Ey Dwi Cahyani 170341615016
Lutfiana Azizah Kurniawati 170341615111
Dhio Putra M, Febby Ey Dwi C, Lutfiana Azizzah K dan Dr.H. Sueb, M,Kes
Department of Biology, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang
Email :,
In the world, there are 1.7 billion cases of diarrhea occurring each year. According to the
prevalence gained from a variety of sources. The purpose of this research is to correlation
diarrhea between personal hygine, treatment and preventation at UM. This research are use
descriptive quantitative research, instrument is using questionnaire, instrument include age,
gender, personal hygine question, cause of desease, medicine for use.sample are 30 people at
UM whose 15 person are female and 15 person are male, this research is using accidental
sampling. In this research cause most susceptible to diarrhea is because not washing hands
before eating with 78% or 26 respondents.51, 51% people are know that diarrhea can cause
death and 48,49 know that diarhea can cause death. The conclusion there is a correlation
between diarrhea and personal hygine. Diarrhea can caused by unhygienic lifestyle The period
of death caused by this disease is quite high. But many people are not aware that diarrhea can
cause death. Clinical features of diarrhea are watery stools with frequencies four or more
times in a day, which is often accompanied by vomiting, body lethargy or weakness, heat, no
lust eating, blood and mucus in the stools of nausea and vomiting may precede diarrhea
caused by virus. Keywords: Diarrhea, corelation, Health

Diarrhea, also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of

having at least three loose or liquid bowel movement each day. It
often lasts for a few days and can result in dehydration due to fluid
loss. Signs of dehydration often begin with loss of the normal
stretchiness of the skin and irritable behaviour.
The most common cause is an infection of the intestines
due to either a virus, bacteria, or parasite; a condition known as
gastroenteritis. These infections are often acquired from food or
water that has been contaminated by stool, or directly from
another person who is infected.
This research is descriptive quantitative. Location at FMIPA UM in
Malang. The time is 12 October 2017 (location map). The
population are all students at UM and sample are 30 people at UM
whose 50% or 15 person are female and 50% or 15 person are male,
this research is using accidental sampling.

RespondentsThe respondents are between 18-22 years old, and

come from many place, some respondents are from another
country and they stay in boarding house, and some of theme are
from Malang.
Instrument The instrument is questionare about personal data
and knowledge about the behavior that causes diarrhea.
The location and map of Universitas Negeri Malang
The results are presented in tables
the following:
Table 1. Percentage Gender, Age, Knowledge about Diarrhea
No Characteristic Variable Frequency Percentage
1. Age 17-18 27 90%
19-20 2 0.6%
21-22 1 0.4%
2. Gender Male 15 50%
Female 15 50%
3. Knowledge about diarhea Understand 30 100%
Not 0 0%
Table 2. Distribution of personal hygiene against diarrhea diseases
Behavior Frequency Percentage
Not washing hands before 9 30%
Drinking immature water 7 23,3%

Wash hands not with soap 5 16,6%

Does not cover food 4 13,3%

Less attention to food 5 16,6%
Total 30 100%
Table 3. Knowledge about diarhea

No Knowledge about Variable Frequence Percentage

1. diarrhea suffered only Understand 24 80%
by a certain age Not 6 20%
2. diarrhea does cause Understand 12 40%
death Not 18 60%
3. diarrhea can cause Understand 25 83%
dehydration Not 5 17%

From the observation that we get the relationship between behavioral behavior
factor, environmental sanitation to diarrhea disease, bad behavior habits are
also influenced by their knowledge that still less about health, like other
example was washing hands before eating, after eating, cooking water hygine
mature. fluid deprivation is the first action in overcoming a person's diarrhea.
Simple things like drinking lots of water or oral rehydration solution (ORS) Like
Many of the people around do not know the dangers of diarrhea. from
the data we got 18 out of 30 respondents replied that diarrhea did not cause
death. subsequent to diarrhea will cause dehydration which only 25
respondents while for diarrhea only attacking certain Age counted 24

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