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Introduction to Matrices

Dr. Ammar Isam

This chapter contains
This chapter is introducing matrices. It is divided into three main sections.
- Section 1 is discuss some of the basic properties and types of matrices
- Section 2 the operations of matrices strictly from a mathematical
perspective is given with examples.
- Section 3 the way to find invers of the square matrix with size 2*2, and
3*3 is discussed in details.

Section 1
Matrix: An Algebraic Definition
Algebraic definition of a matrix: a table of scalars in square brackets.
Matrix dimension is the width and height of the table, n x m.
Typically we use dimensions 2 x 2 for 2D work, and 3 x 3 for 3D

- A matrix is a set of elements, organized into rows and columns


a b 
c d 
 
Matrix Components
Entries are numbered by row and column, eg. mij is the entry in row
i, column j.
Start numbering at 1, not 0.

Square Matrices
Same number as rows as columns.
Entries mii are called the diagonal entries. The others are called
nondiagonal entries

Diagonal Matrices
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix whose nondiagonal elements
are zero.

The Identity Matrix
The identity matrix of dimension n, denoted In, is the n x n matrix with 1s
on the diagonal and 0s elsewhere.

Vectors as Matrices
A row vector is a 1 x n matrix.
A column vector is an n x 1 matrix.
They were pretty much interchangeable in the lecture on Vectors.
They’re not once you start treating them as matrices.

Transpose of a Matrix
The transpose of an r x c matrix M is a c x r matrix called MT.
Take every row and rewrite it as a column.
Equivalently, flip about the diagonal

Transpose of a Vector
If v is a row vector, vT is a column vector and vice-versa

Basic Matrix Operations
Addition, and Subtraction

a b   e f  a  e b  f 
c d    g   
h  c  g d  h 
Just add elements
  

a b   e f  a  e b  f 
c d    g 
h  c  g d  h 
 Just subtract elements
  

Multiplying By a Scalar
Can multiply a matrix by a scalar.
Result is a matrix of the same dimension.
To multiply a matrix by a scalar, multiply each component by the

Matrix Multiplication
Multiplying an r x n matrix A by an n x c matrix B gives an r x c
result AB.

Matrix Times Column Vector Multiplication
Can multiply a matrix times a column vector.


Another Way of Looking at It

2 x 2 Case

2 x 2 Example

3 x 3 Case

3 x 3 Example

Identity Matrix
Recall that the identity matrix I (or In) is a diagonal
matrix whose diagonal entries are all 1.
Now that we’ve seen the definition of matrix
multiplication, we can say that IM = MI = M for all
matrices M (dimensions appropriate)

Matrix Multiplication Facts
Not commutative: in general AB  BA.
(AB)C = A(BC)
Associates with scalar multiplication:
k(AB) = (kA)B =A(kB)
(M1M2M3…Mn)T = MnT …M3TM2TM1T

Row Vector Times Matrix Multiplication
Can multiply a row vector times a matrix

Determinant of order 2

 a11 a12 
Consider a 2  2 matrix: A
a22 
 a21

Determinant of A, denoted , is
|A | a number and
can be evaluated by
a11 a12
| A |  a11a22  a12 a21
a21 a22

easy to remember (for order 2 only)..
a11 a12
| A |  a11a22  a12 a21
a21 a22
- +

1 2
Example: Evaluate the determinant: 3 4
1 2
 1  4  2  3  2
3 4

The following properties are true for
determinants of any order.
1. If every element of a row (column) is zero,
e.g., 1 2
 1 0  2  0  0 , then |A| = 0.
0 0

determinant of a matrix
2. |AT| = |A| = that of its transpose

3. |AB| = |A||B|
 a11 a12 
For any 2x2 matrix A
 a21 a22 

1  a22 a12 
Its inverse can be written as A  1
 a
A  21 a11 

 1 0 
Example: Find the inverse of A 
 1 2 
The determinant of A is -2
 1 0 
Hence, the inverse of A is 1
A  
1/ 2 1/ 2 
How to find an inverse for a 3x3 matrix?

Determinants of order 3
1 2 3
Consider an example: A   4 5 6
7 8 9 

Its determinant can be obtained by:

1 2 3
4 5 1 2 1 2
A  4 5 6 3 6 9
7 8 7 8 4 5
7 8 9
 3  3  6  6  9  3  0

You are encouraged to find the determinant by

using other rows or columns 28
Inverse of a 33 matrix
1 2 3 
Cofactor matrix of A  0 4 5 
1 0 6 

The cofactor for each element of matrix A:

4 5 0 5 0 4
A11   24 A12   5 A13   4
0 6 1 6 1 0

2 3 1 3 1 2
A21   12 A22  3 A23   2
0 6 1 6 1 0

2 3 1 3 1 2
A31   2 A32    5 A33  4
4 5 0 5 0 4
1 2 3 
Cofactor matrix of A  0 4 5  is then given by:
1 0 6 

 24 5 4 
 12 3 2 
 
 2 5 4 

1 2 3 
Inverse matrix of A  0 4 5  is given by:
1 0 6 

 24 5 4   24 12 2 

1 1   1  
A   12 3 2  5 3 5
A  22  
 2 5 4   4 2 4 

 12 11  6 11 1 11 
  5 22 3 22 5 22 
  2 11 1 11 2 11 


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