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Fluid is a substance that can flow, including liquid and gas. Fluid adjusts to the
shape of any container where we place it.
There are some general characteristics from fluid flow :
1. Steady and non-steady
2. Rotational and irrotational
3. Compressible and incompressible
4. Viscous and nonviscous

Fluid viscosity (liquid) is friction caused by a moving fluid, or solid object that
moves in the fluid. The amount of friction is also referred to as the degree of
viscosity of liquid.
F = Working force (N)

A = The area of the chip in contact with Fluid (m²)

v = Fluid Speed (m / s)

L = Distance between Pieces (m)

η = Viscosity coefficient [Kg / ms or Pa s (Pascal second)]

The hotel cleaners remove the wet table (water) using fine plastic sheets at a
speed of 10 cm/s with a tangency of 25 dyne. The liquid layer between the
plastic sheet and the table is 0.8 mm. If there is an oil spill that has a viscosity
of 0.84 poise. How much force is needed to maintain the same speed. Assume
that all other parameters remain silent. Viscosity 0.01 poise.
Answer :

Unlike the ideal fluid, the real fluid or fluid that we encounter in everyday life
has viscosity. Because it has viscosity, when it flows in a pipe, for example, the
rate of each part of the fluid varies. The fluid layer in the middle moves faster
(large v), otherwise the fluid layer that sticks with the pipe does not move or is
silent (v = 0). So from the middle to the edge of the pipe, each part of the fluid
moves at different rates.
Fluid can flow due to the difference in
pressure (fluid flows from a place
where the pressure is high to a place
where the pressure is low), then we
replace F with p1 - p2 (p1> p2).
Q = Debit
R = radius in a pipe or tube
η = coefficient of viscosity
P1 - p2 = Pressure difference between the two ends of the pipe
L = pipe length
The velocity of the fluid inside the tube, even
though it is parallel to the tube at each point,
can have different magnitudes at different
points. The rate is v1 for fluid particles in P and
v2 for fluid particles in Q.
Then the mass of fluid Δm1 crossing A1 in the
time interval Δt is approximately equal to
Δm1 = ρ1 A1 v1 Δt1
The picture beside shows how the water
flow out of the tap part is narrowed. The
cross-sectional area as shown is A0 = 1.2
cm2 and A = 0.35 cm2. The two levels are
separated by a vertical distance h = 45
mm. What is the volume flow rate from the
In the time interval Δt, for example
the volume of fluid ΔV, which is
blue in the image enters the tube
at the left end (input) and the
same volume, the green one comes
out from the right end (output). The
volume that comes out must be the
same as the incoming volume
because the fluid cannot be
compressed, assuming a constant
density ρ.
The above quantity is related to:
P1 + ½ ρv12 + ρgy1 = P2 + ½ ρv22 + ρgy2

The relationship between rate changes and pressure changes is

understandable if you consider fluid elements. When the element is near a
narrow area, the higher pressure behind it accelerates the element so that the
element has a greater rate in a narrow area. When near a wider area,
higher pressure in front slows the element so that its speed is lower in a large
When a racing car speeds at 27.25 m / s, the air flows above and below the
car. The air flowing under the car enters through a vertical cross section of A0 =
0.0330 m2 in the front of the car then flows under the car where the vertical
cross-sectional area is A1 = 0.0310 m2. This flow treatment as a fixed flow
through a stationary horizontal pipe whose crossing area decreases from A0 to
A1. when passing A0 the air is at atmospheric pressure P0. What is the pressure
p1 when the air passes the A1?

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