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• Hipertension in pregnancy
is one of complication triad
beside bleeding and infecti
• About 7-10% of pregnancy accompani
ed byhipertension.
• Hipertension in pregnancy is second c
ause of maternal death after thromboe
• Medication for hypertension in pregna
ncy become challenge to medical prof
essional, because medication need to
be safe, effective and rational

High blood presure >20 weeks gestation

No history of high blood pressure before


03 Blood Pressure ≥140/90 mmHg

Increased systolic pressure 30 mmHg an

d diastolic pressure 15 mmHg above nor
mal value.

• Complication of 7%-10
% pregnancy
• High mortality and morb
idity in Indonesia
• Often happen in Primigr
• In women age >35 Year
s old and <20 years old
The National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood
Pressure in Pregnancy (NHBPEP)

Preeklamsia Superimposed
Chronic hypertension
01 Hypertension before 20
02 Hypertension ≥ 20 week 03 Chronic Hypertension +
s gestation
weeks gestation + Proteinuria proteinuria

04 Hypertension ≥ 20 week
s gestation


Mothers age<20 YO, or >35YO
Primigravide Mola Hidatidosa
Family history of hypertension Gemelli Pregnancy
Past history of Hypertension in pregnancy
High Body mass index
Kidney Disease
In Hypertension in pregnancy, there is no invasion
of trophoblast cell in spiralis artery

Spiral artery unable to dilate, thus causing spiralis

artery to constrict and failure of spiral artery remo

Decresed Blood flow of uteroplacenta

Ischemia of placenta
Produce of oksidan -> causing destruction of bloo
d vessel

Endothelial disfunction causing :

1. Decreased production of PGE2
2. Platelet aggregation
3. Production of thromboxane
4. Production of endotelin

• In Chronic Hypertension in pregnancy the the pat

hophysiology basically the same with Hypertensi
on in adult
• Primary hypertension : idiopathic
• Secondary Hypertension : Renal, Endocrine, or
Cardiovascular origin
Chronic Hypertension
• Blood Pressure ≥140/90 mmHg before gesta
tion, or before 20 weeks of gestation
• Hypertension stay in 12 weeks post partum
• Primer : - Idiopatik (90-95%)
• Secondary : Caused by kidney disease, endo
krin, or cardiovascular
• 13-40% developed to superimposed preekla

• Severe : ≥ 160/110
• Mild to moderate : Systolic of 140-159, a
nd Diastolyc of 90-109 mmHg

Superimposed Preeklamsia

• Chronic hypertension with proteiunuria after

24 weeks gestation

Gestational hypertension

• Blood Pressure ≥140/90 mmHg after 20 wee

ks of gestation
• Without Proteinuria


• Blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg after 20 wee

ks of gestation
• With proteinuria and/or edema
• Proteinuria : protein concentration of 300 mg
on urin sample or 30 mg/dl (+1 dipstic)
Degree of Preeklamsia
Ringan Berat

1. Hipertensi ≥ 140/90 mmHg 1. Hipertensi ≥ 160/110 mmHg

2. Proteinuria ≥ 300 mg/24 jam 2. Proteinuria ≥ 500 mg/24 jam
atau ≥ +1 dipstik atau > +3 disptik
3. Oliguria kurang dari 500
ml/24 jam
4. Gangguan penglihatan dan
5. Edema paru dan sianosis
6. Nyeri epigastrium atau
kuadran kanan atas
7. Trombositopenia
8. Pertumbuhan janin terganggu


Symptom : headache, blurry visi Blood pressure examination two

on, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, times or more
dispneu Precaution : No comsumption of
Past History : Kidney disease, co coffe, or medication related to ad
ntraception, history of high blood renergic stimulation. No physical
pressure activity 30 minute before examin
Social history: smoking, alcohol ation

1 2 3 4

URINANALYSIS Kidney Function Test USG urology Electro Cardiography

+1 = 0,3 – 0,45 g/L Creatinin, Ureum If abnormality in kidne To exclude cardiac ab
+2 = 0,45 – 1 g/L y suspected normality
+3 = 1 – 3 g/L .
+4 = > 3 g/L.
When to suspect secondary cause
in Chronic Hypertension?

• Hipertensi Refrakter
• UL : Proteinuria
• Serum Creatin : >1,1 mg/dl
• Hipokalemia : <3.0 mEq/l
To prevent acute complication,
and keep pregnancy healthy as
long as possible

To minimize the risk of compilc

ation from hypertension

MANAGE To minimize the risk of complic

ation to the fetus due to usage
MENT of antihypertension medication
which can cause hypoperfusion
to uteroplacental.



• Mild to moderate physical activity is rec • Consideration :

ommended by researcher in patient wit • Lowering acutely, severe hypertension in hos
pital setting (≥160/110)
hout obstetric problem.
• To maintain blood pressure stay in the target t
• Dietary nutrition restriction in patient wit hat desired
h chronic hypertension in general is the
same with adult patient. • Blood pressure goal (NICE Guideline):
• Daily nutrition allowance for natrium is r • <150/100 for chronic hypertension without co
estricted to 2,4 gram/day mplication or without target organ damage,
• <140/90 mmHg for chronic hypertension with
target organ damage

Methyldopa Labetalol

• alpha-2 adrenergik agonis

• First choice therapy, because conside
red safe to be used in pregnant woma • Non selective beta blocker that also act
n and children on alfa reseptor in vascular
• No adverse reaction related to fetal a • Adverse effect : lethargy, malaise, slee
nd uteroplacenta hemodynamic p disturbance, and bronchoconstriction
• Not effective in lowering sever chronic • Contraindication in asthma, congestif h
hypertenision if compared to labetalol eart failure
and nifedipine.
• Adverse effect : Hepatic disfunction, n
ecrosis dan anemia hemolitik

Calcium Channel Blocker Diuretik

• Work by blocking calcium channel, and cau • Theoritically, researcher afraid of adv
sing vasodilatation
• Not many research had been done regardin
erse effect of diuretics that can cause
g safety of nifedipine in pregnancy depletion of blood volume that can fur
• But, nifedipine is one of the most prescribed ther causing fetal growth restriction
medication to maintain blood pressure in pr • But according to research and meta a
egnant women nalisis systematic review that had bee
• There are no perinatal adverse effect report n done, those adverse effect was not
ed regarding the use of nifedipine and other
calcium channel blocker medication in pregn
ant women • Adverse effect : hipokalemia
• Nifedipine didn’t cause any effect in uterin bl
ood flow

ACE Inhibitor and ARB

• Kohort restropektif studi in america on baby that have been born from years 1985 to 2000 show that
from 209 baby, 18 were having congenital malformation. (RR: 2,71; 95% CI 1,72 - 4,27).
• FDA research : From 108 cases,88.9 % having adverse effect on fetal such as fetal death,and abort
us. In Preganancy that occur until 16 weeks, 32.5% experience congenital malformation. In pregnan
cy that occur until 20 weeks, 50% experience IUGR
• Systematic review identified the used of ARB in pregnancy. From 64 case, 58% experienced mild a
dverse effect, and 42% case experienced severe adverse effect including congenital malformation a
nd lungs abnormality.
• From 27 pregnancy that experienced congenital malformation, 10 pregnancy exposed from valsarta
n, 9 pregnancy exposed losartan, 6 pregnancy exposed by candesartan, and 2 pregnancy exposed
by irbesartan.
Prevention of Superimposed Preeklamsia

• Aspirin 1 x (60-80mg)
• Calcium Supplementation 1 gram
Drug Route of Administration Adverse Effect
Methyldopa Oral - Mild hipotensi in first 2 days of b
aby life
- Not associated with congenital

Labetalol Oral/ Intra vena - Not associated with congenital

- Hipotension on first 24 hours of
baby life

Atenolol Oral - Not associated with congenital

- Low birth weight
- Decreased fetal heart beat

Metoprolol Oral - Not associated with congenital

Drug Route of Administration Adverse Effect

Prazosin (Alpha Bloker) Oral - Not associated with congenital

Nifedipin Oral - Not associated with congenital

Amlodipin Oral No data available

Verapamil Oral/ Intra vena - Not associated with congenital
Chlorotiazide Oral - Associated with congenital
- Trombositopenia neonatal
- Hipoglikemia/hypovolemia neo
- Electrolyte Imbalance
Drug Route of Administrati Adverse Effect
Furosemide Oral/IV - No significant side effect

Hidralazine Intra Vena - Not associated with cong

enital malformation
- Maternal Hipotension
- Headache
- Fetal Distress
• Name : PSD
• MR : 52373
• Sex : Female
• Age : 32 tahun
• Address : Asrama Brimob Tohpati
• Nationality : Indonesia
• Race : Jawa
• Religion : Islam
• Occupation : Brigadir
• Status : Married
• Date of examination : 7 Agustus 2018
• Chief Complaint: High Blood Pressure
• Medical History:
• The patient is said to be 4 months pregnant and has regularly performed an obstetr
ic examination to a gynecologist.
• At the last examination at the obstetrician, high blood pressure of 160/100 was fou
• Previously the patient claimed to have no complaints regarding the high blood pres
sure. Complaints of headache, chest tightness, intense epigastric pain, swelling in t
he legs and body and visual disturbances are denied by the patient.
• From 4 times visit to an obstetrician, high blood pressure was only obtained during
the last visit.
• The first day of the patient's last menstruation was said on April 19, 2018.
• In the second visit patients had a complaint of blood spots / brown spots and lower
abdominal pain,the doctor said the patient had a weak uterus and the patient was
diagnosed with imminent abortion, then the patient was given uterine strengthening
• Past History:
• A history of high blood pressure in pregnancy was
suffered by a patient in the fourth month of pregna
ncy for the first child.
• Blood pressure at that time reached 140/90.
• There were no symptoms of swelling in the legs, h
eartburn, visual disturbances, and seizures in the
previous pregnancy. After birth, blood pressure is
said to return to normal.
• Obstetric History:
• Female, 8 years old, born with Sectio Cesarean, birth weight 3300 gr
• This Pregnancy
• Family History:
• The father and grandfather of the patient are said to have a history of high
blood pressure. A family history of heart and kidney disease is denied by the patie
• Social History:
• History of smoking and alcohol consumption are denied by patie

Status Present
General Appearance : Good
Level Conciousness : Compos mentis (GCS : E4V5M6 )
VAS : 0/10
Blood Pressure : 150/90 mmHg
Pulse : 88x/ menit
RR : 18x/mnt
Temperature : 36,5º C
Body height : 165 cm
Body weight : 80 kg
Body mass index : 29
Eye : an ( -/ -); ict ( -/ -); pupil reflex ( +/ + ); Ø ( 3 mm / 3mm)
ENT : Ear : within normal limit
Nose : secret (-/-), concha edema (-/-)
Throat : T1/T1 hiperemia (-/-), Pharynx hiperemia (-)

Communis carotid artery : bruit ( - / - )
Lymph nodes : not palpable

Cor : S1 S2 normal regular; murmur ( - )
Pulmo : Vesicular ( + / + ); ronchi ( - / - ) wheezing ( - / - )

Abdomen : tenderness (-), bowel sounds (+) N,

liver/spleen not palpable
Genitalia : not evaluated
Skin : cyanosis ( - )
Extremity : warm +/+ ; edema -/-
+/+ -/-
Laboratory Examination

• Kidney Function Test(7 Agustus 2018)

Parameter Hasil Nilai rujukan Remarks

Creatinine 0,47 0,5-0,9 Rendah

Urea UV 10 15-40 Rendah

Parameter Hasil Nilai rujukan Remarks
Berat Jenis 1,020 -

Laboratory pH 6,0 -
Kejernihan Agak Keruh -

Examination Warna
Reduksi Negatif Negatif
Bilirubin Negatif Negatif
Urine Analysis(7 Agustus 2018)
Urobilinogen Negatif Negatif
Nitrit Negatif Negatif
Keton Negatif Negatif
Eritrosit 0-1 0-2
Leukosit 2-4 0-5
Epitel 5-7 0-2
Kristal Negatif - `
Silinder Negatif -
Bakteri Positif + -
Lain-lain Negatif -
Laboratory Examination
EKG (7 Agustus 2018)

• Rythm : Sinus
• Heart Rate : 120 x per minute
• Axis : Normal
• P Wave : Normal
• P-R Interval : Normal
• QRS Complex : Normal
• R/S in V1 : <1
• RV5 + SV2 : <35
• St-T Wave : Normal
• Conclusion : Sinus Takikardi


• G2P1001 T/H UK 15-16 m • Nifedipine 2x10 mg

inggu • Low salt diet
• Chronic Hypertension in p • Mild to moderate activity
regnancy • Routine ante natal care in

• Female 32 Years old, second pregnanc • Hipertension in pregnancy happen in 5

y, -7% of pregnancy.
• History of hypertension on the first pre • The risk increasing in patient with histo
gnancy ry of hypertension in pregnancy, and fa
• Father and grandfather have history of mily history of hypertension
• Anamnesis & Physical examination • Chronic hypertension in pregnancy defi
• -> Blood pressure 150/100 ned by hypertension that occur in <20
• -> 15-16 weeks pregnant weeks gestation
• Severe : ≥160/110
• Mild to moderate : Systolic of 140-159,
and Diastolyc of 90-109 mmHg

• Laboratory Examination : • In Chronic hypertension it is important to det

• Urin analysis : proteinuria (-) ermined wether the cause is primary or
• Creatinin : 0,47 secondary.
• ECG : Sinus Takikardia • Secondary Chronic Hypertension cause : ren
al impairment, hyper aldosterism, cushing s
yndrome, cardiovascular
• Lab result indicating secondary cause :
• Hipertensi Refrakter
• UL : Proteinuria
• Serum Creatin : >1,1 mg/dl
• Hipokalemia : <3.0 mEq/l

• Management : • Aim of treatment :

• Non farmakologis : Low salt diet, mild • To prevent acute complication, and ke
to moderate physical activity ep pregnancy healthy as long as poss
• Farmakologis : Nifedipine 2x10 mg ible
• Non faramkologis treatment : mild to
moderate activity for patient without o
bstetric problem
• Farmakologis treatment :
• Methyldopa, Nifedipine, Labetalol
• Contraindicated : Ace Inhibitor and A
• Chronic hypertension in pregnancy is increased blood pregnancy in pregn
ancy less than 200 weeks gestation
• Hypertension in pregnancy is complication that happen to 7-10% of pregn
• The aim of management of hypertension in pregnancy is to prevent acute
complication, and keep pregnancy healthy as long as possible
• The choice of medication aimed to minimize the risk of complication to th
e fetus due to usage of antihypertension medication
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• Mild to moderate physical activity is rec • Consideration :

ommended by researcher in patient wit • Lowering acutely, severe hypertension in hos
pital setting (≥160/110)
hout obstetric problem.
• To maintain blood pressure stay in the target t
• Dietary nutrition restriction in patient wit hat desired
h chronic hypertension in general is the
same with adult patient. • Blood pressure goal (NICE Guideline):
• Daily nutrition allowance for natrium is r • <150/100 for chronic hypertension without co
estricted to 2,4 gram/day mplication or without target organ damage,
• <140/90 mmHg for chronic hypertension with
target organ damage
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a unique zing. a unique zing. a unique zing.


Symptom : headache, blurry visi Blood pressure examination two

on, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, times or more
dispneu Precaution : No comsumption of
Past History : Kidney disease, co coffe, or medication related to ad
ntraception, history of high blood renergic stimulation. No physical
pressure activity 30 minute before examin
Social history: smoking, alcohol ation
Thank you
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