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Course Code: SHS 3283

Negotiations Skills
• Week 1 :Introduction to Negotiation
• Week 2 :Principles and Major Mistake in Negotiation
• Week 3: Planning and Preparation for Negotiation
• Week 4: Strategies and Tactics; Win-win Negotiation
• Week 5: Powers in Negotiation
• Week 6: Fact to Face Negotiation Skills
• Week 7: Follow-Up Action in Negotiation
• Week 8: The Function of Consultation
• Week 9: Theory and Model of Consultation
• Week 10: The process of Consultation
• Week 11: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Consultation Services
• Week 12: Consultation In Public Sector
• Week 13 :Cross Cultural Consultation and Ethics
• Week 14: Presentation

The Nature of Negotiation

What is negotiation?
Why we need to negotiate?
When in negotiation needed
Where negotiation should be done
How to negotiate?
• Perundingan adalah sesuatu yang biasa dilakukan dalam
kehidupan seharian
• Perundingan adalah proses dimana melibatkan
komunikasi dan perhubungan. Ia ,melibatkan dua atau
lebih pihak. Setiap pihak mempunyai konflik dalam
matlamat dan minat. Objektifnya adalah untuk mencapai
persetujuan atau perjanjian. (Roger J. Volkema 1999)
• Perundingan adalah proses “give and take”. Ianya
berjalan dengan situasi kejasama, persaingan dan untuk
bertukar-tukar maklumat (Robert & Keller ’97)

Negotiation – What is it?
‘Negotiation is an
explicit voluntary
traded exchange
‘The process by between people who
which we search for
want something from
the terms to obtain
what we want from each other’
somebody who
wants something Gavin Kennedy
from us’ To negotiate
is to trade
Gavin Kennedy
something we
have for
something we

Confer with others to Anon

reach a compromise or

Concise Oxford Dictionary

Perundingan adalah satu proses yang biasa tetapi kadangkala
mengelirukan yang ditemui di mana-mana khususnya oleh kalangan
pengurus organisasi. Perundingan perlu untuk menyelesaikan
masalah yang timbul di antara dua pihak yang berkaitan. Secara
teorinya, perundingan sepatutnya dijalankan secara adil, iaitu
kedua-dua pihak memberi dan menerima sesuatu.
Walaubagaimanapun secara praktisnya, keadilan ini jarang berlaku.
Satu pihak biasanya lebih mendominasi ke atas satu pihak yang lain.

Proses perundingan yang baik dapat berakhir dengan kedua-dua

pihak mencapai kehendak masing-masing dalam suasana `win-win
• Negotiations is a critical skill needed for effective
• Involves 2 or more parties
• Peaceful way to resolve conflict
• Negotiate a resolution meeting the needs of both
• Have definite goals and objectives
• Outcomes of negotiation – yes
• In Business
- To achieve higher margins and more sales
- More profits
In Working Life
- Negotiate for pay rise
- Negotiate for better benefits
- Negotiate for budget (renovation)

Do you consider yourself a negotiator?

Top ten Negotiations of Your life
• Accepting a Job offer
• Buying a car
• Buying a house
• Purchasing furniture
• Choosing a computer
• Negotiating a raise
• Planning your wedding
• Starting a business
• Going through Divorce
• Making a will
• Making deals with suppliers, partner businesses or customers
• Internal discussion between teams and departments within the
business over aims, processes and resources
• Discussions between stakeholder groups within the business
over the solutions to specific situations or issues
• Recruiting new people to the business (Interviews and discussions
on salaries and terms)
• Discussions of workload and priorities between managers and staff
• Seeking commitment or investment for changes within the

Phase 1 – Before Negotiation

Phase 2 – During Negotiation
Phase 3 – After Negotiation
Before Negotiation

• What you have

• What you are willing to give

• Setting the tone

• Exploring underlying needs
• Selecting, Refining and Crafting a agreement
Types Parties Examples
Day-to-day/ 1. Negotiation for pay, terms
1. Different levels of and working conditions.
Managerial Management
Negotiations 2. Description of the job and
2. In between fixation of responsibility.
colleagues 3. Increasing productivity.
3. Trade unions
4. Legal advisers
Commercial 1. Striking a contract with the
1. Management customer.
Negotiations 2. Suppliers 2. Negotiations for the price and
3. Government quality of goods to be
4. Customers purchased.
5. Trade unions 3. Negotiations with financial
6. Legal advisors institutions as regarding the
7. Public availability of capital. 
Legal 1. Adhering to the laws of the
1. Government local and national
Negotiations 2. Management government.
3. Customers
Perundingan berlaku dalam beberapa
sebab antaranya:

Untuk berkongsi atau untuk

membahagikan sumber yang terhad.
Untuk membentuk sesuatu yang baru
untuk mengekalkannya.
Untuk menyelesaikan masalah atau
pertikaian antara sesuatu pihak. 1-16
Pendekatan dalam
Kebanyakan orang berfikir bahawa bargaining
and negotiation membawa maksud yang sama;
Walaubagaimanapun ada perbezaan dalam
penggunaanya iaitu :

• Bargaining: menerangkan persaingan , win-

lose situation
• Negotiation: merujuk kepada win-win situasi
dimana apabila timbul pertikaian, setiap pihak
akan cuba mencari penyelesaian yang sesuai
terutama konflik yang sukar
Three Important Themes
1. Memahami definisi perundingan dan ciri-ciri asas situasi
dalam perundingan

2. Memahami Interdependence – merujuk kepada

perhubungan antara individu dan kumpulan yang selalunya
akan mendorong mereka untuk berunding.

3. Memahami dinamik dalam konflik dan proses

pengurusan konflik dimana kaedah dan pengurusan yang
digunakan adalah berbeza

Kriteria situasi dalam perundingan
Terdapat dua atau lebih pihak
Terdapat konflik keperluan dan keinginan diantara dua
atau lebih pihak
Setiap pihak berunding kerana mereka berfikir bahawa
boleh mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih baik
berbanding menerima apa sahaja yang ditawarkan
pihak lain kepada mereka
Setiap pihak mengharapkan ada berlaku proses “give
and take”
Perundingan memerlukan kemahiran yang tinggi
untuk pengurusan yang berkesan
Cara yang aman untuk menyelesaikan konflik
Perundingan adalah kaedah penyelesaian keperluan
kedua-dua pihak 1-19
Hasil dari perundingan adalah -yes
Characteristics of a
Negotiation Situation
• Setiap pihak mencari jalan persetujuan berbanding :
– Bergaduh secara terbuka
– Capitulate – serah pd seseorg berdasarkan syarat yang
– Menamatkan kontrak
– Melibatkan pihak ketiga dalam pertelingkahan
• Perundingan yang berjaya merujuk kepada :
– Pengurusan yang tangibles ( jelas )
– (e.g., the price or the terms of agreement) –
– Resolution of intangibles (the underlying psychological
motivations) such as winning, losing
When to Negotiate ?
• Based on Lee and Dobler :
– When many factors bear not only on price, but also on quality and service
– When business risks cannot be accurately predetermined
– When a long period of time is required to produce the items purchased
– When production is interrupted frequently because of numerous change orders
Dalam perundingan, setiap pihak memerlukan
antara satu sama lain untuk mencapai hasil yang
diinginkan ataupun objektif
• This mutual dependency is called interdependence (
saling bergantung)
• Interdependent menjadi aspek yang penting dalam
• Win-lose: I win, you lose
• Win-win: peluang kedua-dua pihak untuk capai
jalan penyelesaian terbaik
Jenis Interdependence
memberi kesan kepada hasil
• Interdependence dan struktur situasi
membentuk proses dan hasil
–Zero-sum or distributive – one winner
–Non-zero-sum or integrative – a mutual
gains situation


Two Types of Negotiations…

• Zero-Sum
– Harness the power of anchoring
– Do not disclose key information
– Learn as much as you can
– Exploit
– Don’t overshoot
Two Types of
• Win-Win
• Tell the truth
• Provide key information
• Learn as much as you can
• Be flexible, creative and fair

The Negotiator’s Dilemma

Alternatives Shape Interdependence
• Penilaian interdependence bergantung
kepada alternatif untuk bekerja bersama-
• Keinginan untuk bekerja bersama-sama
adalah penting untuk mendapat hasil
• Alternatif terbaik yang ada : BATNA (Best
Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
Mutual Adjustment
• Perundingan berterusan sebagaimana kedua
pihak bertindak untuk mempengaruhi yang lain
• Salah satu sebab yang membawa perubahan
yang berlaku semasa perundingan
• Perunding yang efektif perlu untuk memahami
bagaimana orang lain akan cuba sesuaikan
keadaan semasa berunding, perlu berubah atau
tidak utk pastikan perundingan berjaya

Mutual Adjustment and
Concession Making
• Mutual adjustment akan berlaku apabila :
• Apabila satu pihak bersetuju untuk membuat perubahan
dalam kedudukan mereka
• Apabila salah satu pihak bersetuju untuk melakukan
perubahan , tolak ansur akan dibuat
• Tolak ansur(concession) terbatas berdasarkan peluang
yang ada
• Apabila tolak ansur dibuat, jarak tawar menawar
(bargaining) menjadi lebih memaksa

Two Dilemmas in
Mutual Adjustment
• Dilema of honesty • Dilema of trust
(kejujuran) (kepercayaan )
• Merujuk kepada • Merujuk kepada
berapa banyak sejauh mana
perkara yang seseorang perunding
sebenar perlu percaya terhadap
diberitahu kepada apa yang pihak lain
pihak satu lagi beritahu mereka

Value Claiming and Value
• Peluang untuk “win” atau berkongsi sumber
-Claiming value: keputusan of zero-sum or
situasi distributive dimana matlamat adalah
untuk mencapai sumber yang banyak
-Creating value: result of non-zero-sum or
integrative situation dimana objektif adalah
supaya kedua-dua pihak melakukan dengan

Value Claiming and Value Creation
• Most actual negotiations are a combination of claiming and creating
value processes
– Perunding mesti berkebolehan mengenalpasti situasi yang
memerlukan lebih dari satu kaedah berbanding yang lain
– Perunding mesti pelbagai (verstaile) untuk keselesaan dan
menggunakan kedua kaedah strategi yang major
– Persepsi perunding dalam sesuatu situasi boleh menjadi berat sebelah
terhadap masalah yang dilihat sebagaimana lebih
distributive/competitive yang ada

Value Claiming and Value Creation
Nilai berbeza yang ada diantara perunding

• Perbezaan minat
• Perbezaan dalam penilaian tentang masa hadapan
• Perbezaan dalam risiko tolak-ansur
• Perbezaan dalam masa perkara yang lebih
cenderung atau hal yang utama

The Basic Components in
1. Preparation

2. Objectivity

3. Strategy

4. Technique
Basic Components
(1 of 2)
1. Preparation:
Prepare for negotiation if you want to succeed.

2. Objectivity:
Assess your strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Successful
negotiators make a point to "accentuate the positive."
Basic Components (2 of
 3. Strategy:
Plan a realistic course of
action based on sound
preparation and
objective appraisal of

4. Technique:
Combine a wide range of
skills; draw on
experience and self-
Three Key Factors of

 Preparation

 Negotiation

What makes a great

 Whoever is the
best prepared
34 Characteristics of an Effective
1. Preparation and planning skill
2. Knowledge of the subject
3. Ability to think clearly and rapidly under pressure and
4. Ability to express thoughts verbally
5. Listening skill
6. Judgement and general intelligence
7. Integrity
8. Ability to persuade others
34 Characteristics of an Effective
9. Patience
10. Decisiveness
11. Ability to win respect and confidence of opponent
12. General problem-solving and analytical skills
13. Self-control, especially of emotions and their visibility
14. Insight into others’ feelings
15. Persistence and determination
16. Ability to perceive and exploit available power to achieve
34 Characteristics of an Effective Negotiator
17. Insight into hidden needs and reactions of own and
opponent’s organization
18. Ability to lead and control members of own team or
19. Previous negotiating experience
20. Personal sense of security
21. Open-mindedness (tolerance of other viewpoints)
22. Competitiveness (desire to compete and win)
23. Skill in communicating and co-ordinating various
objectives within own organisation
34 Characteristics of an Effective
24. Debating ability (skill in parrying questions and
answers across the table)
25. Willingness to risk being disliked
26. Ability to act out skilfully a variety of negotiating
roles or postures
27. Status or rank in organisation
28. Tolerance to ambiguity and uncertainty
29. Skill in communicating by signs, gestures and silence
(non-verbal language)
34 Characteristics of an Effective
30. Compromising temperament
31. Attractive personality and sense of humour (degree
to which people enjoy being with the person)
32. Trusting temperament
33. Willingness to take somewhat above-average
business or career risks
34. Willingness to employ force, threat or bluff
Basic Elements of
Successful Negotiation
1. Positive Attitude
2. Knowledge of the Negotiation process
3. An understanding of people
4. Creativity: settle on a solution before
you negotiate
5. Communication skills
The Negotiator Must Be:
A. Self confidence, patient, empathy.
B. Know when to start, stop & your bottom line
C. Know your best alternative to a negotiated settlement
D. If other party respects you they will try harder to
agree with you
E. Aware of non-verbal communication
Anda mesti tahu apa yang dirundingkan
Ketahui segala maklumat tentg kedua2 pihak
Kaji kelemahan dan kekuatan kedua2 pihak
Pelanggan ada banyak maklumat lebih dari yang kita
jangkakan – jangan pandang rendah
Selalu memudahkan pelanggan
Perundingan akan mencapai win-win jika kita berusaha
ke arahnya
Pelanggan selalu minta pakej yang terbaik, sesuatu
sebagai pulangan
Perundingan menunjukkan sikap
Beri kekebasan kepada pelanggan
Selalu meletakkan sasaran yan tinggi
Other Major Considerations
Many factors can alter the course of Negotiation

• Cultural backgrounds
• Mindsets
• Negotiation /
Communication Style
• Leverage (pengaruh/
• Advocacy (sokongan
kepada perundingan)
• Relationships (prior /
Negotiation for Newbs
Mark clearly the
differences between:
To Do:
// firm offers
• Maintain credibility through
// conditional offers
// ultimatums
• Record important
// hypothetical information
• Document outcomes
// one-sided
Toolbox of the Successful Negotiator
Knowledge / Info Skills

• Knowledge of both • Verbal comm.

principals • People skills
• Clarity of goals – Ability to “read”
– Ability to pick up cues (apa patut
• Knowledge of both dibuat)
parties wishes / needs – Suppress negative cues
• Understanding / ability • Emotional control
to cope with stylistic – Cool-headed
differences of other – Assertive NOT aggressive
party – Patience / flexibility/ resilience
In Summation…
Negotiation is… Things to keep in mind

• Between two parties • Information / knowledge is

– Ability to satisfy each others key
needs • Principals / goals
– Wish to reach agreement • Needs / abilities

• Communication
• A Process – Effective and clear
– Collaborative vs. competitive – Calm, collaborative
– Possibility of failure
• Internal factors
• Occurs everywhere – Home culture / Organizational
– Daily life / work life
– Communication / negotiation
– In person OR multiple venues stylistic differences
Thank You for Listening…
Konflik boleh di definasikan sebagai:
“Tidak bersetuju dengan teguh atau
penentangan dan termasuk perbezaan
pengertian keinginan atau kepercayaan
dimana aspirasi semasa pihak tersebut tidak
boleh dicapai secara serentak”

Tahap Konflik

Dysfunctions of Conflict
1. Persaingan , win-lose goals
2. Salah anggap dan berat sebelah
3. Emotionality
4. Mengurangkan komunikasi
5. Blurred issues/ isu yang tidak jelas
6. Membesarkan
perbezaan,mengurangkan persamaan
7. Peningkatan konflik 1-53
Fungsi dan Faedah konflik
1. Menjadikan ahli organisasi lebih tahu, berhati-hati dan
boleh berhadapan dengan masalah melalui perbincangan
2. Berjanji untuk perubahan organisasi dan adaptasi
3. Mengukuhkan perhubungan dan meningkatkan moral
4. Mempromosi kesedaran terhadap diri dan orang lain
5. Meningkatkan pembangunan personal
6. Menggalakan pembangunan psychologikal- ianya
membantu manusia menjadi lebih teliti dan realistik dalam
self –appraisal (penilaian) mereka
7. Boleh menjadi seronok dan menjadi rangsangan

The Dual Concerns Model

Styles of Conflict Management

Styles of Conflict Management

•Ajat, one of Ahmad’s co-workers , heard
that Ahmad want to sell his car and plans to
talk to him about itu. Her daughter
graduating in three months’ time and will
need a car to drive to work. Ajat can only
afford about RM1,400 including any repairs
that might be required and she needs to
reserve some money to buy a roof rack. Her
daughter has seen the car and thinks its
sporty, especially with the stereo. Ajat
checked the list price for the model of
Ahmad/s car and knows the average
wholesale price is RM1,200 and the average
wholesale price is RM1200 and the average
retail price RM1,450.00
1. Discuss key differences in the behaviour of successful
versus average negotiators
2. Recognise the informal negotiating situation that occur with
friends and family. Identify key skills and techniques can
transfer to more formal situation.

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