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2018 – 2019
What is factual report text?

Factual report is a report containing the facts,

– Factual report is a text that explains and
rather than provide theoretical or personal
elaborate some factual information relate
to particular interpretation .
objects, matter, or things
which are based on an factual accurances,
Laporan faktual
scientific, and adalah suatu laporan
observatory. yangthan
mengandung fakta,
giving theories ordaripada
personalmemberikan teori
atau interpretasi pribadi .
What is the purpose of factual 
report text?

The purpose of Factual report text is to

– To presentpresent
about something they about
something. They generally
generally describes on tire classdescribe
off things, an
entire class
whether naturalofor things,
made. ForWhether natural
example mammals,
or made: Mammals, theetc
rocks, plants, planets, rocks,
plants, countries of region, culture,
Tujuan dari teks laporan faktual adalah untuk menyajikan informasi
tentang sesuatu yang mereka umumnya andmenggambarkan
so on. seluruh BAGIAN
dari hal-hal, baik alami atau buatan. Misalnya mamalia, batu, tanaman, dll
Generic Structure 

– General classification -> statements that describe the

common subject of the report, common description, and
– Description -> tells what the phenomenon under
discussion; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors.
This section gives us an overview of commonly occurring
phenomenon, either of its parts, its properties, habit, or
behavior. The point is, presenting elaboration of scientific

1.General identification
Object apa yang mau digambarakan biasanya bersifat umum dan,Tidak sepsifik.
– Hal-hal apa yang menjadi ciri object tersebut sehingga berbeda dengan object yang lain.
– Biasaya meliputi parts ,(bagian),custom ,(kebiasaan)dan function ,(fungsi) Untuk lebih
Jelasnya mari kita lihat Contoh text factual report tentang binantang atau hewan dalam
bahasa inggris berikut ini karena contoh ini hanya berkenaan dengan binatang maka
dalam generic structurenyapun porsi terbesar adalah custom atau kebiasaan dari
binatang tersebut.
Language Features?
– 1. Memperkenalkan aspek grup atau umum berarti fokus pada peserta generik. Jadi
teks laporan selalu memperkenalkan aspek grup atau umum dan fokus pada kata
benda umum.
– 2. Menggunakan koneksi logis bersyarat; Waktu kata-kata yang menghubungkan
peristiwa untuk memberitahu ketika mereka occur.such seperti ketika, begitu, tapi,
– 3.Kata benda dan frase kata benda yang digunakan bukan kata ganti orang.
Penggunaan kata ganti orang terbatas. Laporan
– 4.paling ditulis dalam present tense
– 5. kata kerja
– 6.Menghubungkan bahasa
– 7.deskritip
– 8.technical / istilah ilmiah
What Are The Main Di Ferences 
With Description TeXT?

The differences between factual report and

description TEXT is the specific language features,
communicative purpose and the situation.

Perbedaannya adalah fitur bahasa tertentu,

tujuan komunikatif dan situasi.

– Report Text – Descriptive Text

– Generic Structure : 1. General – Generic Structure : 1.
classification 2. Description part Identification 2. Description in
per part parts or each characteristic
– Language Features : 1. – Language Features : 1. Using
Introducing group or general Simple Present Tense 2. Using
aspect 2. Using conditional logical action verb 3. Using adverb 4.
connection 3. Using Simple Using special technical terms
Present Tense
Text Descriptive

I have a cat. It’s name is Meyong. It is an adorable cat. It

has white fur. I like to cuddle it because its fur feels soft.
Every morning I give it milk. My cat doesn’t like rice, so I
give it cat food. It is an active animal. It likes to run
around the house. It likes to chase everyone in my house.
When it feels tired or sleepy, it usually sleeps on the sofa
in the living room or sometimes under the table.
Text Report

           Cats are the most popular pet and can be found everywhere on the earth. They
have a Latin name Felis Catus Silvertis. In ancient times, the Egyptians used them as an
animal to hunt the rats.
           When they were born, they are blind and deaf. Then, they opened the eyes when
they have aged between 8 to 10 days. Furthermore, their sexual hormones are active at
the age of 10 to 15 months. On average, they have a weight ranging from 2.5 kg to 7.0 kg.
Meanwhile, the length of them is varies, but mostly they can grow from 15 to 30 cm. Cats
are lazy animals where they just spend time at home to sleep. However, not all the cats
have that such behavior, one of the active cat is “Kucing Kampung” which is the icon
ofIndonesian cat. Those cats always try to go out and to look for food.
           They can live up to the age of 20 years, and the world’s oldest cat lived about 36
years. Meanwhile, Kucing Kampung which are from Indonesia usually live only between 2
until 5 years. Cats are omnivore because we are very often seeing them eat fish, meat,
rice, and even vegetables. Nevertheless, many people also refer them as a carnivore. They
have small teeth and claws that are not harmful to humans. But, you have to be careful
because a cat bite can cause rabies and their claws are so painful.
Corruption is the abuse of public
Definition resources or public power for
personal gain. 

Corruption, fraud, embezzlement, theft,

Forms bribes, and kickbacks are all forms in
which people try to increase their
-personal greed
-decline of personal ethical
Factors sensitivity
-regulations and inefficient controls
-slow judicial processes
-lack of transparency
-Political: corruption block the democracy
Effects -Economic: decrease of national wealth.
-Social: gap between the rich and poor,
increased poverty
General Classification

Corruption is the abuse of public resources or

public power for personal gain. The executant is
not only the politician and the public servant, but
also the CEO of a company, the notary public, the
teamleader at a workplace, etc.
Corruption has been a part of human society
since the oldest of times. Corruption, fraud,
embezzlement, theft, bribes, and kickbacks are all
forms in which people try to increase their income at
the cost of others. Beginning in the latter half of the
1990s, an increased recognition of these costs led to
many international and nongovernmental
organizations demanding that political and business
Factors that lead to corruption are personal
greed, decline of personal ethical sensitivity, no
sense of service when working in public or private
institutions, regulations and inefficient controls,
slow judicial processes, lack of transparency
especially at the institutional level, and cultural

The effect of corruption has many dimensions related

to political, economic, and social effects. In political
sphere, corruption block the democracy and the rule of
law. In a democratic system, public institutions and offices
may lose their legitimacy when they misuse their power
for private interest. The economic effects of corruption is
corruption leads to the decrease of national wealth. It is
often responsible for increased costs of goods and
In Social sphere, frustration and general
apathy among the public result in a weak
civil society. Demanding and paying bribes
becomes the tradition. It also results in
social inequality and widened gap between
the rich and poor, increased poverty and
The Sun is a star found at the center of the Solar System.At around 1,392,000 kilometres
(865,000 miles) wide, the Sun’s diameter is about 110 times wider than Earth’s.
Around 74% of the Sun’s mass is made up of hydrogen. Helium makes up around 24%
while heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, iron and neon make up the remaining
percentage. The Sun generates huge amounts of energy by combining hydrogen nuclei into
helium. This process is called nuclear fusion.
The Sun’s surface temperature is around 5500 degrees Celsius (9941 degrees
Fahrenheit). The Sun’s core is around 13600000 degrees Celsius. The average distance
from the Sun to the Earth is around 150 million kilometers. Light from the Sun reaches
Earth in around 8 minutes.
Because of the Sun’s huge influence on Earth, many early cultures saw the Sun as a
deity or god. For example, Ancient Egyptians had a sun god called Ra while in Aztec
mythology there is a sun god named Tonatiuh.
The Moon is the Earth’s only natural satellite. A natural satellite is a space body that orbits a
planet, a planet like object or an asteroid. The Moon is about 250,000 miles (384,400 kilometres)
from Earth.
The Moon travels a distance of 1,423,000 miles (2,290,000 kilometres) around the Earth. The
Moon takes about 27 days (27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds) to go all the way around
the Earth and return to its starting position. The Moon’s orbit around the Earth is a slightly
squashed circle called an ellipse. Looking down from the north pole we would see the Moon
orbiting counterclockwise from west to east.
The Moon is not a light source, it does not make its own light. The moon reflects light from the
sun. We can see the Moon because light from the Sun bounces off it back to the Earth.
The Moon has a diameter of 2,000 miles ( 3,476 kilometres). The surface of the Moon has about
the same area as the continent of Africa. The surface of the moon has many things on it such as
craters, lava plains, mountains, and valleys. Scientists believe the craters were formed around 3.5 to
4.5 billion years ago by meteors hitting the moon’s surface. Footprints left on the Moon by Apollo
astronauts will remain visible for at least 10 million years because there is no erosion on the Moon.
A comet is a relatively small solar system body that orbits the Sun. When close
enough to the Sun they display a visible coma (a fuzzy outline or atmosphere due to
solar radiation) and sometimes a tail.
The coma is created as the comet gets closer to the Sun, causing water, carbon
dioxide and other compounds to sublime (quickly changing from solid to gas) from
its surface.
Comets are made of ice, dust and small rocky particles.
The name comet comes from the Greek word meaning ‘hair of the head’, it came
from the Greek philosopher Aristotle who observed comets as ‘stars with hair’.
Short term comets (also known as periodic comets) have orbital periods of less
than 200 years while long term comets have orbital periods of over 200 years.

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