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AoD estimation with DFT-based

Yeong Jun Kim

Jimin Lee
Mobile Communications Lab
Chung-Ang University
System models
• System channel, H is represented by,
L 1
H   hl al Rx (al Tx ) H
l 0

al : steering vector of l-th path

hl : channel gain of l-th path

• Received signal at the Rx,

L 1
yn ,m  ( Wn ) HWm   hl ( Wn Rx ) H al Rx (al Tx ) H WmTx
Rx H Tx

l 0
L 1
  hl ηl ,n Rx ηl ,mTx
l 0

where yn ,m : received signal with n  th Rx beam and m  th Tx beam

System models
ηn Rx  ( W Rx ) H a Rx
N RX 1
  n 0
e  j 2 dn cos e j 2 dn cos

N RX 1
 e
n 0
 j 2 dn (cos  cos  

1  e  j 2 dN Rx (cos cos 
 , let cos   cos    Rx
1  e  j 2 d (cos cos 
e  j dN Rx sin( dN Rx Rx )

e  j d sin( d Rx )

• Similarly, ηmTx  (aTx ) H WTx

System configurations
• Fixed Rx beam and Tx beam sweeping based on DFT precoder

yn , m  ym : Rx beam fixed

• Considering LOS path only,

ym  hηRx ηmTx

• ηmTx : Represented in DFT form of AoD vector, aTx

AoD estimation with DFT-based precoding
• For DFT precoder, the weights are represented by,
 j 2 m m
 j 2 dn cos Tx
wn  e N
e ,  cos  Tx
 j 2 dn
 wn  e Nd

• AoD vector is represented by,

j 2 dn cos  Tx
a e

• Therefore, ηmTx  aTx WmTx

NTx 1 m
 j 2 dn (  cos  Tx )
 e
n 0

AoD estimation with DFT-based precoding
NTx 1 m
 j 2 dn (  cos  Tx )
ηm  e

n 0

The phase of ηm varies linearly with the Tx beam index, m


>> The phase variation among different m is independent of AoD, 

• The Phase term can be manipulated at the Rx side without AoD information

ηmTx : DFT of AoD vector  IDFT of ηm becomes the AoD vector, aTx

Multi-Array Problem
• If multiple array antennas are equipped with in the device and Tx beam
sweeping is jointly performed, the linear phase rotation in the Rx signal,
ym cannot be guaranteed

• Also, channel gain, hm can have different phase for each m, because of Doppler
shift or phase noise.

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