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Jenefer Gonzales
Assure Model

• Is a procedural guide for

planning and delivering
instruction that incorporates
media, assumes that training or
instruction really is required.
• Teacher should analyze the attributes of
the learners.
 such as age, academic abilities, gender,
interests, etc.
 Prior competencies
 Learning styles, such as auditory, visual,
and tactile
 It consists of a specification of what
the learners will be able to do as a
result of the instruction.

 The mark of a good set of learning

objectives is conformity to the
ABCDs of well-stated learning
• what the learner (audience) will be able to do
as a result of instruction (behavior).

• The conditions under which the student or

trainee is going to perform and the degree of
acceptable performance should be included.
Example of ABCD Objective
1. Given a periodic table of elements,
90% of Grade 9 will be able to:

 Identify all the metal and non metal

 Locate their position in the periodic
2. At the end of the lesson students
should be able to compose a song.
Three categories of learning are
widely accepted: cognitive,
affective, and motor skills.
To these we add a fourth—
interpersonal skills— which
addresses important skills
neglected in the other domains.
1. Cognitive- learning involves the whole
array of intellectual capabilities, from
simple factual recall to the generation of
new theories.
2. Affective learning involves feelings and
3. Motor Skills - learning involves athletic,
manual, and other such physical skills.
4. Interpersonalskills--learning involves
interaction among people. These are people-
centered skills that involve the ability to relate
effectively with others.,
• A systematic plan for using
media demands that the
media be selected
systematically at first.
The selection process has two stages:

(1) choosing an appropriate media format

(2) selecting, modifying, or designing the
specific materials within that format.
Choosing a Media Format

 a very complex task because of the

following: vast array of media available, the
infinite variety among learners, and the
objectives to be pursued.
Selecting Available Materials

• The majority of instructional materials usedby

teachers and trainers are "off the shelf"—that
is, ready-made and available from school,
district, or company collections or other easily
accessible sources.

• To get maximum learning impact from your

presentation, you must follow certain
utilization proce•dures identified in formal
research stretching back to U.S. military
training in World War II and the practical
experience of several generations of teachers
5 P’s Process

• preview the materials,

• practice the presentation,
• prepare the environment,
• prepare the learners,
• present.
Preview the Materials

• No instructional materials should be used

• During the selection process you should have
determined that the materials areappropriate
for your audience andobjectives.
Practice the Presentation
• After previewing the
materials, you should
practice your portion of
the presentation.
• However, do not over
practice, or the
presentation will sound
Prepare the Environment

• Wherever the presentation is to take place—

classroom, auditorium, meeting room, or
whatever—the facilities will have tobe put in
• Utilization of many media requires adarkened
room, a convenient power supply, and access
to light switches.
Prepare the Learners

 clearly inform the

learners as to what the
learning objectives are
Present the Material
• This is what you've been
preparing for, so you
will want to make the
most of it. Our term for
this is showmanship.
• instructor should be
able to direct attention
in the classroom.
• Thefifthstep in the
ASSUREmodel is to
provide opportunities for
learners to practice the
capability being taught.

• Educators have long

realized that participa•tion
in the learning process by
the learner enhances

• The final
component of our ASSUREmodel for
effective learning
• most frequent type ofevaluation is the paper-
and-pencil test
• The most frequent thought of purpose isto
measure student achievement.
Three purposes of evaluation
• evaluation of
• evaluation of media
and methods,
• and evaluation of the
instructional process.
Evaluation of Learner Achievement
• The method of evaluating achievement
depends on the nature of theobjective.
• Objectives that focuses on cognitive skillsfor
example, distinguishing adjectives from
adverbs, describing a company's absence
policy lend themselves to conventional
written tests or oralexaminations.
Evaluation of Media and Methods
• Evaluation also includes assessment of
instructional media and methods.
• Particularly after first use, instructional
materials need to be evaluated to determineif
future use, with or without modification, is
warranted. The results of your evaluation
should be entered on your personal file form.
Evaluation of the Instructional Process

• Although ultimate evaluation must await

completion of the instructional unit,
evaluation is an ongoing process.

• Evaluations are made before, during, and after

• The final step of the
instructional cycle is to sit back
and look at the results of your
evaluation data gathering.
• If your evaluation data indicate
shortcomings now is the time to
go back to the faulty part of the
plan and revise it.
• The model works, but only if you
use it to upgrade the quality of
your instruction constantly.

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