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Entrepreneur Traits
1-They enjoy reading

 Most of the successful entrepreneurs that have been interviewed

read biographies of other famous people. They also devour books
on strategies, product development and trends. A lot of them read
newspapers and online sites but not magazines.
2-They start young

 Most entrepreneurs started selling products and services when they

were teenagers. They all loved to work and make money. They
started young with simply jobs like lemonade stands and had a
paper route.
3-No is not in their vocabulary

 The only "no" entrepreneurs remember is when their parents told

them not to run in the street. Barriers are just challenges in their way
of success.
4-Understands Technology

 To an entrepreneur, technology is one of the most valuable tools.

Stay on top of available technology, both in general and in your
specific industry. Technology can save you time and money in
performing essential business functions, help you stay organized,
and pave the way for new solutions your company can provide.
5-Trusting your gut

 Expert Charlie Brock said “It’s really hard to both predict and
quantify this quality, but it’s true that some of the decisions I’ve
made along my entrepreneurial journey came through my gut,”.
Brock also stated “Sometimes it’s just not that time efficient to do
that last 20% of the analysis and you have to be able to make a
 Great business men and women know that logic has limits.
Computers and data will never replace a heart and a brain. The
best entrepreneurs know when something feels wrong or right.
6-Good at adapting

 If you want to be successful, you can’t just stick to one idea with an
iron grip. Times change, markets adapt, and businesses have to
adapt with them. Good business people make a habit of reaching
out to professionals they respect for feedback. They are willing to
listen to others and change their original plans if something just isn’t
 “You’ve got to be coachable. I look for that as an investor,” says Brock.
“I’ve found that for people who come off as inflexible and unwilling to
consider changes, there typically isn’t a very happy ending. There are just
too many other entrepreneurs out there with great ideas.”
 If you want to have a successful business you have to adapt your
idea with the market. A good business makes a habit to reach out
to professionals the
7-Self starting

 A good entrepreneur doesn’t need to be told what to do.

Entrepreneurs do what needs to be done and doesn’t waste any

 One main aspect of creativity is to find the relationship between two

completely unrelated events. The solutions of these problems are
usually a combination of other things. Entrepreneurs re-purpose the
items and market them to new industries.
9-Risk takers

 Entrepreneurs always take risks especially when they are young.

When entrepreneurs start young if they fail they have less to lose.
When they lose everything it is because they took risks
10-Being dumb

 “One of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur is

understanding you are not the smartest guy in the room. If you
happen to be the smartest guy in the room—go find another room.”
-Justin Bailie,
11-Open Minded

 Entrepreneurs know that every event is a business opportunity and

ideas are constantly being created about workflows and people
skills and sometimes new businesses. They also have the skill to look
at what is around them and use it to get closer to their goals
12-Strong Work Ethic

 A successful entrepreneur will normally be the first one to get to the

office and be the last one to leave after work. They sometimes will
go into work on their off days to make sure that the outcome meets
the expectations. Their mind is always on their work even if they are
not at the office.

 As an entrepreneur you must be patient and willing to work even if

you lost the first battle. It is important to get back to work as the
“war” is not done. As an entrepreneur your journey isn’t as easy as
going from 1 to 2
14-Word hard play hard

 According to Fiverr co-founder Micha Kaufmann, an entrepreneur

will start all over again even after failing until he/she gets it right. He
snowboards and sails in addition to running Fiverr.
15-Take action

 Taking actions is a key part of being an entrepreneur. All

entrepreneurs take action when their company needs something

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