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Management of Blepharoconjunctivitis in Steven

Johnson Syndrome
in Mohammad Hoesin Hospital
Yusni*, Anang Tribowo

Purpose To compare management blepharoconjungtivitis in Steven Johnson Syndrome

A case report of three patients with blepharokonjungtivitis in Steven Johnson

Methods Syndrome. All patients underwent complete ocular examination. One patient was
treated with steroid, one patient with non steroid anti inflammation and the last one
was treated with artificial tears
From initial examination we found two patients had similar clinical features such as
Results edema, excoriation, crusta on palpebra. One patient had only edema on palpebra. It
has mucopurulent discharge in conjunctiva. One patients had mix injection on
conjunctiva and some form of corneal aberations. After the treatment, all patients
had improved in clinical appearance. Final visual acuity after hospitalized was same
as before treatment. The cause of decreased visual acuity in this patient was directly
related to corneal defect and lens opacity
Case Sex Age Anterior Segment Treatments VA Pre- VA Post-treatment
No treatment
1. ♂ 10 Edema in palpebra, Conjunctival Luxsir, 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/6
injection,secret (+) mucopurulent artificial ED,
Pre Post
Treatment Treatment

2. ♂ 30 Edema, crusta in palpebra, mix injection Luxsir, 6/30 6/30 6/30 (R) 6/30
in conjungtiva, FT (+) in almost all artificial tears (R) (R) (R)
surface of cornea. ED

Pre Post
Treatment Treatment

3. ♀ 60 Edema, crusta in palpebra, secret (+) Luxsir, 6/15 6/21 6/15 6/21
mucoprulent and conjungtival injection, Artificial
FT (+) with Ø 9 mm and 6 mm in tears ED,
Pre Post
Treatment Treatment

Stevens Johnson syndrome ( erythema multiforme major ) is an acute, generally

self limiting, severe, mucocutaneous, vesiculobullous disease, which primarily
occurs in young healthy individuals include the eyes such blepharoconjunctivitis.
Management of these cases with three different type of treatments got same

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