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m Genetic Engineering and its Impact on the

m What Changes has Modernization brought
to India? Explain the impact on the middle
class society
m "I have traveled across the length and breadth of
India and I have not seen one person who is a
beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen
in this country, such high moral values, people of
such calibre, that I do not think we would ever
conquer this country, unless we break the very
backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual
and cultural heritage, and, therefore,
m I propose that we replace her old and ancient
education system, her culture, for if the Indians
think that all that is foreign and English is good
and greater than their own, they will lose their
self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will
become what we want them, a truly dominated
isparity = difference, inequality, discrepancy
Vernacular= dialect, language
Colonial = regal, imposing
Era = age, epoch, period
Alien = unfamiliar, unknown, strange
Reinforce = strengthen, support, emphasize
Preeminence = supremacy, superiority
Isolated = remote, inaccessible, secluded
Impoverished = poor, broke, insolvent
ominance = supremacy, domination, control
Mired = caught up, delayed, hindered
Banal = commonplace, trite, ordinary
Radical = fundamental, essential, deep-seated
Radically = fundamentally, thoroughly, drastically
Intractable = stubborn, obstinate, obdurate
Imperial = regal, royal, imposing
Encumber = burden, hinder, hamper
Plausible =reasonable, believable, credible
Vital = very important, fundamental, crucial
Alleged = supposed, suspected, assumed
istinction = difference, division, merit
Assertion = declaration, statement, claim
Assiduous = diligent, persevering, industrious
Munificent = generous, bountiful, liberal
Entail = involve, require, necessitate
Schizophrenia = psychological disorder
Gullible = naïve, susceptible, credulous
Blatant = obvious, unashamed, deliberate
Lash = tie, bind, fasten
Vigilant = watchful, attentive, alert
Punitive = disciplinary, penalizing, corrective
Lapse = slip, fall
Brutal = atrocious, vicious, cruel
Smug = self-satisfied, superior, conceited
Colossal = huge, massive, immense
Hegemony = domination, control, supremacy
Blithely = merrily, casually, gaily
Mindful = watchful, aware, heedful
Elite = best, privileged, influential
Airy = fresh, light
Slavery = bondage
Thrust (n)= drive, force
Bureaucracy = government, administration, official
Asset = benefit, advantage, positive feature
ðpbeat = positive, cheerful, optimistic
Battering = rough treatment, beating, injury
Illusion = false impression, fantasy, figment of
one¶s imagination
elusion = illusion, hallucination
Routinely = regularly, habitually, normally
Maul = claw, attack, handle roughly
Resent = dislike, hate, be offended by
Chauvinism = prejudice, bigotry, bias
Aspiration = ambition, goal, objective
ðtopia = ideal state
Rationale = underlying principle, basis, justification
evise = plan, work out, invent
Radically X superficially
Intractable X easygoing
istinction X similarity
Assertion X denial
Assiduous X lazy
Gullible X smart
Smug X humble
Colossal X tiny
Hegemony X subjugation
Blithely X anxiously
Solvent X bankrupt, insolvent
Resent X like
ðtopian X dystopian
Illusion X reality
isparity X parity
Preeminence X inferiority
Isolated X nearby
ominance X weakness
Plausible X implausible
isparity / despair
Colonial / colonel
Alien / align
Root / route
Imperial / imperative
Munificent / magnificent
Scar / scare
Asset / assert
Illusion / allusion
Resent / repent
evise / devious
Get carried away
To be mindful of something
Take a battering
To pave way for
h According to Sontag, ³«the only language that
all Indians might have in common not only is, it
has to be, English  o you agree? Elaborate
 o you feel that English could be a ³plausible
candidate for an international language?
 Can English, as it is spoken/used in India
today, still be called the ³language of the
conqueror? What are your views on this?
 Are call centres set up by American
multinationals in India a boon or a bane for
young Indian men and women? Give reasons for
your answer
 Can English be called ³the linguistic instrument
of the world dominance of the colossal and
unique superpower (the ðSA)? Elucidate
± o you feel that the computer plays an
important role in creating a support base for
English in the world? Elaborate
 Is it justified to call workers at MNC call-centres
µcyber-coolies¶? What are your views on this?

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