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How to introduce data and insert simple graphs

Introduce manually the data in the spreadsheet.

Include the headings of each column, with the corresponding
- Create a new column for the calculated data
- Write the calculation in the corresponding cell, begining
with the symbol “=“
- If one value is going to change use the coordinates of
this cell
For example, write D4 instead of 53, as we are going to calculate the
volume for each radius
- Click on the right bottom corner until the
cursor looks like a cross
- Then drag it down to the end of data to
make the calculations automatically
In the “Gallery” menu, click on the “Charts” and
then “XY (Scatter)” options and select the first
one (scattered points)
Right click on the chart area and then on “Select data”.
Select the “x” column of data: the period of the element
Select the “y” column of volume of the element
Select the “x” column of data: the period of the element
Select the “y” column of volume of the element

To manipulate them, select origin of data by right clicking on one of the points and the
click on Edit
Right click on one point and select
“Add Trendline” (best fitting line)
Select “linear” in the trendline”type”
Add your conclussions based
on the graph:
- Do the points match the best fitting line?

- Are they very separated from the best fitting line?

- Is the tendency growing? Linearly or not?

- Is there scientific explanation based in the contents seen in

class for the result?

- Did we expect it in our hypothesis?

Scientific notation for the numbers
When the numbers are very big or very small it is more convenient
to show them in scientific notation.

In Excel this can be done very easily:

Scientific notation for the numbers
Right click on the cell (or the column for all of them)

Then select “cell format…”

Scientific notation for the numbers
Select “Scientific notation” from the “Number” menu and then OK
(two decimal positions are enough, even if they are 0)
Scientific notation for the numbers
The result is the following:

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