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˜ On your whiteboard,
write down what you
think evolution means.
˜ Keep in mind this is

not revolution (a war




against a government)

˜ y the 1700¶s and 1800¶s scientists
already knew that life on Earth was
much different than it was a very long
time ago.
˜ This change in life forms over a long
period of time is called evolution.
˜ How did they know that?








˜ Ôcientists realized that
older fossils were very
different from
organism¶s alive today.
While younger, more ë 


recent, fossils looked
more like today¶s












˜ amark thought
organisms could gain or
lose traits in their lifetime
due to its need.
˜ In other words it could 



change its traits if it

wanted to.
˜ These new traits could
then be passed on to their

˜ Mor example, amark thought that giraffes
could stretch their necks to reach food that
was up high and then pass the long neck trait
to their offspring«

˜ Õharles Darwin was an
English Naturalist who
lived in the 1800¶s.
˜ He had a different idea
about how life evolved
on Earth.






˜ Ôo, if we go back to those giraffes, Darwin
says there is variation within the species.
Those with the good traits survive and
reproduce, passing on the good traits.




















˜ The process by which individuals that are
better adapted to their environment survive
and reproduce more often.

˜ It occurs in 4 steps. et¶s take a look at each

˜ § species
produces more
offspring than
will survive.
* %  

˜ Ôlight mutations in an
organism¶s genes can
cause different traits in
individuals in a
population. Ôome
traits may increase the
chance that an
individual will survive;
these are called

˜ The environment does

not have enough food,
water, and other
resources to provide
for all. Many may also
be killed by other
organisms. Only some
will survive to
˜ Individuals that have better
traits to live in their
environment are more
likely to survive and
reproduce. Those without
the best traits will die early
or produce fewer offspring.
In some cases, a species
may become extinct if it
cannot adapt to its






/ 0

- §




˜ The process by which populations

accumulate inherited changes over time,
mainly as a result of natural selection.
˜ Want more evidence for evolution?


˜ Ôimilar Traits - º   








˜ Ôimilar DN§ -
§nimals that are
more closely
related have
more DN§ that is
the same than $ 





animals that are

not closely
˜ Ôcientists can use the
fossil record, the
presence of similar
traits, and the presence $ 


of similar DN§ to 

determine what
organisms are more
closely related.





























˜ § group of organisms
that can mate with one
another to produce
fertile offspring.
˜ Wolves and dogs are ë  



the same species and

can produce wolf dogs.


˜ åou can cross two
different but closely
related species and get an
offspring. However this
offspring is usually not
able to reproduce.
˜ The mule is a cross ë  




between a male donkey

and a female horse.
˜ However, 2 mules cannot
mate and reproduce.


˜ § liger is a cross
between a male lion
and a female tiger.
˜ igers are usually
much larger than either ë  




the lion or the tiger.

˜ The ligers are usually
unable to reproduce.


˜ Natural selection occurs
without humans
intentionally breeding
organisms to produce a
desired offspring.

˜ However, natural


selection can be a
response to human
actions such as habitat
destruction. Remember
the popsicle stick fish?














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