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Department of Livestock Production and Management
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology,
Pantnagar - 263 145 U.S. Nagar (Uttarakhand)

± Pork and fish can be produced at the same
piece of land and at the same time
± Water requirement for pig from fish ponds
± Pig excreta ± Direct source of fish feed. feed.
(contains 70-
% digestible nutrients).
± Pig dung act as good source of fertilizer.
A. Helps in producing fish feed i.e. phytoplankton and zooplankton
B. Application of extra fertilizer for raising fish is not required
C. Reduce in quantity of feed for feeding the fish
D. 60
60%% reduction in feed cost
E. Moisture 69-
71%%, Nitrogen 1.36-36-2%, Phosphorus 0.36 36--0.39
± Content accumulation of Pig dung in the
bottom can be used as fertilizer for
horticultural/ vegetable crops.
± Embankment of ponds can be used for
vegetables/ horticultural/ pasturage.

± mish culture practice
± Swine rearing practice

þ     |  
   Sty constructed on the embankment of
pond Ä Excreta are washed away directly to the
fish pond
   Construction of house at any
suitable places nearby to fish ponds/ farm, Ä Pig
dung storage tank  Application in required
quantity as and when required

± Highly prolific
± Small G.P.
± Efficient feed converter
± High fat content
± High dressing percentage
± Early maturity
± Two crops
± Religious
± meed habits
± High mortality
± Lack of research and technical knowledge
± Marketing limited to NE region.



± Ventilated
± Provision of trough
± Adequate space
± Pig has no heat regulating mechanism
± Low cost

± ëpen
± Indoor
Proper drainage
Iron netting
Enclosed run
Connected soak pit
Rough floor
Thatched v/s tin or asbestos sheet

1. mast growing
2. Early maturing
3. Prolific breeder
4. Resistance to diseases
5. Exotic v/s indigenous
6. mrom reliable source
7. Avoid inbreeding
#  %

w Indigenous
w Exotic
w Graded
#  &' 

Large White York Shire

Middle White York Shire

Tam Worth


(  $
(  $ 
° )

± Upgraded breeds are more suitable

± 40--50 pigs /hact. water spread area
± 2-3 months old weaned piglets
± 1:20--30 male female ratio
± Two crops of pig with one crop of fish in
one year.


Õ Major proportion of production cost

Õ Monogastric
Õ med in the house with balanced feed
Õ Quantity 1.4 to 1.5 kg/ pig/ day
Õ 3 equal instalments to minimize wastage
Õ Green grasses should be offered
Õ Sod provision
Õ Minerals and vitamin source
Õ Variety of ingredients
Õ Palatable, digestible

%" $   

w )  
w !
w °  
w *
w &

Õ Trough
Õ mloor
Õ Self feeders

Õ Ad lib
Õ Restricted
Õ Appetite
(  $!

+ | 
Õ Pre starter pigs (2-
(2-5 Kg.)
Õ Starter pigs (5-
(5-15 Kg.)

Õ Grower pigs
Õ Growing and finishing hogs
Õ Boars
Õ Gilts
Õ Pregnant sows and gilts
Õ Lactating sows
Õ mlushing
°# $  ! 

Õ $
,-  - 
) .Ä
Õ$ $ / 

$ Ä
Õ %
$ 1
Õ $    
$ 2
$ °

Õ Hardy animals
Õ Common diseases like swine fever, swine
plague, swine pox
Õ Skin problems
Õ Hygienic and healthy environment
Õ Vaccination
Õ Proper cleaning of sty and appliances
Õ Disinfection
Õ 6 months age approx 65 kg body weight
Õ Remove whole batch
Õ Bring new batch
Õ 6000 kg or more pork
Õ 4000 kg fish

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