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 Meiosis is a process of nuclear division to

reduce the number of chromosomes in the
new cells to half the number of
chromosomes of the parent cells.
 Each gamete contains the haploid number

of chromosomes (n).
 During fertilization, two gametes will fuse

together to form a diploid zygote (2n).

Thus, the diploid chromosomal number in
organisms can be maintained.
Haploid ovum

Gamete formation through meiosis

haploid sperm

Fusion of gamete through


ovary testes
diploid zygote

(2n = 46)

Multicellular diploid
adults Development and growth through
(2n = 46)
•The chromosomes begin to condense and become short and
•The homologous chromosomes come together to form bivalents
through a process called synapsis
•Each homologous chromosome is made up of two sister
•Exchange of segments of DNA occur between non-sister
chromatids in a process called crossing over
•The points at which segments of chromatids cross over are
called chiasmata
•At the end of this stage, the nucleolus and the nuclear
membrane disappear.
•The two pairs of centrioles migrate to the opposite poles of the
cell which then act as central points from which the spindle
fibres appear.

•The chromosomes are lined up side by side as

tetrads on the metaphase plate
•The centromere does not divide

•The homologous chromosomes separate and are

pulled away by the spindle fibres to the opposite
poles of the cell.
•Although the cell started with 4 chromosomes,
•only 2 chromosomes move towards each pole.

•The chromosomes arrive at the poles

•Each daughter nucleus now has a haploid number of
chromosomes ( only one set of chromosomes/ no more
homologous chromosomes )
•The spindle fibres disappear.The nuclear membrane
reappears to surround each set of chromosomes,
followed by the cytokinesis process
CYTOKINESIS takes place

•The nuclear membranes of the daughter cells

disintegrate again
The spindle fibres reform
 The chromosomes (each still made up of
sister chromatids) line up at the metaphase
 5.6/7
 Each sister chromatid is attached to the

spindle fibres at the centromere.

 The centromeres of sister chromatids
separate to form individual chromosomes
 The chromosomes move towards the

opposite poles of the cells

 The nucleoli and nuclear membranes reform.
 The spindle fibres break down
 Cytokinesis occurs
 Four haploid daughter cells are formed.
Meiosis I Meiosis II

a.During prophase, the chromosomes become condensed and shorter

b.In metaphase, the chromosomes align at the metaphase plate
c.The number of chromosomes in daughter cells is haploid
During prophase I, crossing over No crossing over occurs during prophase II

During metaphase I, homologous During metaphase II chromosomes align

chromosomes align at the metaphase plate. at the metaphase plate

Separation of homologous chromosomes Separation of sister chromatids to the

to the opposite poles during Anaphase I. opposite poles during Anaphase II.

Number of daughter cells produced are Number of daughter cells produced are
two four
1. – The chromosomal number of daughter cells are
similar with parent cell.
- The cell divide once
(i) – The chromosomal number of daughter cell are
half of the parent cell.
(ii) -The cell divide twice

(b) (i) Produce new cells to replace the old or damaged

- Growing
(c ) (i) Uncontrolled mitosis will produce tumours. The
are two tumours : Benign tumours and malignant
(ii) Malignant tumour consist of cancer cells normally
spread locally through the bloodstream and
lymphatic system to other parts of the body
2. a- A cell cycle is the period that extends
from the time the cell divide into two
daughter until the time when the cell divides
into two daughter cells.

J-The period between chromosome duplication

and the beginning of phase M
K-Synthesis of DNA and duplication of
chromosomes occur
R- New organelles and proteins are produced
and collected for the coming division.
3 (a) i- Metaphase
ii- Anaphase

(b) i-Prophase
ii- Telophase

(c) Chromatids condense – The nucleous and

nuclear membrane dissapears.

(d) The centromere of chromosomes are stuck

on the spindle fibre. The contraction of
spindle fibre pulls apart the chromosomes
towards opposites poles.
4. (i) Meiosis
(ii) In vitro fertilisation
(iii) Mitosis

(b) In stage R : the embryo is split into single

cell which consist of similar genetic content
In stage Y : Embryo are implanted into
surrogate mothers
(c ) They are indentical
They show the features of both parents.
(d) The cloned animals give better and
increased output.
Thousand of claves can be produced quickly
with low cost.
5 (a ) Meiotic division
(b) Four daughter cells are formed by the end of
the process.
The chromosomal number of daughter cells is
half of the chromosomal number of parent
( c ) Chromosomes
( d ) (i) Meiosis I
(ii) Meiosis II
(e) To provide gametes for sexual reproduction
To ensure genetic variation in a species

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