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Meet specified strength Should be durable in the environment in which it is expected to serve Workable to be placed in the structure Economical

Durability - the service life of a material under given environmental conditions Durability of concrete can be ensured by maintaining certain minimum binder content, maximum limit on w/ b ratio and minimum cover to the reinforcement

Exposur e

Mild Moderat e Severe

Plain Concrete Reinforced Concrete Min Max Min Min Max Min Cemen w/c Grade Cemen w/c Grade t kg/ t kg/ m3 m3 220 0.60 300 0.55 M20 240 250 0.60 0.50 M15 M20 300 320 0.50 0.45 M25 M30

V. 260 0.45 M20 340 0.45 M35 Severe NOTES 1 Cement content prescribed in this table is irrespective of the grades of cement and it is inclusive of addExtreme 280 M25 360 0.40 M40 ons mentioned in 5.2. The additions0.40 fly ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag may be taken such as
into account in the concrete composition with respect to the cement content and water-cement ratio if the suitability is established and as long as the maximum amounts taken into account do not exceed the limit of pozzolana and slag specified in IS 1489 (Part I) and IS 455 respectively. 2 Minimum grade for plain concrete under mild exposure condition is not specified.

Type of cement Grade designation (compressive / flexural strength) Maximum nominal size of aggregate Minimum and maximum cement contents Maximum water-cement ratio Workability and Workability retention Exposure Conditions as per IS 456 Method of transporting and placement of concrete Temperature of concrete at the time of placement, if required. Characteristics of aggregates.. Sp. Gr., WA, grading etc. Chemical and mineral admixture Early age strength requirements, if any

ft = fck + K * s where,
ft = Target mean compressive strength at 28 days, fck = Target mean compressive strength of concrete at 28 days k = usually 1.65 for acceptable failure rate of 1 in 20 s = standard deviation

Grade of Concrete

M10 M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40 M45 M50

Assumed Standard Deviation 3.5 Mpa 4 Mpa 5 Mpa

If sufficient data is available for the grade, use the s value If sufficient data is not available, value can be assumed from the table

If past data on relationship between Strength and free water-cement ratio are available, it may be used Else, water-cement ratio given in Table 5 of IS 456 for the respective exposure condition may be used as starting point. The free water-cement ratio selected should be checked against the limiting water-cement ratio for the durability .choose the lower of the two values.

Source: IS 10262: 1982 reaffirmed 1989

Water Content of Concrete depends on: AggregatesShape/ Size/ Texture Workability W/c ratio Cement/ Cementitious Content Chemical Admixtures Environmental conditions

Table 2 Maximum Water Content per cubic meter of Concrete for Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate

S. No.

i) ii) iii)

Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate mm 10 20 40

Maximum Water Content (1) Kg 208 186 165

Note These quantities of mixing water are for use in computing cementitious material content for trial batches. (1) Water content corresponding to Saturated Surface Dry Aggregate.

Description Angular C.Agg. 20 50 mm slump Sub-angular Aggregate Gravel with some crushed particles Rounded Gravels Plasticizers Super Plasticizers Increase in slump by 25 mm

Adjustment 0 - 10 kg/ m3 - 20 kg/ m3 - 25 kg/ m3 - (5% 10%) - (20% - 30%) + 3% and/ or establish by trial

Calculate the Cementitious Content from w/c ratio and the final water content worked out after adjustments. Adopt the Higher of the Cementitious content as calculated above and that recommended from the durability re quirement.

Adjustments to Minimum Cement Contents for Aggregates Other Than 20 mm Nominal Maximum Size Aggregates as per IS 456:2000

MSA 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm

Adjustment + 40 Kg/ m3 0 - 30 kg/ m3

Description W/c ratio of 0.5 Every + 0.05 change in w/c ratio Every - 0.05 change in w/c ratio For Pumpable Mix

Adjustment 0 - 0.01 + 0.01 - 10%

A) Volume of Cement = (Mass of Cement/ S.G. of cement)*1/1000 B) Volume of Water= (Mass of Water/ S.G. of water)*1/1000 C) Volume of Admixture = (Mass of Admixture/ S.G. of admixture)*1/1000 D) Volume of Aggregates= 1 (A+B+C) E) Volume of Coarse Aggregate = (D) * Vol. % of C.A. (as per S4) * S.G. of C.A. *1000 F) Volume of Fine Aggregate= (D) * Vol. % of F.A. (as per S4) * S.G. of F.A. * 1000

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