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Development and Stuff

By: Abe

CLEAVAGE!: But not the fun kind!!! (low yield)

At about 3 days= MORULA

DAY 4: The zygote is divided into 2 parts Oucer cells = Trophoblast (Future Placenta!!) INNER CELL MASS OR EMBRYOBLAST This is the BLASTOCYST Chills for 2 days before implanting, zona pellucida needs to break off!


1. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ovulation Fertilization Cleavage, morula, blastocyst Zona pellucida disappears Trophoblast invades superficial epithelium

THE SECOND WEEK of Development

The 7th to 8th day: INNER CELL MASS becomes 2 layers: 1. Top is Columnar layer: EPIBLAST 2.Cuboidal layer underneath: HYPOBLAST These two cell layers form the BILAMINAR GERM DISC.

The 7th to 8th day:

THE INVASIVE TROPHOBLAST DIFFERENTIATES INTO 2 LAYERS: SYNCYTIOTROPHOBLAST: aka badass layer, it just takes what it wants! CYTOTROPHOBLAST(continues with characteristics similar to original trophoblast, divides and provides new baby-cells to become syncytio-cells)

DAY 8: Amnioblasts form between the cytotrophoblast and germ layer. Push the Germ layer (Epi/Hypoblasts) and cytotrophoblast layer apart. Gab in between is amniotic cavity.

By the 9th to 10th Complete invasion!!!! NATIONAL FIBRIN PLUG DAY (HUGE DEAL!! Know the day fibrin plug forms.) Epiblast/Hypoblast is
currently sandwiched. Above is amniotic cavity and below is primitive yolk sac-


Syncytio layer aka (Mr.badass) continues to eat into the endometrium. Lacunar spaces begin to form within the Syncytio layer (You can't have too much awesome in contact with itself).
HEUSER'S (Exocoelomic)MEMBRANE This guy detaches from trophoblast layer and forms primitive yolk sac.

9th to 10th Day

The 11th to 12th Day :

Uterine lining grows over fibrin plug Embryoblast is really just chilling, letting the cytotrophoblast and Mr. Badass do most of the work. Day 12: Hypoblast has grown over Heuser's Membrane.

As the Syncytio layer eats its way into the endometrium, eventually it hits blood vessels. The blood that leaks out gushes into the lacunar spaces and forms the intial

circulation. Some blood may leak out (gross) and cause improper pregnancy dating!!!!! Day 13: The Hypoblasts that grew over Heuser's membrane proliferate and form Secondary Yolk sac.

11th to 12th Day

CYTOTROPHOBLAST Little nubs form, these are PRIMARY STEM VILLI will become important later.

13th Day

The extraembryonic coelom expands into a large cavity known as the CHORIONIC CAVITY. Extraembryonic mesoderm Covers inner part of cytotrophoblasts as well as outside of yolk sac! Extraembryonic mesoderm crosses the cavity only at the CONNECTING STALK, which connects the embryo to the cytotrophoblast. This stalk will become part of the UMBILICAL CORD.

The embryo is still a bilaminar germ disc, but in the future head [cephalic] region, the hypoblast is thickened. These columnar cells are firmly attached to the overlying epiblast. This region is called the PRECHORDAL PLATE.

Implantation sites: Where shit can go wrong. Fallopian is most common (90 percent of ectopics). If implantation is near cervix, placenta previa!!!

Formation of the Germ Layers (B) (B) Epiblast invaginate and some cells detach and form a new layer. This process requieres FGF which is made by epiblast cells . Some invaginated cells displace the hypoblast forming the endoderm , others tend to lie between the epiblast and endoderm thus forming the mesoderm. Cells remaining in the epiblast then form the ectodermal layer. Know what each cell line develops into!!!!


Formation of the Primitive streak (A) A) A groove forms with epiblasts bulging on either side The cephalic end of streak contains the primitive pit


Formation of the Notochord Notochord is made up of the invading mesodermal cells!

Mesodermal cells invade Between epiblast and endoderm except where cloacal and oropharyngeal membranes form. High yield!

Allantois Formation. outpouching ) of the yolk sac by day 16 that extends into the connecting stalk. Development of the urinary bladder. Blood vessels of the allantois become the umbilical arteries and vein. With bladder enlargement, allantois becomes the urachus which isrepresented as the median umbilical ligament in adults

Sagittal section, 17th day


Body asymmetry


Ectodermal Germ Layer Neurulation (Week 3) Notochord induces the ectodermal layer to get thicker/proliferate and form neural tube.


Stages of Neurulation

Closure of the cranial neuropore occurs at day 25-26 , whereas closure of the caudal neuropore occurs at day 27-28.


Clinical correlation
Fail to close at the head is anencephaly Failure to close at the bottom is Spina Bifida


Neurulation also produces some extra cells. These are Neural Crest cells and do other wonderful crap.

The surface ectoderm will then form the epidermis of the skin


With neural tube formation, ectodermal thickenings become visible in the cephalic region as otic and lens placodes Otic placode invaginates to form otic vesicles which will develop into structures for hearing and equilibrium Lens placode invaginates during 5th week to form the lens of the eyes


Derivatives of the Ectoderm (memorize)

This germ layer forms structures and organs that maintain contact with with the external world 1) Central nervous system 2) Peripheral nervous system 3) Sensory epithelium of ear , eye and nose 4) Epidermis of the skin including hair, nails and mammary glands 5) The anterior portion of the Pituitary gland 6) Enamal of teeth 7) Derivatives of Neural crest cells

Mesodermal Germ Layer (also memorize) By 17 days, mesodermal cells close to the midline form a) Paraxial mesoderm Forms somitomeres. These break apart and form scleratome (ribs), myotome(muscle) and dermatome (Dermis, NOT EPIDERMIS. b) Lateral plate mesoderm 2 outcomes. Parietal (body walls) vs Visceral (surrounds GI tube) c) Intermediate mesoderm - Kidneys and Genitals


Derivatives of Mesoderm (Memorize) 1)C.T., cartilage and bones ( except in the head and neck region) 2)Striated, smooth and cardiac muscles 3) Blood and lymph vessels, blood cells, and heart 4) Kidneys 5)Gonads and ducts 6)Cortex of adrenal gland NOT MEDULLA!!! That's Neural Crest!! 7)Spleen 8)Serous membranes lining the body cavities

Endodermal germ Layer

Folding happens Cephalocaudally and then laterally. This folding

process forms the gut tube as the endoderm gets swallowed in the folding process. By the head will be foregut By the tail will be hindgut The midgut temporarily communicates with the yolk sac by the vitelline duct. The oropharygeal membrane (composed of ectoderm and endoderm ) ruptures in week 4. Amiotic sac is not in direct communication. The cloacal membrane (ectoderm and endoderm) ruptures week 7. ANUS


Sagittal and Transverse sections


Derivatives of Endoderm (memorize) 1)Epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract 2)Epithelial lining of the respiratory tract 3)Parenchyma of the tonsils, thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus, liver and pancreas 4)Epithelial lining of the urinary bladder and most of the urethra 5)Epithelial lining of the tympanic cavity and auditory tube


We had a question on this: In What range is embryo the most sensitive to organ damage? (Weeks 3-8)


Blood vessel Formation- by 2 ways : 1)Vasculogenesis - vessels arising from blood islands 2) Angiogenesis - new vessels arising from existing vessels

(blood islands)
FGF2 FGF fibroblast growth factor VEGF VEGF- vascular endothelial

growth factor


21 Day Embryo--heart tubes fuse into a single tube that starts to beat at day 21-22


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